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Put knowledge to work.

KYOCERA Document Solutions


©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.

Put knowledge to work.
Kyocera Document Solutions has championed
innovative technology since 1934.

We enable our customers to turn information

into knowledge, excel at learning and surpass others.

With professional expertise and a culture of empathetic

partnership, we help organisations put knowledge to
work to drive change.
• KYOCERA Summary
• KYOCERA Document Solutions Summary
• Business Field
• MFP & Printer Business
• ECM / CSP Solution Business
• Inkjet Business
• R&D / Production
• Global Network/Locations
• History / CSR Activities

©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
Summary of Kyocera Group

Corporate “ Respect the Divine and Love People ”

Motto Preserve the spirit to work fairly and honorably, respecting
people, our work, our company and our global community.

Management To provide opportunities for the material and intellectual growth of all our
Rationale employees, and through our joint efforts, contribute to the advancement of
society and humankind.
Consolidated Net Sales JPY1,838,938 million (as of March 31, 2022)
Group Companies 299 (including Kyocera Corporation as of March 31, 2022)
Group Employees 83,001 (Excluding non-consolidated subsidiaries and affiliates accounted for by the
equity method as of March 31, 2022)

Management Based on the Bond of Human Minds

K yo c e r a s t a r t e d a s a s m a l l , s ub ur b an f a c t o r y , w i t h n o m o n e y , c r e d e n t i a l s o r r e p u t a t i o n . W e h a d no t hi ng
t o r e l y o n b ut a l i t t l e t e c hno l o g y a nd 2 8 t r u s t w o r t h y c o l l e a g u e s .
N o n e t he l e s s , t he c o m p a ny e x p e r i e nc e d r a p i d g r o w t h b e c a u s e e v e r y o n e e x e r t e d t h e i r m a x i m u m e f f o r t s
a n d m a na g e r s d e v o t e d t h e i r l i v e s t o e a r n i n g t h e t r u s t o f e m p l o ye e s . W e w a n t e d t o b e a n e xc e l l e nt
c o m p a ny where a l l e m p l o ye e s c o ul d b e l i e ve i n e a c h o t h e r , a b an d o n s e l f i s h m o t i v e s , a n d b e t r u l y p r o ud
t o w o r k . T h i s d e s i r e b e c a m e t he f o un d a t i o n o f K y o c e r a ’ s m a n a g e m e n t .
H u m a n m i nd s a r e s a i d t o b e e a s i l y c h a n g e a b l e . Y e t , t h e r e i s n o t h i n g s t r o n g e r t h a n t h e hum a n m i n d .
K yo c e r a d e v e l o p e d i n t o w ha t i t i s t o d a y b e c au s e i t i s b a s e d o n t h e b o n d s o f h u m a n m i n d s .
Founder and Chairman Emeritus Kyocera Corporation Kazuo Inamori

©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
Summary of Kyocera Document Solutions

Corporate Name KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.

Global Headquarters 1-2-28 Tamatsukuri, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 540-8585 Japan
President Hironori Ando
Founded November 1934

Established July 1948   Mita Industrial Co., Ltd.

January 18, 2000   Name changed to KYOCERA Mita Corporation.
April 1, 2012   Name changed to KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.

Capital JPY12,000 million (100% KYOCERA Corporation)

Group Companies Group Employees

103 Including Kyocera Document Solutions Inc.

as of March 2022 24,337 As of March 2022

Consolidated Net Sales Consolidated Profit before Income Tax

JPY 366.6 billion As of March 2022 JPY 33.3 billion As of March 2022

©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
Kyocera Document Solutions in Figures
Consolidated Sales by Segment
Sales Revenue Others
As of March 2022
Global Network
by Segment 5.6 Document
in Kyocera Group

19.9% 18.4 Solutions

Business Companies

Electronic Breakdown
Components 53.5 of 53.5%

Core Components Tools Unit
Business 28.7
& Regions
※ Ot h e rs 1. 0% 、 A d j u s t me n t s an d e l i mi n at i o n s ( 1 . 6% )
Communications Unit
Through our 42 sales companies worldwide, we provide products
Kyocera Document Solutions is the business segment in the Kyocera and services to more than 160 countries and regions around the world.
Group, a global corporate group operating in a variety of fields,
accounting for approximately 1/5 of the group’s consolidated sales.

Trend in the Registered Patents


Scope of patents:
Electrophotographic field in Japan, USA, Europe, and China

We proactively invest in technological development.

The number of patents acquired on average in the latest 3 years has
reached 1,753/year.

©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
Business Fields

Providing the optimal solutions

for various business challenges.
Our strength lies not only in our products, but also our full range of comprehensive document
related services.

MFP & Printer Business

With our wide-ranging lineup, we offer products suitable for all office
environments from small to large-sized companies, featuring environmental
friendliness and economic viability.

ECM / CSP Solution Business

We provide ECM / CSP solutions which enhance work efficiency and
productivity by enabling companies to collectively manage all information
and data.

