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Family tree
✘ Investigating the features of older languages, and the ways in which they
developed into modern languages is called philology.
✘ a variety of languages spoken in different parts of the world were
actually members of the same family.


Family connections

Sanskrit Latin Ancient Greek

pitar pater pate¯r (“father”)
bhra¯tar fra¯ter phra¯ter (“brother”)

✘ establish a possible family connection between different languages involved
looking at what are called “cognates.”
✘ A cognate of a word in one language is a word in another language that has a
similar form and is or was used with a similar meaning.
Comparative reconstruction

✘ The aim of this procedure is to reconstruct what must have been the original
or “proto” form in the common ancestral language.
✘ the history of languages operate on the basis of some general principles, two
of which are presented here.
✘ The majority principle:
✘ If, in a cognate set, three words begin with a [p] sound and one word begins
with a [b] sound
✘ then our best guess is that the majority have retained the original sound (i.e.

The most natural development principle

✘ certain types of sound change are very common whereas others are
extremely unlikely.

(1) Final vowels often disappear (vino → vin)

(2) Voiceless sounds become voiced, typically between vowels (muta → muda)
(3) Stops become fricatives (ripa → riva)
(4) Consonants become voiceless at the end of words (rizu → ris)

Sound reconstruction

Cantare cantar chanter (“sing”)
catena cadena chaîne (“chain”)
caro caro cher (“dear”)
cavallo caballo cheval (“horse”)

Word reconstruction

mube mupe mup (“stream”)

abadi apati apat (“rock”)

agana akana akan (“knife”)

enugu enuku enuk (“diamond”)


The history of English

✘ Old English: before 1100
Middle English: 1100 to 1500
Early Modern English: 1500 to 1700
Modern English: after 1700

The history of English

✘ Old English: before 1100
✘ Germanic languages spoken by tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes.
✘ Middle English: 1100 to 1500
✘ The beginning of the Middle English period, is the arrival of the Norman French
in England
✘ the sounds of English underwent a substantial change known as the “Great
Vowel Shift.

Sound Changes
✘ number of changes from Middle to Modern English, some sounds
disappeared from the pronunciation of certain words.
✘ The initial [h] of many Old English words was lost, as in hlud → loud
and hlaford → lord.
✘ Some words lost sounds, but kept the spelling, resulting in the “silent
letters” of contemporary written English.
✘ Word-initial velar stops [k] and [ɡ] are no longer pronounced before
nasals [n],

Metathesis , Epenthesis and Prothesis

✘ The sound change known as metathesis involves a reversal in position of two
sounds in a word.
✘ acsian → ask frist → first

✘ epenthesis, involves the addition of a sound to the middle of a word.

✘ æmtig → empty spinel → spindle timr → timber
✘ prothesis involves the addition of a sound to the beginning of a word.
✘ schola → escuela (“school”) scribere → escribir (“to write”)

Syntactic Changes and Loss of Inflections

✘ In Old English texts, we find the Subject–Verb–Object (or SVO) order
most common in Modern English,
✘ but we can also find a number of different orders that are no longer used.
✘ For example,
✘ the subject could follow the verb, as in ferde he (“traveled
✘ and the object could be placed before the verb, as in he hine geseah (“he him
✘ Nouns, adjectives, articles and pronouns all had different inflectional forms
according to their grammatical function in the sentence.

Semantic Changes
✘ Enormous words were borrowed from different languages.
✘ The meaning of the words have broadened.
✘ Example : the use of foda
(fodder for animals) to all kinds of food.

✘ The meaning of some words have narrowed.

✘ hund, once used for any kind of dog, but now, as hound, used only for some
specific breeds.

Diachronic and Synchronic Variation

✘ changes can be linked to major social changes caused by wars, invasions and
other upheavals,
✘ the most pervasive source of change in language seems to be in the continual
process of cultural transmission .
✘ Diachronically: study the language from the historical perspective of change
through time.
✘ Synchronically: study the differences within one language in
different places and among different groups at the same time
Regional Variation in

The Standard Language

✘ idealized variety, with no specific region associated with administrative,
commercial and educational centers, regardless of region.
✘ the version we believe is found in printed English in newspapers, books
and the mass media in general .
✘ associated with the written language (i.e. vocabulary, spelling, grammar)
than the spoken language.

Accent and Dialect

✘ accent” is the description of aspects of pronunciation that identify where
an individual speaker is from, regionally or socially.
✘ dialect, describes features of grammar and vocabulary as well as
aspects of pronunciation.
Variation in Grammar

✘ How long are youse here?

