02.2-Cement-Part 2

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‫سلسلة أساسيات الخرسانة‬

‫االسمنت – الجزء الثاني‬

‫مقدمة عن كيمياء اإلسمنت‬

‫قناة كونكريت بالعربي‬

Chemical shorthand ‫يميائية‬0‫تك‬0‫ختصارا‬0‫ا‬
Compound Formula Shorthand form

Calcium oxide (lime) Ca0 C

‫أوكسيد الكالسيوم‬
Silicon dioxide (silica) SiO2 S
)‫ثاني اوكسيد السيليكا (سيليكا‬
Aluminum oxide (alumina) Al2O3 A
)‫أوكسيد األلمنيوم (المنيا‬
Iron oxide (Ferrite) Fe2O3 F
)‫أوكسيد الحديد (فيرايت‬
Sulfate SO3 ($)
Chemical shorthand
Compound Formula Shorthand form

Sodium oxide Na2O N

‫أوكسيد الصوديوم‬
Potassium oxide K2O K
‫أوكسسيد البوتاسيوم‬
Water H2O H
Chemical shorthand
Compound Formula Shorthand form

Tricalcium silicate (Alite) Ca3SiO4 C3S (50%- 70%

‫سيليكات ثالثي الكالسيوم‬
Dicalcium silicate (Belite) Ca2SiO5 C2S (15% -30%)
‫سيليكات ثنائي الكالسيوم‬
Tricalcium aluminate (Aluminate) Ca3Al2O6 C3A (5% – 10%)
‫ألومينات ثالثي الكالسيوم‬
Tetracalcium aluminoferrite (Ferrite) Ca4Al2Fe2O10 C4AF (5% - 15%)
‫ألومينات حديد رباعي الكالسيوم‬
Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O CH2 (C$H2)
)‫الجبس (كبريتات الكالسيوم المائية‬ (3% - 5%)
Hydration Process ‫لماء‬00‫ ا‬0‫إلسمنتمع‬00‫فاعلا‬00‫ت‬


C2S Hydration

Law of conservation of mass ‫لكتلة‬00‫فظ ا‬0‫انونح‬00‫ق‬
Materıal Quantıty Volume
(kg) (Liter)

Water 175 175

Cement 350 111

W/C 0.50 1.576

Hydration of (C3S ‫فاعل‬00‫( ت‬
Tricalcium Silicate + Water → Calcium Silicate Hydrate + Calcium Hydroxide + Heat

2C3S + 6H → CSH + 3CH + Heat

[61%] [39%]
[100] [24] [75] [49]

CSH = C3S2H3, D H = 120 cal/g (502 jol/gr)

Water Demand = 24%
Main Properties of C3S Reaction

 hydrates and hardens rapidly.

 largely responsible for initial set of cement.
 Largely responsible for early strength gain.
Hydration of (C2S ‫فاعل‬00‫( ت‬
Dicalcium Silicate + Water → Calcium Silicate Hydrate + Calcium Hydroxide + Heat

C2S + H → CSH + CH + Heat

[82%] [18%]
[100] [21] [99] [22]

CSH = C3S2H3, D H = 62 cal/g (260 jol/gr)

Water Demand = 21%
Main Properties of C2S Reaction

 Contribute to the strength of the cement paste.

 This reaction generates less heat and proceeds at a slower rate,
meaning that the contribution of C2S to the strength of the
cement paste will be slow initially.
 Responsible for the long-term strength of portland cement
concrete. (usually after one week).
CSH = C-S-H = C.S.H
Calcium Silicate Hydrate (cement gel. CSH gel)
)‫سيليكات الكالسيوم المائية (جل االسمنت‬

CH = Ca(OH)2
Calcium hydroxide (lime)
)"‫هيدروكسيد الكالسيوم (الكلس "اليم‬
Main Properties of C-S-H Gel

• The largest component of the cement paste (50-70%)

• C–S–H gel is the main ‘glue’ which binds the sand and aggregate particles

together in concrete.

• The strength and other properties of hydrated cement are due primarily to

the C-S-H.

In general:

Higher C-S-H content, Higher strength and better durability.

Main Properties of C-H

• constitutes 20-25% of the cement volume.

• Most of aggressive compounds passed through concrete reacts initially with

C-H causing concrete deterioration.

In general:

Lower C-H content, higher strength and better durability.

Hydration of C3A
In absence of Gypsum:

Tricalcium Aluminate + Water → Calcium Aluminate Hydrate + Heat

C3A + H → C-A-H + Heat

[100] [40] [140]

Rapid Reaction→ Flash Set

Hydration of C3A

Tricalcium Aluminate + Water + Gypsum → Calcium Sulfoaluminate Hydrate (Ettringite)

C3A + +26H + → C3A3C32H

C3A + 3C$H2 + 26H ® C6AS3H32

D H = 207 cal/g (867 jol/gr)

Water Demand = 40%
Hydration of C3A
Once all the gypsum is used up, the ettringite becomes unstable and
reacts with any remaining tricalcium aluminate to form monosulfate
aluminate hydrate crystals:
Ettringite + Tricalcium Aluminate + Water → Monosulfate Aluminate hydrate

C3A3C32H + C3A + H + → 3(C3AC12H)

Hydration of C3A
Tricalcium aluminate + Calcium hydroxide + Water →Tetracalcium aluminate hydrate

C3A + CH+ 12H → 4CaO•Al2O3•13H2O

Main Properties of C3A Reaction

 Liberates a large amount of heat during the first few

days of hydration and hardening.
 It has little contribution to strength.
 Gypsum slows down the hydration rate of C3A.
 In absence of gypsum, C3A causes flash set in
 Cement low in C3A is sulfate resistant.
Main Properties of Ettringite &
a small component of cement pastes (10-15%).

Ettringite consists of long crystals that are only stable in a solution with gypsum.
The compound does not contribute to the strength of the cement glue.

The monosulfate crystals are only stable in a sulfate deficient solution. In the
presence of sulfates, the crystals resort back into ettringite, whose crystals
are two-and-a-half times the size of the monosulfate. It is this increase in
size that causes cracking when cement is subjected to sulfate attack.
Hydration of C4AF
The ferrite undergoes two progressive reactions with the gypsum:

in the first of the reactions, the ettringite reacts with the gypsum and water to
form ettringite, lime and alumina hydroxides, i.e.

Ferrite + gypsum + water  ettringite + ferric aluminum hydroxide + lime

C4AF + 3C$H2 + 3H  C6(A,F)$3H32 + (A,F)H3 + CH
the ferrite further reacts with the ettringite formed above to produce garnets.

Ferrite + ettringite + lime + water  garnets

C4AF + C6(A,F)$3H32 + 2CH +23H  3C4(A,F)$H18 + (A,F)H3

D H = 100 cal/g (419 jol/gr)

Water Demand = 37%
Main Properties of C4AF
 This is a fluxing agent which reduces the melting temperature of
the raw materials in the kiln (from 1700 C or more to 1400 C).
 It hydrates rapidly, but
 does not contribute much to strength of the cement paste.
 Responsible for the grey color of cement.

Main Properties of granets

The garnets only take up space and do not in any way contribute to
the strength of the cement paste.
Summary of Hydration Reactions
Hydrated Cement Pastes

Compound Formula Shorthand form

Calcium silicate hydrates, 50% – 60% C

Calcium hydroxide, CH 20% - 25% S

Ettringite 15% - 25% A

Voids 5% – 6% F
SEM image of cement paste SEM = scanning
electron microscope
SEM image of cement paste
SEM image of cement paste
SEM image of cement paste
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