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How to make

What do we need?
Your laptops to:
 Plan and write your video storyboard (Activity 9: Moodle)
 Create a PowerPoint presentation
 Record your voices
 Edit the final video

A good attitude to:

 Work and communicate as a team
 Listen to and propose ideas
 Make a really good final video
Step 1. Plan your For your WELCOME TO SECONDARY video,
you must plan how you will work as a TEAM

group work In your group, assign the following roles:

• Storyboard writers x 2: people responsible

for writing and checking the English
• Visual editors x 2: people responsible for
editing the PowerPoint and the final video

All roles must:
• Record your voices
Step 1. Plan your storyboard
Before starting to work on the visuals, you
must plan in advance to know:

1. Who will be the voice for each section

2. What you will say in English for each
3. The images or texts you will use in your
Step 2. And action!
Now is the time to put your storyboard into action!

There are two main tasks to do:

1. Create your PowerPoint presentation
2. Practise and record your voice-over AT HOME
Step 3.
Tips for your voice-over
• Record your voice-over (veu en off) at HOME
• Make sure you are in a silent place with no
background noise
• Record your voice for the sections you have been
• Listen back to your recording to check it is good
• Name your audio file clearly. For example:
Adam_School equipment / Aina_School subjects
• Send your voice recording to the visual editor
Step 4.
Edit your video
Now it is time to add the finishing touches!

1. Insert the audio recordings from all of
your group mates (Recordings tab)
2. Adjust the timings of each slide to match
the audios (Transitions tab)
3. Export the final video (File tab)
Step 4. Com es fa?

Insert audio
• Entreu a la pestanya “Enregistra” i inseriu l’àudio de cada membre de
l’equip a la diapositiva corresponent.

recordings • Assegureu-vos que teniu els àudios descarregats i guardats a

l’ordinador del visual editor
Step 4. Com es fa?
• Per a cada diapositiva, s’ha d’entrar a la pestanya “Transicions” i
Adjust the ajustar els intervals
• Ajusteu l’interval de la diapositiva fins que coincideixi amb la durada
timings de l’àudio
• És una feina d’anar provant fins que trobeu la durada més indicada
Step 4. Com es fa?
• Entreu a la pestanya “Fitxer” i seleccioneu l’opció “Exporta”
Export the final • Seleccioneu “Crea un vídeo” i guardeu el fitxer resultant a la
carpeta d’anglès
video • Mireu el vídeo i torneu a fer els passos d’edició anteriors si no ha
quedat del tot bé
Final check and
1. Check your final video to check it
is good quality (no background
audio, good transitions, clear

2. Upload your finalised video and

storyboard to Moodle

3. Fill in the self and co-evaluation

for your group work

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