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Materials Engineering and Processing

ENGD 2105D

Phase Diagram

By: Dr. Abdalellah Mohmmed

Equilibrium Binary Phase Diagrams

Case 1: A and B completely miscible –

Isomorphous Systems (e.g. Cu-Ni system)
Melting T
Liquid of pure Ni

Liquidus line Notes:
T (oC) • pure metals melt
or solidify at a
1200 Solidus line
constant T
Melting T • alloys melt or
of pure Cu
a solidify over a
1000 T range
0 20 40 60 80 100
(Cu) % Ni (Ni)
Equilibrium Binary Phase Diagrams

Case 1: e.g. Cu-Ni system - Interpretation

Information for a 1600

phase diagram: Liquid

(1) Phases present
(2) Composition of 1400
Liquidus line
each phase T (oC)
(3) Relative amount a+L

1200 Solidus line

Take 60%Cu-40%Ni a
as an example 1000
0 20 40 60 80 100
(Cu) % Ni (Ni)
Equilibrium Binary Phase Diagrams

Case 1: (1) Phases present – function of T

60%Cu-40%Ni: 1600

At 1050oC: a Liquid
At 1150oC: a 1400
Liquidus line
T (oC)
At 1220oC: a+Liquid a+L

1200 Solidus line

At 1320oC: Liquid
Thus, knowing (%, T),
the phases present can 0 20 40 60 80 100
be predicted (Cu) % Ni (Ni)
Equilibrium Binary Phase Diagrams
Case 1: (2) Phase composition: how much %Ni?
60%Cu-40%Ni: 1600

At 1050oC: a: 40%Ni Tie line

At 1150oC: a: 40%Ni 1400 Liquid
At 1320oC: Liquid: T (oC)

40%Ni 1200
At 1220oC: a + Liquid 1000
48%Ni 28%Ni 0 20 40 60 80 100
(Cu) % Ni (Ni)
Equilibrium Binary Phase Diagrams

Case 1: (2) Phase composition: how much %Ni?

Single phase:
composition =
alloy composition 1300

Two phases: T (oC)
1) Draw a tie line at T
Tie line
2) Intercept with 1200
liquidus: liquid phase
3) Intercept with solidus: 40
20 30
a phase composition % Ni
(3) Phase amounts: how much a/L phase?
Single phase: 100% =Ca-C0
Two phases: 1300 =C0-CL
(1) Draw a tie line at T T ( C)

(2) Determine compositions
of the two phases: Ca & CL
(3) Determine the segment 1200 R S
lengths in the tie line: R&S
(4) Lever Rule: Wa+WL=1 CL C0 Ca
R 20 30 40 50
Wa = mass fraction % Ni
S total tie line
WL = = Ca-CL
R+S length
(3) Phase amounts: Lever Rule
In this example R S
• overall composition of the CL C0 Ca
alloy: C0=40 wt%Ni
• a phase composition: Ca=48 wt%Ni
• liquid phase composition: CL=28 wt%Ni
Mass fraction of a: Wa = R/(R+S) = (C0-CL)/(Ca-CL)
= (40-28)/(48-28) = 0.6
Mass fraction of L: WL = S/(R+S) = (Ca-C0)/(Ca-CL)
= (48-40)/(48-28) = 0.4
Thus: Wa + WL = 0.6+0.4 =1 To check: C0=40 ??
C0 = WaxCa + WLxCL= 0.6x48 + 0.4x28 = 40
Case 1: Development of microstructure –
Slow cooling Cu-35 wt%Ni alloy from liquid
a start to form composition
46Ni L L of first a
1300 (35Ni)
a+ L
T (oC)
more a formed

a nearly all a
20 30 40 50
% Ni
Case 1: Development of microstructure –
Slow cooling Cu-35 wt%Ni alloy from liquid
L composition solidification
change starts
in this way composition
1300 of first a

T (oC)

a composition
composition change in this may
of last liquid
require very
finishes slow cooling
to effect
atomic diffusion
20 30 40 50
% Ni
Case 1: Development of microstructure –
Slow cooling Cu-35 wt%Ni alloy from liquid
A few points to note:
1. Development of equil. structure requires slow cooling:
(1) Compositions of liquid and solid phases are different:
atoms have to move around – diffusion: require time
(2) The solid phase formed at different times has different
composition: require atomic diffusion to achieve
uniform composition in the same phase.

Solidification will be delayed

2. Under fast cooling: Diffusion will be more difficult –
less time available
Composition will be non-uniform
Case 1: Non-equilibrium microstructure –
Fast cooling Cu-35 wt%Ni alloy from liquid
The overall comp.
Fast cooling L L of the a-phase
follow this line
1300 (35Ni)
a +L
T (oC) L(28Ni) a(46Ni)
Solidification does
not complete here
But complete Final cored structure:
here Final a non-uniform Ni% -
a core: highest
20 30 40 50
% Ni
Case 1: Non-equilibrium microstructure –
Consequences of Fast Cooling
(1) Non-uniform composition within a grain of
the same phase
(2) Cored structure: the core rich in high melting
(3) Element segregation
(4) Melting temperature variation within a grain
(5) Deterioration in mechanical properties

• Normal industrial cooling practice is non-equilibrium
• Coring can be eliminated by heat treatment at a high temp
(in the solid region), which effect atomic diffusion

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