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Welcome to Materials Science and Engineering

By; Adisu Tsige

Girum Getu
Materials Science and Engineering
 Materials are substance from which something is composed or made.
 Materials Science is a scientific discipline which is primarily concerned with
the search for basic knowledge about the relationships that exist between the
structures and properties of materials
 Materials Engineering involves, on the basis of these structure-property
correlations, designing or engineering the structure of a material to produce a
predetermined set of properties.
 Materials Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary field concerned
with a deeper understanding of the structure – properties – processing,
and performance of materials.
 Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Science Materials Engineering
Resultant knowledge of structure, properties,
Basic knowledge Applied knowledge
processing and performance of materials

 By structure it means how some internal component(s) of the material is (are)

 Structural elements include subatomic, atomic, micro-scopic, and macroscopic.
 A property is a material trait in terms of the kind and magnitude of response to a
specific imposed stimulus.
 Virtually all important properties of solid materials may be grouped into six different
1) Mechanical properties relate deformation to an applied load or force; examples
include elastic modulus (stiffness), strength, and toughness.
2) For electrical properties, such as electrical conductivity and dielectric constant, the
stimulus is an electric field.
3) The thermal behavior of solids can be represented in terms of heat capacity and
thermal conductivity.
4) Magnetic properties demonstrate the response of a material to the application of a
magnetic field.
5) Deteriorative properties relate to the chemical reactivity of materials
6) For optical properties, the stimulus is electromagnetic or light radiation; index of
refraction and reflectivity are representative optical properties.
 Synthesis refers to how materials are made from naturally occurring or man-made
 Processing means how materials are shaped into useful components to cause
changes in the properties of different materials.
 Composition means the chemical make-up of a material.
 Processing Structure Properties Performance

Why Study Materials Science and Engineering?

 Why do we study materials? Many an applied scientist or engineer, will at one time
or another be exposed to a design problem involving materials.
 Materials scientists and engineers are specialists who are totally involved in the
investigation and design of materials.
 Selecting the right material from the many thousands that are available is a materials
 Three important criteria in materials selection:
1) are in-service conditions to which the material will be subjected,
2) any deterioration of material properties during operation, and
3) economics or cost of the fabricated piece.
1.2: Lab Facilities in the program
 The resources currently existing and other additional resources needed are presented as follows.

Metal Laboratory
 Abrasive Cutter

 Muffle Furnace

 Hot mounting press

 Grinder/polisher

 Optical microscope

 Vickers hardiness tester

Ceramic Laboratory
 Balance (Analytical precision balance)
 Ball mill table
 Forced convection daring oven
 High temperature box furnace
 Lab press machine
Polymer Laboratory
Analytical precision balance
 Hot and stirrer
 Viscometer
 Impedance spectroscopy
 Spin coater
Semiconductor Laboratory
 CCD (Charge Coupled Device)
 Precision source/Measure unit
 Probstation
Research Equipments
 XRD (X-Ray Diffractometery)
 SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)
 DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry)
 DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis)
 DTG (Difference Thermo Gravimetry)
Chapter 2
History of Materials Science and Engineering
Historical Perspective of Materials
 Historically, the development and advancement of societies have been intimately tied
to the members’ ability to produce and manipulate materials to fill their needs.
 Early civilizations have been designated by the level of their materials development
(Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age).
 The earliest humans had access to only naturally occurring limited number of
materials: stone, wood, clay, skins, and so on.
 With time they discovered techniques for producing materials that had properties
superior to those of the natural ones; these new materials included pottery and
various metals.
 An advancement in the understanding of a material type is often the
forerunner to the stepwise progression of a technology.
 Ages of “Man” we survive based on the materials we control
Stone Age – naturally occurring materials
- Special rocks, skins, wood
Bronze Age
- Casting and forging
Iron Age
- High Temperature furnaces
Steel Age
- High Strength Alloys
Non-Ferrous and Polymer Age
- Aluminum, Titanium and Nickel (super alloys) – aerospace
- Silicon – Information
-Plastics and Composites – food preservation, housing, aerospace and higher speeds
Exotic Materials Age
- Nano-Material and bio-Materials – they are coming and then
 Stone age Bronze age Iron age
Types of Materials and Their Applications
Types of Materials
• Based on chemical makeup and atomic structure, solid materials are grouped into
three basic classifications: metals, ceramics, and polymers. And as a Composite.

Figure 3.1: A familiar item that is fabricated from three different material types.
 Another classification is advanced materials those used in high-technology
applications. semiconductors, biomaterials, smart materials, and nanoengineered
 Metals are usually characterized by a well defined crystal structure.
 They are bonded together by means of metallic bonds which maintain an electron
 This electron cloud is crucial for the high electrical and thermal conductivity
characteristic to metals.
Applications of metals
• Electronic wire
• Structure
• Automobiles
• Air plane
• Materials shown
in the fig. etc.

