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Decision Making

A decision is a choice you make or act

upon. A good decision is a decision in
which you have carefully considered the
outcome of each choice.
To accept personal responsibility
is to accept how your decisions
may affect you and other people.
Most of the time, we are making
decisions based on our needs and
desires. At the same time it helps
you to resist peer pressure.
6 Steps in Decision Making
D – determine the problem
E – explore the alternatives
C – consider the consequences
I – identify the values
D – Decide
E – Evaluate
Your classmates are going to a party this
weekend. This is the first time that you are asked
to attend by a friend but then you discern that
your parents will not approve it. You don’t want
your friends angry by not going, but you also
don’t want to get in trouble with your parents.
Dealing with People
Some descriptions of people!
1. SHOW OFF – people who would like to
be the centre of attraction whenever
Dealing with People
Some descriptions of people!
2. WORRIERS – people who worry about
Dealing with People
Some descriptions of people!
3. GOSSIP MONGERS – people who
spread rumours and often exaggerate
Dealing with People
Some descriptions of people!
4. BULLIES – people who use threats,
fear, and cruelty to control others
Dealing with People
Some descriptions of people!
5. WHINERS – people who grumble and
complain about everything
Abstinence – is the best decision one can make
in safeguarding sexual health.
It is the practice of not doing/having something
that is wanted or enjoyable.

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