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International Conference of Health

Innovation and Technology, 2022
“New Era in Health Care : Challenge, Change and
Innovation Technology”



Sulistiyowati, Ratih Indah Kartika, Ponco Indah Arista Sari, Ati’ul Impartina*
*Midwifery Program, Faculty Of Health Sciences , Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan, Indonesia

Surabaya, 30 October 2022

International Conference of Health
Innovation and Technology, 2022
“New Era in Health Care : Challenge, Change and
Innovation Technology”

Preschoolers are children aged 3 to 6 years who have not attended primary school yet (Depkes RI,
2008). Preschool children are often referred to as the golden age as children grow and develop
very quickly during this period. There are four developmental parameters used in assessing child
development including personal social, fine motor, language, and gross motor.fine motor skills are
fine movements involving specific parts that can only be performed by small muscles because
they do not require energy. However, this subtle movement requires careful coordination such as
the ability to move objects out of hand, draw, write, scribble, place blocks, and cut.
International Conference of Health
Innovation and Technology, 2022
“New Era in Health Care : Challenge, Change and
Innovation Technology”

According to the first observational survey conducted in January 2022 at Putra Buana kindergarten in
Wanar village, Pucuk subdistrict, 4 out of 10 children (40%) had normal fine motor development and 6
children (60%) were suspected delays. The number of children whose fine motor development is not
accordance with their age is still high. factors influencing fine motor development disorders in children
are diet, hormones, environment, gender, metabolic function, health, race, family role, and lack of

In light of those background, this study aimed to determine the effect of origami game on the fine
motor development of preschool children at Putra Buana kindergarten in Wanar village, Pucuk
International Conference of Health
Innovation and Technology, 2022
“New Era in Health Care : Challenge, Change and
Innovation Technology”

The current research used pre-experimental design with a one-group pre-test and
post-test approach. The population were preschool children (aged 3-6 years) of 47
children. The sample was 42 preschool children aged 3-6 years at Putra Buana
Kindergarten who were obtained by simple random sampling. The instrument was
the Denver II Observation Test Sheet. The researchers made observations by
measuring children’s fine motor development before being given an origami game.
After the origami game was administered, the researchers measured fine motor
development again. The Wilcoxon test with p= 0.05 was used for the statistical test
International Conference of Health
Innovation and Technology, 2022
“New Era in Health Care : Challenge, Change and
Innovation Technology”

International Conference of Health
Innovation and Technology, 2022
“New Era in Health Care : Challenge, Change and
Innovation Technology”

International Conference of Health
Innovation and Technology, 2022
“New Era in Health Care : Challenge, Change and
Innovation Technology”

The data shows that there is an increase in the fine motor development of preschool children after playing
origami. This is affected by the opportunity to learn and appropriate stimulation to improve children’s fine
motor development. Through playing origami, children are taught to create, work, and form models so that
they can expand their imagination. They also succeed in creating interesting shapes from their tiny hands.
This is supported by the theory of Soetjiningsih (2013) who states that origami develops children’s fine
motor skills with hand movements, develops imagination and creativity, trains hand/finger muscles,
strengthens muscles and eyes, train color combination skills, and cultivate emotions. This activity allows
children’s fingers to move, introduces different colors and shapes, enhances children’s imagination and
creativity, improves eye-hand coordination, enhances concentration, and can be used as a medium to express
emotions (Listyowati & Sugiyanto, 2014).
International Conference of Health
Innovation and Technology, 2022
“New Era in Health Care : Challenge, Change and
Innovation Technology”

The study showed that playing origami gave a significant effect on children’s fine motor
development because children could actively use their fingers. They were more skillful in
performing fine motor development tasks. This is in accordance with of Andriana (2011) who
mentioned that origami activities could help children to develop fine motor skills because it could
train hand-eye coordination. Origami can train fine motor skills in children such as holding a
pencil, writing, drawing, and using scissors, and train children’s cognitive by learning colors,
knowing shapes, mathematical thinking, and learning comparisons or proportions through the
shapes they made.
International Conference of Health
Innovation and Technology, 2022
“New Era in Health Care : Challenge, Change and
Innovation Technology”

Preschool age (3-6 years) is a period of fine motor development. To obtain fine motor
development, origami can be used. Origami activities apply paper folding techniques so that
children develop their fine muscles in hands. Fine motor development activities require accuracy,
skill, and teacher guidance. Children must be able to learn and master fine motor skills that allow
them to do everything on their own. Through this activity, children learn to be independent, strong,
flexible, and good in eye and hand coordination. Therefore, origami games are needed to develop
fine motor skills.
Based on the research, this origami activity has been shown to help preschool children
develop fine motor skills. Origami improves fine motor development in preschoolers. It
can and should be applied to improve fine motor development in preschool children
(ages 3-6). Thus, the risk of suspected delays in fine motor development can be avoided.
Origami games are easy to make at school or at home.
Adriana, Dian. (2011). Tumbuh Kembang dan Terapi Bermain pada Anak. Jakarta: Salemba Medika.
Eris Mardiati. (2013). Peningkatan kemampuan motorik halus anak melalui kegiatan kolase dengan menggunakan media berbatuan bahan alam di Paud Melati Kabupaten
Hidayat, A. Aziz Alimul. (2009). Pengantar Ilmu Kesehatan Anak untuk Pendidikan Kebidanan. Jakarta: Salemba Medika.
Indriani S. (2016). Pengaruh Bermain Origami Terhadap Perkembangan Motorik Halus Anak Usia Prasekolah 3-6 Tahun di TK Aisyiyah Butanul Athfal 38 Surabaya.
Iqbak Mubarak, Wahid. (2012). Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Aplikasi dalam Kebidanan. Jakarta: Ssalemba Medika
Maghfuroh L. (2017). Pengaruh Finger Painting Terhadap Pekembangan Motorik Halus Anak usia Prasekolah di TK Sartika I Sumurgenuk Kecamatan Babat Lamongan.
Mulyati, A. (2014). Peningkatan Ketrampilan Motorik Halus Melalui Origami pada Anak Kelompok A TK Kusuma Baciro Gondokosuman Yogyakarta. Skripsi.
Ni Kadek Novia Purnamasari, I Gusti Agung Oka Negara, & I Made Suara. (2014). Penerapan Metode Demonstrasi melalui Kegiatan Melipat Kertas (Origami) untuk
Meningkatkan Perkembangan Motorik Halus Anak.
Syaiful, Yuanita, Amila Widati dan Dwi Wahyuni Rahmawati. (2012). Pengaruh Terapi Bermain Origami Terhadap Perkembangan Motorik Halus Dan Kognitif Anak Usia
Soetjiningsih. (2013). Tumbuh Kembang Anak. Edisi 2. Jakarta: EGC.
Syaiful, Yuanita, Amila Widati dan Dwi Wahyuni Rahmawati. (2012). Pengaruh Terapi Bermain Origami Terhadap Perkembangan Motorik Halus Dan Kognitif Anak Usia
International Conference of Health
Innovation and Technology, 2022
“New Era in Health Care : Challenge, Change and
Innovation Technology”

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