Figure 3.2: Familiar objects that are made of metals and metal alloys:
(from left to right) fork and knife, scissors, coins, a gear, a
wedding ring, and a nut and bolt.
 Ceramic materials are compounds between metallic and non metallic elements.
 Ceramics can be classified based on chemical composition – oxides, carbides, nitrides,
sulfides and fluorides.
 Or they can be grouped according to their major functions. Ceramics found in coatings –
glazes are ceramic coatings applied to glass objects and enamels are ceramic coatings
applied to metallic objects.
 Example
• Alumina (Al2O3): Zinc sulfide (ZnS)
• Silica (SiO2): Calcium Fluoride (CaF 2)
• Silicon carbide (SiC):
• Silicon nitride (Si3N4):
• Titanium oxide (TiO2):
• Zirconia (ZrO2)
Application of ceramics
1. Glasses
 Are a familiar group of ceramics; containers, lenses, and fiber glass represents typical
2. Clay products
 The most widely used ceramic raw material is clay. Includes traditional ceramics,” those
for which the primary raw material is clay; products considered to be traditional
ceramics are china, porcelain, bricks, tiles
3. Refractories
 With stand high temperatures without melting or decomposing
 The ability to provide thermal insulation
 Typical applications include furnace lining for metal refining, glass manufacturing,
and metallurgical heat treatment.

4. Abrasives
 Are used to wear, grind or cut away other materials, which necessarily is softer

5. Cements
 Are classified as inorganic cements. eg. Cement, plaster of Paris, and lime
6. Advanced ceramics

Figure 3.3: Common objects that are made of ceramic materials:

scissors, a china tea cup, a building brick, a floor tile, and a glass vase.
 Polymers are usually long chain organic macro-molecules with covalent bonds.
 Each molecule is formed from a large number of unitary molecules known as Monomer.
 For this reason, the polymers can be bent and stretched easily.
 In certain polymers some of the molecules cross link with each other thereby increasing the
strength across the molecules.
Examples of polymers
• Rubber,
• Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
• Poly carbonates (pc)
• Polystyrene (ps)
• Epoxy
• Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Polymer Classifications
a. Thermoset: cross-linked polymer that cannot be melted
(tires, rubber bands, epoxy glue, styrene monomer)
b. Thermoplastic: polymers that can be melted or softened by
heating (polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride)
c. Elastomers: Polymers that stretch and then return to their original form: often thermoset
Thermoplastic elastomers: Elastic polymers that can be melted (soles of tennis shoes)
Application of polymers
 Adhesive and glue
 Containers
 Clothing
 gasket

Figure 3.4: Several common objects that are made of polymeric

materials: plastic tableware (spoon, fork, and knife), billiard balls, a
bicycle helmet, two dice, a wheel (plastic hub and rubber tire), and a
plastic milk carton.
Future of Materials science and Engineer with
specialties in Materials
 Design of materials having specific desired characteristics directly from our
knowledge of atomic structure.
 Miniaturization: “Nanostructured" materials, with microstructure that has length
scales between 1 and 100 nanometers with unusual properties. Electronic
components, materials for quantum computing.
 Smart materials: airplane wings that deice themselves, buildings that stabilize
themselves in earthquakes…
 Environment-friendly materials: biodegradable or photodegradable plastics,
advances in nuclear waste processing, etc.
 New and economical sources of energy materials: to use the present resources
more efficiently for energy satisfaction.
For example:
 Solar cells
 Nuclear energy holds some promise (but still remain disposal of radioactive waste)
• Light weight materials: To fabricate low density transportation vehicles
(automobiles, aircraft, trains, etc.)
• To develop high engine operating temperatures for use in engine components, (will
enhance fuel efficiency)
• High strength and low-density structural materials
• Materials for lightweight batteries with high storage densities:
 for turbine blades that can operate at 2500°C, room-temperature
 superconductors
Learning from Nature:
 shells and biological hard tissue can be as strong as the most advanced laboratory-
produced ceramics,
 mollusces produce biocompatible adhesives that we do not know how to
Materials for lightweight batteries with high storage densities
 chemical sensors (artificial nose) of extremely high sensitivity, cotton shirts that
never require ironing…
Specialization in Mat. Sc. & Eng.
 Structural Materials
 Electronic/ Optical Materials
 Biomaterials/ Soft Materials
 Materials for energy and Environmental Technologies
 Natural Materials
 Nanostructured materials and nanotechnology
 Polymeric and Biomedical Materials
Have a Grade “A”

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