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Introduction to

Artificial Intelligence applications

Dzintars Tomsons
Liepājas Universitāte
2021.gada 2.martā
Artificial Intelligence
• Refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are
programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions
• The ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to
perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings
• System’s ability to correctly interpret external data, to learn from
such data, and to use those learnings to achieve specific goals and
tasks through flexible adaptation
Pēc: Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence. A Modern Approach. Third Edition. – Pearson Education, Inc., 2010.
Applications of AI
• Natural language processing
• Knowledge representation
• Automated reasoning
• Machine learning
• Computer vision and pattern recognition
• Robotics
• Speech Recognition
• Expert Systems
• Games
Natural language processing
• Email filters
• Smart assistants (Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, etc.)
• Search engines
• Predictive text
• Language translation
• Digital phone calls
• Data analysis
• Text analytics
• By:
Examples. Knowledge representation

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Examples. Knowledge representation

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Machine learning (definitions)
• A field of artificial intelligence
• The concept that a computer program can learn and adapt to
new data without human intervention
• Provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve
from experience without being explicitly programmed
• Machine-learning algorithms use statistics to find patterns in
massive amounts of data
Machine learning
• Image recognition
• Speech recognition
• Medical diagnosis
• Statistical Arbitrage
• Learning associations
• Classification
• Prediction
• Extraction
• Regression
• Financial Services
• By:
Examples. Machine learning
• Recommendation engines
Example: Netflix viewing suggestions
Application area: Media + Entertainment + Shopping
• Sorted, tagged, and categorized photos
Example: Reviewer-uploaded photos on Yelp
Application area: Search + Mobile + Social
• Self-driving cars
Example: Waymo cars use ML to understand surroundings
Application area: Automotive + Transportation
• Gamified learning and education
Example: Duolingo's language lessons
Application area: Education
Examples. Machine learning [2]
• Calculating Customer Lifetime Value Metrics
Example: Asos uses CLTV to drive profit
Application area: Fashion
• Predicting when Patients Get Sick
Example: KenSci assisting caregivers
Application area: Healthcare
• Determining Credit Worthiness
Example: Deserve's model for lending to students
Application area: Finance
• Targeted e-mails
Example: Optimail
Application area: Marketing
Examples. Machine learning [3]
• Ranking Posts on Social media
Example: Twitter's new timeline
Application area: Social Media
• Computer Vision Farming
Example: Blue River Technology's "See & Spray«
Application area: Agriculture
• Getting You The Right Answers
Example: Quora’s super-specific answer rankings
Application Area: Search
• Making Sales And Marketing More Efficient
Example: HubSpot
Application Area: Marketing + Sales + SaaS
Examples. Computer vision
• Autonomous vehicles
• Google Translate app
• Facial recognition
• Healthcare
• Real-time sports tracking
• Agriculture
• Manufacturing
• By:

• Security
• Retail and Inventory Management
• Education
• Waste Management
• Advertising
• By:
Robots in households
• Vacuum cleaner
• Cook
• Maid
• Babysitter
• Water pool cleaner
• Window cleaner
• Lawnmower
• Sarunu biedrs veciem vientuļniekiem
• Interlocutor for elderly loners
Intelligent Agent

By: Utkarshraj Atmaram (2006). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

Examples. Intellingent agents
• Shopping bots
Collect and select product information on the Internet
• Personal agents
– Check and organize email
– Opponent in computer games
– Collects and summarize news
– Automatically fills in web questionnaires
– Independently searches for and compiles information
published on the Internet according to the user's interests
– Job search assistant
– Synchronize user information across social networks
Neural networks
• An information processing model that is inspired by the way
biological nervous systems, such as the brain, process information

• A series of algorithms that endeavors to recognize underlying
relationships in a set of data through a process that mimics the
way the human brain operates

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