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Once in village there lived a poor woodcutter. He would go to the
forest every day to cut wood and then sell it in the market. His
earning was very low. One day when he was cutting wood in the
forest he saw a monk who was meditating. He went near the monk
and sat in front of him. After some time when the monk opened his
eyes, the wood cutter said to him, “Oh Wise One, I am very poor.”
曾经在村子里住着一个可怜的樵夫。 他每天都会去森林里砍柴,然后在
市场上卖。 他的收入很低。 有一天,他在森林里砍柴,看见一位僧人正
在打坐。 他走到和尚身边,坐在他面前。 过了一会儿,僧人睁开眼睛,

“Oh Monk, please tell me a way to solve my problem.” The monk
replied calmly, “Go straight on forward.” The woodcutter believed
in the monk’s words and started walking forward. After some time
he reached a sandalwood forest. The woodcutter was very happy.
He cut off portions of sandalwood to sell in the market place.
Soon he became rich.
“ 哦,和尚,请告诉我一个解决我问题的方法。”
和尚平静地回答:“往前走。” 樵夫相信了和尚的话,开始往前走。
过了一会儿,他来到了一片檀香林。 樵夫非常高兴。
他砍下一些檀香木在市场上出售。 很快他就变得富有了。

Go straight
on forward.

sandalwood forest 3
After a few days of happiness, the woodcutter thought, “The monk told me to go
forward and I found sandalwood. I must go to him once again. Maybe he can
guide me to something more precious. Thinking of more wealth, the woodcutter
went to the forest to meet the monk. The monk was sitting deep in meditation.
After some time when he opened his eyes, the woodcutter asked him, “Oh Wise
One, by your grace I found sandalwood. Please give me some more advice.”
The monk replied, ”Go towards your left.”

快乐了几天,樵夫心想:“和尚叫我往前走,我找到了檀香木。 我必须再去找他一
次。 也许他可以引导我去寻找更珍贵的东西。 樵夫想着更多的财富,就到森林里
去见和尚。和尚正坐在深沉的冥想中。 过了一会儿,他睁开眼睛,樵夫问他:“智
者啊,承蒙您的恩惠,我找到了檀香木。 请多给我一些建议。”

your left.


The woodcutter did as what the monk said. Not long after walking in the
direction to his left, he found an area filled with lots of gold nuggets. He
collected the gold and he became a very wealthy man. He was living his life
happily but not for long. He wanted even more valuable things.
The woodcutter went again to the forest to see the monk. The monk was
sitting so peacefully in meditation. He again asked the monk for more
advice. The monk so calmly told him, “Go towards your right.”
樵夫照和尚说的做了。 顺着左边的方向走了没多久,他就发现了一个堆满了金块的
区域。 他收集了黄金,成为了一个非常富有的人。 他过着幸福的生活,但并不长
久。 他想要更有价值的东西。 樵夫又到森林去见和尚。 和尚就这么安静地坐着打
坐。 他再次向僧人寻求更多建议。 和尚如此平静地告诉他:“向右走。”



The woodcutter followed the instruction of the monk. After walking for about
15 minutes, he saw a treasure chest. Upon opening the chest, to his great
surprise he found diamonds, rubies, pearls and other precious gems.
Without any delay he collected all these and went home. He was extremely
happy. A week passed and his happiness began to fade off. Thoughts of
worry, anxiety and fear filled his mind … “Will robbers rob me? Is my life in
danger? “Will my son be kidnapped? … He had sleepless nights.
樵夫听从了僧人的吩咐。 走了大约十五分钟,就看到了一个宝箱。 打开箱子后,
他惊讶地发现了钻石、红宝石、珍珠和其他珍贵的宝石。 他毫不迟疑地收集了所有
这些,然后回家了。 他非常高兴。 一个星期过去了,他的快乐开始消退。 担心、
焦虑和恐惧的念头充斥着他的脑海…… “强盗会抢劫我吗? 我有生命危险吗?
“我儿子会被绑架吗? ……他彻夜难眠。