Inkjet Business
In response to diverse needs in the documents field, we are expanding into
new business fields. Based on our know-how cultivated through our MFP and
Printer business, we are developing inkjet printers for commercial and
industrial use.
©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
MFP & Printer Business①

A wide-ranging lineup of MFPs and Printers that are both ecological and economical.
TASKalfa MFPs ECOSYS Printers
Named by combining the words “task” and “alfa” We provide document solutions based on long-life
(meaning “No. 1” or “the best” ), these MFPs technology that are both ecological and economical.
contribute to enhancing work efficiency. Equipped with ECOSYS Printers were first launched in 1992, and in
Kyocera’s original and highly reliable technology, they 1997, became the first page printer in the world to be
address various challenges our customers face in their awarded Germany’s prestigious Blue Angel certification
operations. for environmentally friendly products.
The Blue Angel is an environmental certification that was
Most Reliable Color Copier MFP Brand first established in 1978 by the German Federal
TASKalfa series were awarded the “Most Reliable Color Environment Agency. The certification is awarded to
Copier MFP Brand” by the US-based research institute products and services that not only feature environmental
BLI. friendliness, but also meet high standards of occupational
safety and health, as well as quality of use.

“Only Toner” Design

ECOSYS products incorporate an “Only Toner” Design. When refilling toners, it is possible to replace
only the toner container without changing other parts. This results in a reduced running cost and the
contribution to environmental conservation.

©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
MFP & Printer Business②

Our Proprietary Toner

 The total energy consumption is reduced by half by achieving a
fuser temperature 30°C lower than conventional products. PSLP Drum
 Environmental conservation is achieved with no organic solvent
and extremely low volume of water used in the production.
 A uniform toner layer is formed to achieve clear and smooth
image representation.
Toner diagram
Thin shell layer a-Si Drum
Sharp melting core
PSLP ※Drum
Sharp melting polymer Functional particulate Our organic photoreceptor drums offer stable electrical
properties throughout its product life. More than 300,000
pages can be printed without replacing parts.
The Three Advantages
※PSLP : Positive -charged Single Layer Photoconductor

a-Si Drum (amorphous silicon)

We use amorphous silicon (a-Si), featuring a high degree of
Energy efficiency Ecology High image quality
Cut down energy New manufacturing Expanded color
hardness, in our photoreceptor drums that form the core of
consumption with methods to reduce reproduction area MFPs and Printers. This allows for the printing of more than 1
low fusing temperatures environmental burden
million pages.
©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
ECM / CSP Solution Business

Business environments are changing at an unprecedented pace today as home and office hybrid workplaces continue to
become the norm.
However, not all people working in organizations are able to catch up with these changes. Time, effort, cost and
knowledge are necessary to adopt new ways of working and new values.
As a partner, we offer ECM ※1 / CSP※2 solutions based on the concept of “Put knowledge to work,” which support
customers transform their information into knowledge and make use of that knowledge in their operations.
As the volume of business information continues to grow exponentially, ECM / CSP solutions contribute to improving
business productivity by enabling the integration, recognition, classification and utilization of data which exists in a wide
variety of formats and across various business systems.
For example, ECM / CSP solutions can automate
workflows such as approval processes, and work
seamlessly with core company systems and
databases, thus enabling users to access this data
across the organization from desktop or mobile
Kyocera also provides Information & Communication
Technology, or ICT, services that connect various
products and services in a network environment to
build and operate the necessary information
infrastructure. We provide solutions that are tailored
to each
*1ECM customer’s
( Enterprise unique )business
Content Management environment.
solutions support organizations to share,
  manage, and utilize their information (paper / digital documents, image data,
  sound files etc.) in a single unified system.

*2 CSP ( Content Services Platform ) solutions support organizations in generating

    knowledge from their information with cutting edge technology such as AI and
    cloud services, in addition to information sharing, management and utilization.

©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
Inkjet Business

The need for on-demand printing is becoming increasingly diversified as digitization accelerates. Based on
the know-how we have cultivated in office printers and MFPs, we are developing the inkjet business for
commercial and industrial applications such as catalogs, direct mails, cloths and films.

High Productivity
The TASKalfa Pro enables 150ppm printing and can continuously print 9,000 pages an hour
continuously. The system features a maximum input capacity of 14,950 sheets and can stack up to
15,200 sheets in output (TASKalfa Pro 15000c).
Our Proprietary Ink
Kyocera’s water-based pigment inks, featuring excellent light resistance, water resistance and color
development capability, enable to achieve high-quality images.

Wide Variety of Media

The TASKalfa Pro can print on a wide variety of media with different sizes,
thicknesses and types by adjusting the distance between
the inkjet heads and sheets.

TASKalfa Pro

©2020 KYOCERADocument
Document Solutions
Solutions Inc.
R&D / Production

Providing products and services in the best quality,

with new technology and challenging spirits.

