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B y Te c h v e n t o p v t . L t d .

By Techvento Pvt.Ltd.
About My self
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 PROGRAMME:- B. Tech Engineering.
 BRANCH:- Electronics and Communication Engineering(Hon’s).
 YEAR:- 3rd Year – 1st Semester.
 SECTION:-E2001.

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 Two Months Training and internship programme on Object Oriented

Programming in JAVA.
 Training and Intenship by Techvento Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi.
 It is located at R-7, Metro Station, Main, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Rd, near
Ghitorni, Ghitorni, New Delhi, Delhi 110030.
 Trainer Mr.SHEKHAR SAINI (Senior Trainer&DIRECTOR).
 Weekly self Analysis Assessments .
 Six weeks of training on The concepts of Java programming.
 Two weeks for Real time Project Development Using Java.
 Developed 2- projects :-
1) Individual Project.
Video Game using java programming (Snake Game).
2) Group Project.
ATM Machine Interface Using Java Programming.

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Introduction to Java Programming.
What is Java?
Java is a popular programming language, created in 1995.
It is owned by Oracle, and more than 3 billion devices run Java.
It is used for:
•Mobile applications (specially Android apps)
•Desktop applications
•Web applications
•Web servers and application servers
•Database connection
•And much, much more!.
Why Use Java?
•It is one of the most popular programming language in the world
•Java is an object oriented language which gives a clear structure to
programs and allows code to be reused, lowering development costs
•As Java is close to C++ and C#, it makes it easy for programmers to 5

switch to Java or vice versa.

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& Week-3

Basic Concepts in Java Programming.

• Java Data Types
• Variables in java.
• Hello World Programme.
• Type casting in java.
• Operators in java.
• Conditional Statements.
• Loops in java.
• Break/Continue statements.
• Recursions in java.
• Java Method Overloading.
• Example codes on Every Concepts.
• Assessments

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• Arrays in Java Programming.

• Java Program to Find the Number of Elements in an Array
• Java Program to Delete,Insert&update an Element from an Array
• Strings in java Programming.
•  java program to reverse a String
•  to check if a String is Palindrome
• program to count number of words in a String
• Switch Cases in Java.
• Introduction To Object Oriented Programming.
• Introduction to objects.
• Introduction to classes.

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& Week-6

• Programmes based on objects and classes.

• Inheritence.
• Polymorphism
• Abstraction.
• Encapsulation.
• Coupling and cohesion.
• Association
• Aggregation in java programming.
• Composition
• Programmes based upon oops concepts.
• Example programming codes on How to use&where to use oops in java.
• Self test analysis on oops concepts.

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& Week-8

Real time project Development .

1) Individual Project.
Video Game development using java Programming.
Snake Game:-
• Snake is an older classic video game. It was first created in
late 70s. Later it was brought to PCs. In this game the player
controls a snake. The objective is to eat as many apples as
possible. Each time the snake eats an apple its body grows.
The snake must avoid the walls and its own body. This game
is sometimes called Nibbles.
• The size of each of the joints of a snake is 10 px. The snake is
controlled with the cursor keys. Initially, the snake has three
joints. If the game is finished, the "Game Over" message is
displayed in the middle of the board.
• Software used Eclips ide.
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• ATM interfacing Development using Java programming.

• In Java, we can create an ATM program for representing ATM
transection. In the ATM program, the user has to select an option
from the options displayed on the screen. The options are related
to withdraw the money, deposit the money, check the balance,
and exit.
• To withdraw the money, we simply get the withdrawal amount
from the user and remove that amount from the total balance
and print the successful message.
• To deposit the money, we simply get the deposit amount from the
user, add it to the total balance and print the successful message.
• To check balance, we simply print the total balance of the user.

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•To learn why Java is useful for the design of desktop and
web applications.
•Gain Java knowledge and experience in real-life
•Improved my Leadership skills.
•To learn how to implement object-oriented designs with
• To learn how to design a graphical user interface (GUI)
with Java .
• To understand how to use Java APIs for program
• To learn how to read and write files in Java.
• To learn how to extend Java classes with inheritance
and dynamic binding.
• Hand on live experience with real time Projects.
• Understands the needs and Requirements of Clients.
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