With a mental state of suffering, one day the woodcutter thought of the
monk in the forest. These thoughts filled his mind:
“The monk knew so much he could have been wealthy. But still he did not
want any of the precious things. Why? Why is it the monk looked so happy
and peaceful even though he did not have the great wealth I now have?”
The woodcutter was puzzled; he decided to visit the monk again to find out
the answers to the questions bugging him.
有一天,樵夫带着一种痛苦的精神状态想起了森林里的和尚。 这些想法充
满了他的脑海:“和尚知道他本可以变得富有。 但他仍然不想要任何珍贵
的东西。 为什么? 为什么和尚没有我现在的巨额财富,却看起来如此幸
福安详?”樵夫不解; 他决定再次拜访和尚,以找出困扰他的问题的答案。

When he met the monk he said, “Oh Wise One, you told me to go forward to get
the wealth and prosperity I now have. But I have a question. Please tell me why
you did not become rich by having these things yourself.”
At this the monk replied, “You have a good question. I have gone further than
diamonds and rubies. Going forward I have found the way to such happiness
and pleasure that gold, diamonds and other gems are like mud and clay. All the
external wealth and possessions worldlings chase for are impermanent and
cannot give you the true happiness that I have found.”
荣。 但我有一个问题。 请告诉我,你为什么没有靠自己拥有这些东西而变得富有。”
对此,僧人回答说:“你有一个很好的问题。 我比钻石和红宝石走得更远。 展望未来,
我找到了通往幸福和快乐的道路,黄金、钻石和其他宝石就像泥土和粘土。 凡夫所追求

All worldly things are impermanent. They cannot give true True Peace and Happiness
happiness. 世间万物皆无常。 他们不能给予真正的幸福。 真正的和平与幸福 8
The woodcutter got curious and asked, “Oh Wise One! What's that way? Please
explain to me. The monk smiled and replied, “I have found inner happiness and the
way is through meditation. In comparison to true inner happiness even the greatest
pleasure and happiness of the world becomes insignificant.”
Hearing this the woodcutter fell at the feet of the monk and said how foolish a person
he has been. You have a wealth of inner treasure and I kept asking you for pebbles.
Kindly tell me how can I find this inner happiness? I don't know how to meditate.
Please guide me.
And the monk taught the woodcutter the way to true inner happiness - Meditation. The
woodcutter learnt well and practiced ardently and diligently. His life changed - he
found meaning and purpose in life; his happiness, peace and wisdom grew and grew.

樵夫好奇问道:“智者啊! 那是什么? 请给我解释一下。 和尚笑着回答说:“我找到了内

在的快乐,方法是通过冥想。 与真正的内在幸福相比,即使是世界上最大的快乐和幸福也变
得微不足道。”樵夫闻言,倒在和尚脚下,说自己是个多么愚蠢的人。 你有丰富的内在财富,
我一直向你要鹅卵石。 请告诉我如何才能找到这种内在的幸福? 我不知道如何冥想。 请指
导我。 和尚教给樵夫通往真正内心幸福的道路——冥想。 樵夫学得很好,也很勤奋地练习。
他的生活改变了——他找到了生活的意义和目标; 他的幸福、平安和智慧越来越大。

1 Sensual delights are impermanent, they lead to Dukkha.
1 欲乐是无常的,它们会导致苦。

2 Ignorance, greed, craving and attachment are the root

cause of suffering.
2 无明、贪婪、贪爱和执着是痛苦的根本原因。

3 True peace and bliss lies within our inner mind. With Metta,
3 真正的和平与幸福存在于我们的内心深处。 Bro.
Oh Teik Bin

4 Practice both Samatha (Tranquility) and

Vipassana (Insight) Meditation for Liberation.
4 同时练习止禅(宁静)和内观(内观)冥想以获得解脱。 10
“If by renouncing a lesser happiness one
may realize a greater happiness, let the
wise man renounce the lesser happiness,
having regard for the greater happiness.”
Dhammapada Verse 290

“ 若舍弃小乐,能证得大乐,则智
法经 290 句
With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

The End 结束 11

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