Expository Essay

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Dra. Roslaini, M.Hum

Exposition or expository is a type of essay used

to explain, describe, or inform about particular

The objective is to explain and analyze

information by presenting an idea, relevant
evidence, and appropriate discussion.
When making an exposition/expository essay, you
must present the idea, completely and fairly, with a
neutral, objective tone.

Example of exposition/expository essay:

1. Reports
2. Scientific reports
3. Term paper
4. Encyclopedia articles
So, Remember!!!!

Expository essay is different with Argumentative

essay. Why? It is because expository essay are

Purely informational, objective writing

Written to inform, explain, or describe
Writer assumes that readers has no prior knowledge
of the topic
Unlike argumentative/persuasive essay, the primary
goal of expository is to deliver information, not to
“The world of Fashion is a vast arena and
Thesis encompasses every sphere of your life and your
activities. Fashion today has taken a front seat and
is of topmost priority to every individual from
every age group. The word "fashion" in itself
covers a wide arena that impacts more on the
youngsters that is from the teenagers. At least
1st there are 3 main fashions items; clothing,
information footwear, and accessories that are becoming
youngsters’ trend nowadays.
First, teenagers focus on the way of the clothes
that they use. They choose quantity over quality,
without asking too many questions about the
origin of the clothes they buy, they can spend
much money to buy clothes. For example, T-shirt,
Long dress, tank top, and many more that surely
can increase their style of fashion.
Second, many modern youngsters today want
2nd to be up to date that makes them easily to buy
information footwear even the prize is so expensive. It is very
common for them to buy the fashion’s footwear,
such as sneakers, high heels, wages, and many
Evidence more in order to improve their style. By using the
given fashionable footwear, they look confidents and
spread out to the community.
Last, youngsters today are more prone in
imitating their role models and in most case is
about the accessories. The accessories that is
3rd really happening right now are glasses, expensive
information watches, and even the luxury jewel they use to
have. It is as the consequences of seeing their idol
in television and want to look like that. Moreover,
the use of ring, necklets, or others accessories will
Evidence help them to be more up to date of fashion style.
So, consumers, in this case youngsters
becomes the subject that really fashionable better
about how fast fashion effects their life. The items
such as clothes, footwear, and accessories are the
Conclusion favorite items they always buy. For these reasons,
youngsters are up to date about the real trend for
them and for their community.

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