B : Till after Easter.
(Speaker A looks puzzled.)
C : We came on Sunday.
A : Ah. Youse’re here a while then
✘ How long are youse here?, =“How long have you been here?”
✘ youse (= “you” plural)

✘ dialectology, to distinguish between two different dialects of the same
language (whose speakers can usually understand each other) and two
different languages (whose speakers can’t usually understand each other).
✘ Regional Dialects
✘ to the identification of consistent features of speech found in one
geographical area compared to another.
✘ Isoglosses
✘ The line is called an isogloss and represents a boundary
between the areas with regard to that one particular linguistic item.

✘ Dialect boundary
✘ When a number of isoglosses come together in this way, a more solid line,
indicating a dialect boundary, can be drawn.
✘ The Dialect Continuum

Social Variation in Language

✘ The term sociolinguistics is used generally for the study of the
relationship between language and society.
✘ A speech community is a group of people who share a set of norms
and expectations regarding the use of language.

Social Dialects
✘ regional dialects tended to concentrate on the speech of people in rural
✘ social dialects concerns with speakers in towns and cities.
✘ it is social class that is mainly used to define groups of speakers as
having something in common.
✘ There are two main groups :
✘ “middle class,” those who have more years of education
✘ “working class,” those who have fewer years of education and perform
manual work of some kind.

pronunciations, words and structures


Education and Occupation

✘ idiolect: the personal dialect of an individual speaker.
✘ there is a general pattern of using certain forms that are relatively
infrequent in the speech of those who go on to complete college.
✘ Ex: Them boys throwed somethin’ or It wasn’t us what done it .
✘ Social class New York City Reading
✘ upper middle class 32 0
✘ lower middle class 20 28
✘ upper working class 12 44
✘ lower working class 0 49

Social Markers
✘ having this feature occur frequently in your speech (or not) marks you
as a member of a particular social group, whether you realize it or not.
✘ throughout the English-speaking world, is the final pronunciation of -
ing with [n] rather than [ŋ] at the end of words such as sitting and
✘ Another social marker is called “[h]-dropping,” which makes the words
at and hat sound the same.
✘ several grammatical features that have been identified as more typically
working class than middle class in studies of British English

Speech Style and Style-Shifting

✘ a way of speaking that is either formal/careful or informal/casual

✘ Formal style is when we pay more careful attention
✘ informal style is when we pay less attention.
✘ A change from one to the other by an individual is called style-shifting.
✘ speakers produce different forms or odd pronunciations as they shift their
speech style to try to “speak better is called hypercorrection .

✘ status that is generally recognized as “better” or more positively valued in the
larger community, in contrast to covert prestige
✘ covert prestige having positive value may explain why certain groups do not
exhibit style-shifting to the same extent as other groups.


Speech Accommodation
✘ our ability to modify our speech style toward or away from the perceived
style of the person(s) we are talking to.

Convergence and Divergence

✘ a speech style that attempts to reduce social distance, described as
✘ a speech style is used to emphasize social distance between speakers,
the process is called divergence.

✘ a conventional way of using language that is appropriate in a specific
✘ may be identified
1. situational (e.g. in church),
2. occupational (e.g. among lawyers)
3. or topical (e.g. talking about language).

✘ special technical vocabulary associated with a specific activity or
topic as part of a register .
✘ helps to create and maintain connections among those who
see themselves as “insiders” in some way and to exclude “outsiders.”
✘ learning of the appropriate jargon of a profession that qualifies an
individual as a valid professional within that area of expertise.

✘ describes words or phrases that are used instead of more everyday terms
among younger speakers and other groups with special interests.
✘ It can be used by those inside a group who share ideas and
attitudes as a way of distinguishing themselves from others.

Taboo Terms
✘ words or phrases that are avoided in formal speech.
✘ Taboo terms are words and phrases, that people avoid for reasons related
to religion, politeness and prohibited behavior.

African American English

✘ AAE is a variety used by many (not all) African Americans in many
different regions of the USA.

Vernacular Language
✘ expression for a kind of social dialect,
✘ typically spoken by a lower-status group, which is treated as “non-
standard” because of marked differences from the “standard”

The Sounds of a Vernacular

✘ the tendency to reduce final consonant clusters,
✘ so that words ending in two consonants (left hand) are
often pronounced as if there is only one (lef han).

The Grammar of a Vernacular

✘ aspects of grammar that AAVE and other vernaculars are most
stigmatized as being “illogical” or “sloppy.”

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