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Defensa de

Lengua y literatura

The Fault in our

The protagonist of the novel is
called Hazel Grace Lancaster who
does not suspect that, despite
being aware that she will die at
any minute, she still has one of the
most exciting episodes of her life
to experience: the encounter of
true love when she meets Augustus
* Author Biography
The fault in our stars is a book written
by the American John Green in 2012
and tells the story of a 16-year-old
teenager who suffers from cancer. John
Green is an American writer
specializing in youth literature. He was
born on August 24, 1977 in Indianapolis
The Fault in our

* Hazel Grace Lancaster is a 16-year-old teenager with terminal

cancer. She knows that she is dying as she spends her life
attached to an oxygen tank and subjected to constant
treatments, which leads her to enter a depression.
* To encourage her, her parents
recommend that she attend a
support group.
Hazel decides to attend the
support group meetings.
During one of the sessions he
meets Isaac, a teenager who
suffers from a strange type of
cancer that affects his eyes
and will soon blind him.
Augustus Walters, Isaac's best
friend, also attends these
* Augustus Walters was a basketball athlete whose
hobby was damaged by the amputation of one of his
legs due to osteosarcoma. Despite adversity, the young
man remains strong and optimistic.
Soon Hazel, Augustus, and Isaac become inseparable.
* However, the friendship between the protagonist and Augustus goes
much further and they spend more and more time together. Then,
Hazel begins to wonder if the relationship could be dangerous and
doubts whether she should continue to see the young man, because
according to her "he is a grenade about to explode and will destroy
everything in its path."
* However, with each passing day their relationship grows closer and closer
and they realize that they prefer to live in the moment and enjoy
Later, their friendship grows stronger and Gus tries to do everything possible
to fulfill Hazel's great dream: to meet the writer Peter Van Hounten, author
of the young woman's favorite book. An imperial pain is the novel of the
writer, whose open ending has aroused the interest of the girl.
* Gus gets a trip to Amsterdam, where Peter Van Hounten resides. However,
her plans are cut short when Hazel's health worsens.
After all, Hazel recovers and they manage to make the trip to Amsterdam.
Once there, they meet a grumpy, alcoholic Peter Van Hounten who doesn't
want to answer any questions. Faced with this uncomfortable situation,
Peter's agent apologizes to the young people and offers them a dinner.
* En
* The novel “The Fault in Our Stars” concludes with Hazel
reading the words Augustus wrote for her.
*The End

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