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1. Methods of philosophizing in which truth is based on

exercising choices and personal freedom.
2. It is a defect in an argument other than its having false
3. Analytic Philosophy is also known as __________.
4. This type of fallacy means whatever has not been proved
false must be true, and vice versa.
5. Reasoning is based from observation in order to make
Fact or Opinion
6. Samar National School is one of the populous
secondary school in Samar.
7. Ludwig Beethoven wa2s a German composer and a
8. Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. was the 10th President of the
9. Confucius is a philosopher.
10. Cebu was the first capital city of the Philippines
1. Describe the taste of water.
2. Describe the color blue to a blind
3. Ask students if the tip of their elbow
can reach their chin.
Human Person as an
Embodied Spirit
Things that I Things that I
can do cannot do
8 – 11
12 – 15
16 up
Terms we need to understand

always pointed toward exists

exclusively for God

our humanity that makes us feel

Soul emotions.
Terms we need to understand
Man it is generally and commonly define to
represent the entire human race.

term used to refer for various

Human classifications and species.

Human term used to separate man from other

Being Human Classifications like animals.
Terms we need to understand
Being Is displaying characteristics that
Human are unique to human beings.
General term refers to the deepest
Human and natural behavior of a person
Nature that distinguish human from
A collective trait that formed and
considered the very essence of
Terms we need to understand
Being Is displaying characteristics that
Human are unique to human beings.
General term refers to the deepest
Human and natural behavior of a person
Nature that distinguish human from
A collective trait that formed and
considered the very essence of
What is Embodied Spirit?
Embodied spirit is an animating core living
within each of us.
It is known to be the driving force behind
what we actually think, do and say. It is indeed
the reflections of our total being by which our
sensations lead to our human feelings, emotions
and decision.
Two general kinds to distinguish
a human person
1. Cognitive Self is the essential
components of a human persons that
which includes human persons’ belief,
desire, dreams, and intentions.
Two general kinds to distinguish
a human person
2. Physical Self. which deals with the essential
features of the human way of life or THE WHO
OF A PERSON which includes his/her body
type, strength and appearances.
• Exceeding usual limits
• Extending or lying beyond the limits of
ordinary experience
• Being beyond the limits of all possible
experience and knowledge.
Our mind is an important tool that allows
us to go beyond many of our physical
limits. As persons, we are able to exercise
our imagination and reflection to beyond
our own thoughts and experiences.
• Something that might be done or might
• Abilities or qualities that make someone or
something better in the future.
Direction: Put a (√) if the statement if you agree with the
statement and an (x) if you don’t agree.

 One of the four noble truth is that suffering is cause by passionate

desires, lusts, cravings
 Cognitive-self deals with the essential features of the human way of
 It will you make become less of a human if you lose any of your
body part.
 Right speech is abstaining from verbal offenses such as lying,
divisive speech, unforgiving speech, and irrational speech.
 Religion and philosophy teach human beings to overcome our
Learning Task:
Recognize how the human body imposes limits and
possibilities for transcendence

Instructional Objective:
Relate personal limits and opportunities in real
world scenario
Think-Pair Share!
Think-Pair Share!
Body Part Insurance
If you are given a chance to sell your
body parts, what is it? How much?
Body Parts Insurance
Tom Jones's chest hair— $7 million
Dolly Parton's breasts— $600,000
Riverdance creator and star Michael Flatley's feet—
$39 million
Winemaker Ilja Gort’s nose —$8 million
Heidi Klum's right leg— 1.2 million
Heidi Klum’s left leg—$1 million [there's a scar on
Human Person as Embodied Spirit

1. Self-awareness
2. Externality
3. Self-determination
4. Dignity
Human Person as Embodied Spirit
1. “Self-awareness refers to person having a clear perception of
oneself, including his or her thoughts, emotions, identity, and
actions (Abella, 2016).” It is the ability of one’s consciousness to
look inward thus discovering the presence of a self.

2. A human person is able to connect and interact with another

person, an animal or an inanimate object. We call this externality.
So even though human beings have interiority they are not
trapped inside their heads. They are able to go beyond their
limited selves and embrace others.
Human Person as Embodied Spirit
3. We are not determined by others. Because we have interiority;
we can direct the course of our own life. This is what we call self-
determination which is “the capability of persons to make choices
and decisions based on their own preferences, monitor and
regulate their actions, and be goal oriented and self-directed”
(Abella 2016) Thus human beings are free.

4. Finally, a human person has an inherent value and importance.

This is what we call dignity. That is why no amount of money can
equal the value of a human life.
Human Person as Embodied Spirit
3. We are not determined by others. Because we have interiority;
we can direct the course of our own life. This is what we call self-
determination which is “the capability of persons to make choices
and decisions based on their own preferences, monitor and
regulate their actions, and be goal oriented and self-directed”
(Abella 2016) Thus human beings are free.

4. Finally, a human person has an inherent value and importance.

This is what we call dignity. That is why no amount of money can
equal the value of a human life.
Human Transcendence
St. Thomas Aquinas, a philosopher said that “of all
creatures, human beings have the unique power to
change themselves and things for the better.” (Ramos,
Human Transcendence
St. Thomas Aquinas, a philosopher said that “of all
creatures, human beings have the unique power to
change themselves and things for the better.” (Ramos,
Human Transcendence
St. Thomas Aquinas, a philosopher said that “of all
creatures, human beings have the unique power to
change themselves and things for the better.” (Ramos,
The Four Noble
Life is full of suffering
2. Suffering is cause by passionate
desires, lusts, cravings
3. Only as these are obliterated, will
suffering cease.
4. Such eradication of desire may be
accomplished only by following
the Eightfold Path of earnest
Right belief

Right aspiration

Right Speech
Right belief

Right meditation Right aspiration

Right mindfulness Right Speech

Right endeavor Right Conduct

Right means of
1/ 2 Crosswise:
Revitalize Me
My Limitations Plan Towards Transcendence

In a Long Bond Paper do the instruction below.
Not all heroes wear capes, some of them wear
uniforms. As a student you can be a hero, choose a
hero/heroine. Make your own version of Super Hero by
drawing them online or with you own hands. Give the
qualities you want to have, tag line you want to
remember from you and what will you do to conquer
the challenges posed by this pandemic?

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