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By :
Diniyati Kesuma Sari, M.Pd
A nurse must be able to identify the health
condition of a patient. Before a through
treatment is carried out, a nurse must make
a record of the signs and symtomps of the
disease, accordingly, the recording skill
demands a full knowledge of identifying in
which part of the body the illness is.
 I’d like to check your body
 Sit down, please

 Raise your arms please

 We would like to make the beds, please get up

 Can you get up alone?

 Move your head please

 Could you stand up

 Now, lift your leg please

 Would you bend your back please

 Lower your foot please

 Would you mind opening your mouth?

 Patientin hospital is usually anxious and fearful.
It is important that hospital staff put them at their
ease by being polite and pleasant. The
expressions above teach you polite form in
English. Be careful about the way your voice
rises and falls when you say the sentences.
Listen to the way teacher say the sentences
 Doctor is asking nurse about Mrs. Karta’s health
Doctor : Is there any progress with Mrs. Karta?
Nurse : No, Doctor, she refuses to eat her food and she
keeps on vomiting
Doctor : Has she taken her medicine?
Nurse : Yes, Doctor. But I think it doesn’t show any
Doctor : All right. Give me her full record. I think she
needs some changes on her treatment.
 Allright, put out your tangue please
 Now, say ah…

 Could you touch your toes?

 Last, would you mind wriggling your fingers

 Lie down please

 Roll your sleeve up please

 Hold your breath in please

 Take your dress off please

 Keep your eyes shut please.

Anatomy and physiology are fundamental in understanding how
the body is normally structured and how it normally functions.
The term anatomy refers to the study of the structure and form of
an organism. Examples include the locations and names of the
organs, muscles, and bones. The term physiology refers to the
study of how these structures function, or work. Examples of
physiology include how organs assist in the digestion of food
and how muscles and bones work together to produce
movement. When a health care worker has an understanding of
the normal structure and function of the body, they then have a
base to help them recognize conditions that are abnormal.
Anatomy and physiology courses are essential to any career in
health care.
What is
Doctor is asking nurse about Mrs.Karta’s health progress.
Doctor : Is there any progress with Mrs. Karta?
Nurse : No, Doctor. She refuses to eat her food and she
keeps on vomitting.
Doctor : Has she taken her medecine?
Nurse : Yes, Doctor. But I think it doesn’t show any
Doctor : All right. Give me her full record. I think she
needs some changes on her treatment.
Look at these problem. Find some good advice for
each problem.
Example :
A headache => Go to bed and take a rest.
give taped water compress.
take a panadol.
 A toothache  A bruise
 A sore throat  A rash
 A cough  A cut
 A backache  A scar
 A fever  A swelling
 A burn  A graze
 A vomitting  A sting
 A stomachache  A bite
 A sore eyes  Spurs
 A bloody nose  A cold
 A pain  A headache/ a dizzy
 A ache
 Sprained (Keseleo)
 Stiff (Kaku)
 Sore (Luka / Radang)

 To ache

 To hurt

 To throb

 To itch

 To irritate
Pain/ illness/ sickness/ desease/ ache

Rasa sakit
Pain/ soreness/ ache

Example :
I have (I’ve got) a pain in my chest
My chest hurts
Your elbow aches
 Come in  Raise your arm  Roll your sleeve up
 Sit down  Move your head  Take off your shirt

 Stand up  Lift your leg

 Turn around  Lower your foot

 Say “Ah”  Open your mouth

 Turn Over  Put out your tongue

 Bend Down  Bend your knee

 Lie Down  Touch your toes

 Sit up  Wriggle your finger

 Look up  Hold your breath

 He has……..on/in his………………

 She has………….on/in her…………..

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