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This document details the policies and procedures of NONAME solution in the event of a
disruption to critical IT services or damage to IT equipment or data. These processes will ensure
that those assets are recoverable to the right level and within the right timeframe to deliver a
return to normal operations, with minimal impact on the business.
Plan objectives
• To minimize interruptions to the normal operations.
• To limit the extent of disruption and damage.
• To minimize the economic impact of the interruption.
• To establish alternative means of operation in advance.
• To train personnel with emergency procedures.
• To provide for smooth and rapid restoration of service.
Plan scope
• This disaster recovery plan is applicable for NONAME solution main branch at Bambalapitiya and for the
Kandy new branch area.
Policy Statement
• The Company should prepare an IT Rescue Recovery Plan.
• Risk assessment to determine the need for the disaster recovery plan.
• The Disaster Restoration Plan should be in line with all major and essential infrastructure, basic activities of
systems and networks.
• The disaster recovery plan should be periodically tested in a simulated environment to ensure that it can be
implemented in emergency situations and that the management and staff understand how it is to be executed.
• All staff should be made aware of the disaster recovery plan and their specific tasks.
• The disaster recovery plan is to be kept up to date to take into account changing circumstances.
Key Personnel Contact Info
Name, Title Job role Contact Number

Mr. Kamal Deshapriya IT sys Admin 0711245967

Mr. Nishantha Wijesekara Manager 0774865129

Mr. Ranjith Athapaththu DR team lead 0754812495

Mr. Harindu Jayasooriya Electrician 0716324962

External contacts
Name, Title Job role Contact Number
Mr. Namal Jayasooriya Landlord / Property Manager 0711245967
Mr. Sahan gamage Power Company 0774865129
Mr. Nimal Wijayalath Telecom Carrier 1 0754812495
Mr. Nadee gamage Hardware Supplier 1 0716324962
Miss. Nirmala kumari Office Supplies 1 0718965412
Mr. Sugath Nilantha Insurance – Janashakthi 0777788991
Disaster recovery plan
Disaster recovery plan

Natural Disaster

Disaster Impact First action Recovery methods

Flood NONAME building will be damage. NONAME have to Confirm the safety of employees. Replace damage devices.
pause work for some days. Occurred some Internet Remove the devices can harm from flood like PCs, routers Keep in touch with disaster news.
connection problems. printers…etc and store it safely.

Tsunami NONAME building will be damage. All the employees move to a safe place. Consider about Tsunami alerts.
Data center will be destroyed. Power off all equipment Repair the building and replace
Harm for employee’s life listen to tsunami advisories damage devices.
Lightning NONAME building will be All the employees move to a safe place. Implement a lightning conductor in
strike damage. Power off all equipment NONAME.
Data server will be if flooding is possible, Check gas, water and electrical lines Replace damage devices.
damaged. for damage
There is a possibility to raise Do not use telephones
a fire.
Harm for employee’s life

hurricane There is a possibility to raise Power off all equipment Replace damage devices.
a flood. listen to hurricane advisories Repair the company building.
NONAME building will be Check gas, water and electrical lines for damage
damage. Do not use telephones
Data server will be

Man Made
fire NONAME building will be All the employees move to a safe place. Replace damage devices.
damage. Power off all equipment Repair the company building.
Data server will be Check gas, water and electrical lines for damage
damaged. Contact fire rescue place and ask help
Harm for employee’s life
Power Data server will be damaged. Wait 5–10 minutes; Power-off all Servers after a graceful Repair the cables and find
failure Data backup and all the operations stop for some shutdown; Do not use telephones, in the event of severe reason for fire failure.
time. lightning; Shut down main electric circuit usually located in  
There is a possibility to lost data. the basement or the first floor

hacking Damage for company data. Power off all equipment. Find about hacking
Data will be modified and used for mis use work. Block all the user account in the system. method.
Data will be deleted from the servers. Get backup of the data
and restore it.
Find about the damage
of the data.
System clashes Devices will be damage. Power-off all Servers after a Replace damage devices and
Backup operations will be graceful shutdown. find about the reason for the
stopped and delete some Power off all equipment clash.
data. Get backup of the data and
restore it.

Spread virus Devices will be damage. Power off all equipment. Replace damage devices and
Data will be lost by infecting Update the anti-virus find about the reason for the
viruses. software. virus.
Get backup of the data and
restore it
Future improvement

Disaster Future improvement method/action

Flood first floor used to customer care department or any other department which use expensive device minimum.
Tsunami Do a testing rescue for the company employees. Implement data centers out of sea side.
Lightning strike Implement a lightning conductor in NONAME.
fire Implement the fire exit with standard.
Keep fire off equipment’s in every floor.
Maintain fire alarms. Do a testing fire rescue for the employees.

Power failure Redundant UPS array together with auto standby generator that is tested weekly & remotely monitored 24/7.

hacking Update anti-virus software once a month.

Implement a DMZ for the company  

System clashes Implement load balancing methods.

Implement backup methods and maintain it.  

Spread virus Implement a firewall or DMZ.  

Preventive methods

Disaster Method

Flood Ensure that waterways are not blocked

fire Check electric cables once a week. Maintain it well

Power failure Monitor the electric system daily.

hacking Used strong passwords for the systems.

Repair the system bugs

System clashes Monitor the electric system daily.

Monitor about system devices.
Repair them once a month.

Spread virus Update anti-virus software's and maintain it.

Scan the USB devices after plugging.
Keep the updated Operating Systems

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