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Роботу виконав:
Смолінський Артем Сергійович
Учень 9А класу
Навчально-виховного комплексу «Загальноосвітня школа
I-III ступенів-гімназія»
М. Шепетівка
Editing is an expression of the same thing, but in other
Alan Perlis
Objective of work:

■ Explore the concept of slang and its role in modern linguistics

■ Explore reasons for the growing prevalence of slang in Ukrainian and
English media
Object and article of research

■ A research object is units of slang, that meet in the language of teenagers,
 in computer games and social networks.
■ The article of research is functioning of slang in colloquial discourse of 
modern English and pragmatic aspects of the use of slangisms of the Engl
ish-language origin in Ukrainian.
Research actuality

■ Research actuality consists in that the study of modern English slang

presents the special interest for professional translators, teachers, people
who is interested in English, ready to valuable perception of modern, far
not always literary language that gets to English literature and video-
culture .
■ Units of slang in colloquial discourse absorbed for itself not only in-
words of marginal groups but also became one of the most powerful
channels of their popularization and assimilation in general slang, and on
occasion, in the colloquial vocabulary of literary language.
Slang as a source of vocabulary

■ A slang is one of sources of addition to the vocabulary of literary English

and one of elements of the English culture. Language processes that is
opened out in слензі do him a natural experimental laboratory for a
supervision above language changes in a social context.
■ Educational material for research presents by a soba language of popular
among teenagers videogames and language of commonunication of
teenagers in social
Task of research:

1. To define the concept of дискурсу and, in particular, colloquial дискурсу of
 modern English.
2. In theory to investigate the concept of slang and problem of his classificatio
3. To analyse and define the features of functioning of slang in colloquial диск
урсі of modern English.
Research methods were used depending on his stages and concrete tasks put o
n each of them.
■ On the first stage of research, that can be named acquainting, the walkthr
ough of literature was executed after a select theme and scientific concept
ion of research is formed. The methods of generalization, 
systematization, comparison were thus used.
■ On the second stage the method of continuous selection was used - thus fr
om the dictionaries of English got out to the slang of word and expression
s that meet in computer games and social networks.

■ On the third stage the method of когнітивної interpretation of data was u
sed.The practical value of work consists because research material can be
 used on practical employments after English and practice of  translation
The scientific novelty of work

■ The scientific novelty of work consists in that the stylistic and pragmatic
features of the use of youth and criminal slang are first determined on the
example of language of commonunication of modern

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