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Sauce & Spoon

Tablet Rollout

Impact Report
Executive Summary

The purpose of the tabletop menu tablet rollout purpose was to enhance consumer satisfaction
while maintaining up with the growing digital presence in the restaurant industry. Since April,
we have noticed a 20% growth in revenue and have expanded customer satisfaction since our
post-pilot survey. In addition, through our survey use and staff cooperation, the tablet rollout
has expanded the average daily guest count by 10% and decreased wait times by 30 minutes.
Looking onwards, we will decide on the new establishments to install the tablets and look into
new features such as social media integration, reservations, and online ordering.
Customer Satisfaction: Pilot

Q. On a scale of 1-5, please rate your experience with the tablet overall.

This pie chart illustrates the results from the post-pilot survey.
72% of respondents indicated a customer satisfaction score of 4 or 5.
Customer Satisfaction: Launch

Q. On a scale of 1-5, please rate your experience with the tablet overall.

This pie chart illustrates the results from the post-launch survey.
86% of respondents indicated a customer satisfaction score of 4 or 5. This is a 14% increase.
Revenue Tablet Launch April 23

This is a diagram of Sauce & Spoon earnings, indicating that after tablet implementation, earnings improved.
July earnings was up to 20% over April’s monthly earnings.
What Worked: Key Accomplishments

Decreased table turn time Increased customer satisfaction

● ●Execution of the tablets improved the ● ●Behind the pilot, consumer satisfaction
average everyday guest count by stood at 72%.
10%.●Tablets also reduced wait duration
by 30 minutes. ● ●Once we executed modifications based on
feedback, consumer fulfillment advanced to
● Decreased food waste 86%.

●Tablets recognized who was accepting an ● Increased sales

erroneous order.
● Our monthly earnings has improved steadily
●Kitchen attendants has taken the initiative to since the tablet rollout, upwards of 20%
fix orders and reduce food waste by 50%. since September/pre-rollout.

● ●Tablets also assisted increase earnings

during the holiday season.
Next Steps: Looking Forward

Initiative Action Date

Expand tablet features Research new elements like Q4 11/4/2022

social media integration,
reservations, videos, etc.

Continue to track customer Continue Ongoing

experience and satisfaction monitoring/assembling data
through various means

Implement tablets in more Create new assignment Q2 01/22/2022

locations strategy for new place facility
● Access all information here.

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