Collecting and Generating Quantitative Data

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What is Quantitative Data?
• Quantitative research involves the collection of numerical data by using close-
ended or multiple-choice questions.
• The data collection method adopted by the researcher can vary; however, it is
essential to choose an appropriate method for better results. 
• In quantitative research, the questions asked must be objective and easy to
understand on the audience’s part to collect and examine the received data. 
• Quantitative data analysis includes two statistical analyses: descriptive and
• To be able to conclude data with data as a whole is descriptive statistic analysis. 
• On the other hand, highlighting statistical significance in the difference between two or
more data groups is inferential statistic analysis.
Quantitative data collection methods
• Five types of data collection methods in quantitative research:

• Surveys & Questionnaire

• Interviews 
• Observation
• Existing Data/Document Review
• Probability Sampling
1. Survey
• Surveys aid in collecting data from a group or a large number of people.
• Surveys are ideal for both Quantitative and Qualitative research.
• It is among the most popular data collection methods in research along with
• In the case of quantitative data collection, you need to create surveys with closed-
ended questions to gather numerical data.
2. Interviews
• The interview involves a direct conversation between the researcher and the respondents.
Usually, it includes face-to-face, telephone, or computer-assisted interviews. 
• There are three different types of interviews, each with another purpose. 
• Structured Interview:
• It is the base-level interview that is generally short and is verbally administered. It lacks depth, but 
structured interviews are helpful when the researcher requires some basic information and is time-
• Semi-structured Interviews:
• The researcher has more freedom in a semi-structured interview to explore the relevant subject matter.
It involves questions on the scope of the areas required and intended to be explored. 
• Unstructured Interviews:
• It involves in-depth questioning and discussion to collect and analyze a broad range of information. It is
more time-consuming. 
• These are the two quantitative data collection methods you can use to conduct
• Face-to-face
A popular mode of interview, face-to-face interviews have the advantage of detailed
discussion between the researcher and the participant. The response rate in a face-to-
face interview is often higher, even if it is time-consuming and expensive. The
quantitative data collected is also detailed.

• Telephone
Telephone interview is more expensive, and there is always a higher chance of the
respondent refusing to participate in the survey. Moreover, there can be other technical
issues. However, with the advancement of technology, a slightly more advanced version
of the telephonic interview is online video call interviews.
3. Observation
• The researcher either observes the audience as an observer, as a participant, an
observer as a participant, or a participant as an observer.
• It is a simple method of collecting data where the researcher has to blend in with
the environment. 
• The researcher collects the quantitative data visually depending on their keen
• Moreover, the advantage of the observation research method is that it does not
create an awkward situation when the respondent is unwilling to participate. 
• Three types of observational research:
• Naturalistic / Non-Participant Observation
• Participant Observation
• Structured / Contrived Observation
Naturalistic Observation
• “When a researcher observes and records behaviour in a natural setting without intervening in
any way” e.g., observing from a distance school children’s behaviour in the playground

Participant Observation
• “In participant observation, the researcher engages in the same activities as the people being
observed in order to observe and record their behavior”
• Two types:
• Undisguised observation: Participants are aware that they are being observed and may modify their
• Disguised observation: Participants are not aware they are being observed, which poses ethical issues
(e.g., use of deception) and potentially safety issues
Structured Observation
• The researcher manipulates the situation to see the behaviours which will be expressed.
Such observations may be disguised or undisguised.
• e.g. Piaget’s cognitive development studies

• Before the age of 6-7, a child will focus on the spread of the marbles not the number. Bigger
spread = more marbles
4. Existing Data
• Existing data is a method to gather verifiable and quantifiable data from existing data.
These records are easily accessible. The researcher can add new information along with
the data derived from the existing documents.
• Research journals and survey records tools are used to analyze existing data and
establish new quantitative data. 
• Public records:
• Annual policy reports, student activity reports, and other reports that document reviews and ongoing
records are examples of public records. 
• Personal records:
• Personal records include documents about an individual’s private details. Height, weight, and other
such behavior, physique, etc., fall under this category.
• Physical evidence:
• Physical evidence is documents kept in the record by an individual or an organization.
5. Probability Sampling
• A random selection of members in the sample population is the basic idea of
• Although this method does not define the channel used, this is a critical
quantitative data collection method. 
• The researcher is capable of making statements based on the information
obtained from the target audience.
• The data is collected in a random manner which disrupts any possibility of bias. 
• Types of probability research methods used to collect quantitative data are: 
• Simple Random Sampling:
• In simple random sampling method, members of the population are selected randomly. Every member has a
chance of selection. 

• Systematic Sampling:
• In systematic sampling, type members are chosen at a set interval. The researcher systematically selects the
population—for example, every 5th or 10th person from the list. 

• Stratified Sampling:
• This sampling method allows the researcher to divide a population into units to create a sample. For example,
the researcher can select a set of males or females in the model using a stratified sampling method. 
• Having established the different quantitative data collection methods, let’s take a look at the characteristics
of quantitative data.
Characteristics of quantitative data
• Quantitative data are easy to collect and analyze.
• Numerical:
• Quantitative data, because of its numerical feature, is definitive and objective. The data,
illustrated and quantified, makes it more reliable. 
• Comprehensive:
• The data gathered in quantitative data gives a precise result when the data is robust.
However, if the information is weak, the result will be unstable. Good quality, robust,
and proven data will lead you to insightful, knowledgeable, and actionable results. 
• Discrete as well as Continuous Data:
• Discrete quantitative data possess finite numbers. Continuous quantitative data,
however, has the possibility of having fractions and decimals

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