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Lesson 2: Working With Shape

Let’s See
At the end of the lesson , we should be able to:
1. Add shape effects.
2. Add text in a shape
3. Rotate shapes in any direction.

Let’s ask ourselves

How do we add shape effects to a shape
How do we add text in a shape
How do we rotate a shape
Sophia is turning 8
And you are invited

Saturday, September 14, 2018

From 1 to 4 p.m.

We can also make attractive invitations and other types of documents by

using shapes tools. We can format the shapes by adding text and effects, and
by rotating them, let us learn how to do the all.
Shape Tools
First, on a new blank document, insert any desired shape. Here are the
steps to do it.

1. Go to insert tab.
2. From the illustration group, click shapes.
3. choose a shape from the list. The example below is a cloud shape

Shape when changing the format of our shape, the first is to always select the shape itself. Notice the tiny boxes at the corners
and the rotating arrow at the center. This means the shape is selected. The tiny boxes are called resizing handles.

Let us make it bigger. Click, hold, and drag one of he resizing handles found at the corner.

When changing the fill color and outline color of the shape, we double-click it to automatically display drawing tools contextual
format tab.
1. Fill color
a. click shape fill.
b. choose a color.(in the example on the next page, the fill color is light blue.)
2. Outline color
a. Click shape color
b. Choose a color. ( in the example on the next page, the fill color is dark blue.)
With new fill and outline colors

Shape Effects
Shape Effects, such as Shadow, Glow, or 3-D format, give visual effects to the selected shape.
To add shadow to the shape, double-click the shape to open the Drawing Tools Contextual Format
tab. Afterward, we:
1. Choose Shape Effects.
2. 2. Click Shadow.
3. 3. Select any of the choices.

Original with shadow

Let us add more effects. This time, we will make the previous example glow.
From the Drawing Tools Contextual Format tab, we:
1. Choose Shape Effects.
2. Click Glow.
3. Select any of the choices.

With shadow with shadow & glow

We are not done yet! Let us add 3-D effects to our shape. From the Drawing Tools Contextual Format tab, we:
1. Choose Shape Effects.
2. Click Bevel.
3. Select any of the choices.

with shadow & glow with shadow & glow & 3-D effects
We can always go back and try other Shape Effects. If we Want to remove the effect, just go back to the
list and choose the first option. For example, choose No Bevel

Shape Rotation
We can also rotate selected shapes in different directions.
This can also give a different look to our shape.
Here is an example:

There are two (2) ways to rotate our shape, We can: Original with shadow & glow
1. Double-click the shape to open the Drawing Tools Contextual Format tab.
2. Click Arrange.
3. Choose Rotate,
4. Choose from the options or click More Rotation Options...
5. Type in a number of degrees under Rotation, then Rotate.
We can:
1. Click the shape.
2. Point toward the circular arrow that is normally found at the center.
3. Click and drag it to the left or right.

Text in a Shape
We can also add text inside the shape like the example below.
to add text in the shape, we:
1. Right-click the shape.
2. Choose Edit Text and type in any words.

To format the text in the shape, we:

1. Go to the Home tab.
2. Select font group to format the text.
Text Box and WordArt also have the same Contextual tab, We can also apply Shape Effects to
both tools.
Imagine what designs we can make using Shape Effects and text in our shapes. With our new
skills, we can help others in designing documents,

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