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Instructor: Mrs. Jelliane Rose D.

1. The class will count off from 1-3.
2. Each student gets into their
group number.
3. The teacher will read a
4. The groups decide if its formal or
5. The highest scorer among the
groups wins.
Passage 1
If you establish the purpose for reading
early on, you will be able to save time and
improve your comprehension.
Passage 2
Plagiarism is the use of ideas or any
relevant information of another without
giving proper credit or acknowledgment.
Passage 3
He saw the pure crystal water from
where the lass is heavenly plunged.
Passage 4
When you synthesize information, you
develop new understanding about a topic by
using information from more than one source.
Passage 5
Just as the sun rises and peeps from the
east, and as the roosters of the neighborhood
crow, vivid came the assiduous man.
Academic Text:
Style and Structure

Conference Papers



What is an
Academic Text?
An academic text is a reading
material that provides information which
include concepts and theories that are
related to the specific discipline.
How does an academic
text usually look like?
Structure of an Academic Text

❑ Introduction
❑ Body
❑ Conclusion
Why do I read an
Academic Text?
Purposes in reading an Academic Text

❑ To locate a main idea

❑To scan for information
❑ To identify gaps in existing studies
❑To connect new ideas to existing ones
❑To gain more pieces of information
❑To support a particular writing
❑ To deeply understand an
existing idea
What do authors observe
in writing an
Academic Text?
Common styles in writing an
Academic Text
❑ State critical questions and issues
❑Provide facts and evidence from
credible sources
❑Use precise and accurate words
while avoiding jargon
❑ Take an objective point of view
❑ List references
❑ Use cautious language
Q Time
Quiz 1: Academic Text
Write True if the statement is
CORRECT and False if it is NOT.
1. One of the purposes of reading an
academic text is to look for a specific
2. An academic text makes use of complex
jargons to promote a higher level of
3. It uses words which tones up claims
expressing certainty.
4. It helps fill existing gaps between
5. An academic text observes a format.
6. In reading an academic text, it helps acquire
new information.
7. An academic text needs less concentration
and focus because the terms are simple.
8. It is in academic text that issues are stated
to provoke information discussion.
9. A magazine is an academic text.
10. Critique paper is classified as an academic
Academic Text:
Style and Structure

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