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private / ˈpraɪvət, ˈpraɪvɪt / adjective

for use by one person or group, not

for everyone OPP public
He made some notes for his private
distributor /dɪˈstrɪbjətə, dɪˈstrɪbjʊtə/
noun a company or person that
supplies shops and companies with
A distributor in an engine is a device
that sends electricity to each of the
spark plugs
distribution noun
aspect / ˈæspekt / noun one part of a
situation, idea, plan etc that has
many parts
aspect of
Dealing with people is the most
important aspect of my work.
sole / səʊl , soʊl /noun the flat
bottom part of a shoe, not including
the heel
the soles of her shoes
agenda / əˈdʒendə / noun a list of the
subjects to be discussed at a meeting

the next item (= subject ) on the

advantageous / ædvənˈteɪdʒəs/
adjective helpful and likely to make
you successful OPP disadvantageous

He was now in a more advantageous

advantageous to
advantageously adverb
aspiring / əˈspaɪərɪŋ / adjective
hoping to be successful in a
particular job, activity, or way of life

an aspiring young writers

aspire / əˈspaɪə / verb
To keep/lose track of somebody
/something to pay attention to
someone or something, so that you
know where they are or what is
happening to them, or to fail to do
It’s difficult to keep track of all the
new discoveries in genetics.
critic / ˈkrɪtɪk / noun someone
whose job is to make judgments
about the good and bad qualities of
art, music, films etc SYN reviewer
music/art/film/theatre/literary critic
a review by the theatre critic of the
‘Sunday Times’
stripe / straɪp / noun a line of colour,
especially one of several lines of
colour all close together
a shirt with black and white stripes
vertical/horizontal stripes
innovative / ˈɪnəvətɪv , ˈɪnəveɪtɪv /
adjective an innovative idea or way
of doing something is new, different,
and better than those that existed
an innovative approach to language
material / məˈtɪəriəl / noun the
things that are used for making or
doing something
a supply of building materials
formulate / ˈfɔːmjəleɪt, ˈfɔːmjʊleɪt /
verb to develop something such as a
plan or a set of rules, and decide all
the details of how it will be done
/sformulate a policy/plantrategy etc
He formulated Labour Party
education policy in 1922.
pellet / ˈpelət, ˈpelɪt / noun a small
ball of a substance
food pellets for rabbits
capsule / ˈkæpsjuːl / noun a small
plastic container with a substance or
liquid inside
donate / dəʊˈneɪt / verb to give
something, especially money, to a
person or an organization in order
to help them
donate something to somebody
Last year he donated $1,000 to cancer
well / wel / noun a deep hole in the
ground from which people take
She lowered her bucket into the well.
footage / ˈfʊtɪdʒ / noun cinema film
showing a particular event
old footage from the First World War
portfolio / pɔːtˈfəʊliəʊ / noun
a set of pictures or other pieces of
work that an artist, photographer
etc has done
You’ll need to prepare a portfolio of
your work.
aviary / ˈeɪviəri / noun a large cage
where birds are kept
commemorate / kəˈmeməreɪt / verb
to do something to show that you
remember and respect someone
important or an important event in
the past
a parade to commemorate the town’s
commemorative / kəˈmemərətɪv /
heirloom / ˈeəluːm / noun a valuable
object that has been owned by a
family for many years and that is
passed from the older members to
the younger members
a family heirloom
Alice Keller Jerry Halliwell.
Taylor Gary Hardwell
Linda Wong Barry Walls
Chris Owen Calvin
Young Novelists George Benson
Natasha Marsh Juliette White
Ron Brixton Granville
WingTip Brandywine
Hyde Park

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