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Problems on Refrigeration

Problem 1
A standard vapor compression cycle using Freon
22 operates on simple saturation cycle gives a
refrigeration effect of 15 TR at 40˚C condensing
temperature and 5˚C evaporating temperature.
– Refrigeration circulation rate in kg/s.
– Power required by the compressor in kW.
– Coefficient of performance.
– Compressor discharge temperature.
h1 = 407 kJ/kg
T3 = 40C H3 = h4 = 249.65 kJ/kg
T1 = 5C S1 = S2 = 1.7450 kJ/kgK
RE = 15 TR S2= Sg + Cp ln (Tsup/Tsat)
R-22 1.7450 = 1.6985 + 0.995 ln(T2/(273+40))
To find: T2 = 333K
T2 = 56 C = 328 K
m, W, COP & T2
h2 = hg + cp (Tsup-Tsat) = 416.25 + 0.995
Soln.: ( 328 – 313) =
h2 = 432 kJ/kg
= (h1-h4) / (h2-h1)
= (405 – 250) / (432 – 405)
COP = 5.74
Wc = RE/COP = 155/5.74 = 27 kJ/kg
RE = 15 TR  1 TR = 3.5kW
S1 = S2 = 1.7450 = 15*3.5 = 52.5 kW
RE = kW = m*RE in kJ/kg
S2= Sg + Cp ln (T2/T1)
m = RE in kW/ RE in kJ/kg = 52.5 / 155
1.7450 = 1.6985 + 0.761 ln(T2/278) m = 0.3387 kg/s
T2 = Wc = Wc in kJ/kg * m = 0.3387 * 27
Wc =9.145kW
The theoretical Displacement = m * Sp. Vol. at
suction (before compressor entry)
= Total displacement / no. of cyl.
Volume of the cyl = pi /4 * d2 * l
Problem 2

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