New Technological Development

 Innovation through new technologies, such as model-based design, deep
learning, IoT and robotic.
 Employees with challenging spirits, committed to support the business of
our customers.
 R&D sites around the world are unified by the R&D Center at the global
Smart Factories
 Manufactured in four countries: Japan, China, Vietnam, and Czech
 Providing value in all aspects of QCD* by advancing our smart
 Robot-automated production, as well as use of AI and IoT in data
analysis to prevent defects in the production line.
 Speedy and stable product supply chain with an integrated system
from orders to production and shipment.

*QCD = Quality, Cost, and Delivery 11

©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
Global Network / Sales & Customer support

Sales Company Group Company

Global Headquarters,R&D Japanese Sales Company

Center & Japanese Sales Tokyo Headquarters
Osaka Headquarters
(Osaka, Japan)

European Headquarters
(Hoofddorp, The Netherlands)

Asian Headquarters
American Headquarters
(Hong Kong)
(New Jersey, USA)

Sales Sites in North, Central, and South America Sales Sites in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa Group Companies
USA / Canada / Mexico / Brazil / Chile Germany / UK / France / Italy / Netherlands / Belgium / Spain / Portugal / TA Triumph-Adler (Germany)
Switzerland / Austria / Ceyoniq (Germany)
Russia / South Africa / Sweden / Norway / Denmark / Finland / Turkey / Alos (Germany)
Czech Republic / Slovakia / UAE   OPTIMAL SYSTEMS (Germany)
Annodata (UK)
Sales Sites in Asia and Oceania EVER TEAM SOFTWARE (France)
Databank (USA)
South Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan / Thailand / Singapore /
HUON IT (Australia)
India / Vietnam / Malaysia / Japan / China / Australia / New Zealand

©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.

Global Network /R&D ・ Production Site
Japan (Osaka) Japan (Kanagawa)

Global Headquarters
R&D Center(Osaka)
China (Shilong)

San Francisco (USA) Czech

Hong Kong

Japan (Mie)

Los Angels ( USA )

Vietnam (Hai Phong) Philippines (Cebu)

R&D Sites
USA (San Francisco and Los Angeles) / Vietnam (Hai Phong) / Philippines (Cebu) / Japan (Osaka, Mie and Kanagawa)

Manufacturing-Related Sites
China (Shilong) / Vietnam (Hai Phong) / Japan (Osaka and Mie) / Czech Republic / Hong Kong
©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
・ Establishment of a
sales company in
History the Vietnam and Malaysia

Our company was founded in 1934 as Mita Industrial and expanded its business
throughout the world, mainly in Europe and US, as a manufacturer of copiers for
professional use. We joined the Kyocera Group in 2000. By combining Kyocera ・ M&A with OPTIMAL SYSTEMS
Corporation’s printer technology and our MFP technology cultivated over the years, ・ M&A with Alos (Germany)
we have continuously provided eco-friendly products to our customers. (Germany)

・ M&A with Annodata (UK)

・ Establishment
・ Establishment of an R&D site of a toner plant ・ Establishment of a
・ Name changed to ・ M&A with EVER TEAM
in San Francisco, USA In the Czech sales company in
“Kyocera Mita Corporation” SOFTWARE (France)
・ Establishment of Global HQ Republic the Czech Republic
・ Jointed the Kyocera Group
R&D Center(Osaka, Japan) and Slovakia
・ Name changed to 2018
“KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.” 2017
2012 ・ Introduction of
2011 total automated
2003 2008 2009 production line
2001 2002 for color toner
containers at the ・ Establishment of
Mie plant(Japan) the Minatomirai
・ Unification of research center
Kyocera Corporation’s
printer division ・ Establishment of a sales
company in Turkey
・ Establishment of
the Vietnam plant
・ Establishment of the
China plant (Shilong)
・ M&A with Databank ・ M&A with HUON IT
・ M&A withTA ・ Establishment of a software (Australia)
Group (USA)
development company
in the Philippines
・ M&A with Ceyoniq
Technology (Germany)
©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
CSR Activities

Efforts to Improve Our Workplace Environment Social Contribution Activities

Kyocera Group’s efforts

Health & Productivity Management Organization

2022 Certification
Support for the Inamori Support for
Under the large enterprise category in the Certified Health
Foundation’s Kyoto Prize Kyoto Sanga F.C.
& Productivity Management Organization Recognition
Program established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade Kyocera Document Solutions Group’s efforts
and Industry, we were certified as an
enterprise/organization that showed particular excellence
in the field of health and productivity management.

Elementary School Participation in

Special Science Classes Charity Marathon
Global Headquarters and Hirakata Plant Philippines R&D Site
Childrearing Support Enterprise Certification (Osaka, Japan)

We have been certified as a “Health and Safety Superior

Enterprise” under the “System for Announcing Health and
Safety Superior Enterprises” by the Japanese Ministry.

Establishment of Volunteer
“Kyocera Classes” Cleaning Activities
China Plant (Shilong, China) Australia Sales Company

©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
1-2-28 Tamatsukuri, Chuo-ku, Osaka
540-8585 Japan
Tel. +81-6-6764-3555

Contents are current as of June 2022.

©2022 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.

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