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1411141001 古憶淇
1411141002 李詩苹
1411141003 張芷菱
1411141004 陳令潔
1411141005 陳郁婷
Unit 16
Abbreviations and acronyms
1411141001 古憶淇
1411141002 李詩苹
 R&D [Research & Development] /ˌriː.sɝːtʃ ən dɪˈvel.əp.mənt/noun/ 研究與開發
Definition: the part of a business that tries to find ways to improve existing products, and to develop new ones.
All our profits are re-invested in R&D.
 the IRS [Internal Revenue Service]/ɪnˌtɝː.nəl ˈrev.ə.nuː ˌsɝː.vɪs/noun/ 美國國家稅務

Definition: the part of the US Treasury Department that collects most taxes owed to the federal government,
including income tax.
The IRS grants tax exemptions for charities and community organizations.
 PIN [personal identification number ] /ˌpɝː.sən.əl aɪ.den.t̬ ə.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən ˌnʌm.bɚ
/noun/ 個人身分識別碼、銀行卡密碼
Definition: a secret number that a person uses together with a special card to get money from their bank account out of
a machine, or when paying by credit card.
Every credit card comes with a PIN. You will need that to complete a transaction.
 radar /ˈreɪ.dɑːr/noun/ 雷達
Definition: a system that uses radio waves to find the position of objects that cannot be seen.
Other vessels in the area show up on the ship's radar screen.
 yuppie /ˈjʌp.i/noun/ 雅皮士
( 指高收入、喜歡追求時尚並購買昂貴物品的城市青年 )
Definition: a young person who lives in a city, earns a lot of money, and spends it doing fashionable things and
buying expensive possessions.
They're just a couple of yuppies with more money than sense.
 laser /ˈleɪ.zər/noun/ 雷射(器)
Definition: a device that produces a powerful, narrow beam of light that can be used as a tool to cut metal, to perform
medical operations, or to create patterns of light for entertainment.

Don’t use laser pens to point at someone’s eyes.

 e.g. /iːˈdʒiː/phrase/ 例如
Definition: an abbreviation for exempli gratia: a Latin phrase that means "for example".
You should eat more food that contains a lot of fiber, e.g. fruit, vegetables, and bread.
 i.e. [id est] /ˌaɪˈiː/phrase/ 也就是,即
Definition: used especially in writing before a piece of information that makes the meaning of something clearer or
shows its true meaning.

The price must be more realistic, i.e. lower.

 typo /ˈtaɪ.poʊ/noun/ 打字(或排印)錯誤
Definition: a small mistake in a text made when it was typed or printed.
I detected three typos in the e-mail you sent.
 P.S. [postscript] /ˈpoʊst.skrɪpt/noun/ (信末簽名後的)附筆,又及
Definition: used when you want to add extra information at the end of a letter or email.
She added a P.S. asking for your address.

 P.O. Box [post office box] /ˈpiː əʊ bɒks $ -oʊ bɑːks/noun/ 郵政信箱
Definition: Used before a number as an address at a post office where letters to you can be sent.

You write to a P.O. box with your photo and telephone number, and they contact you if
they're interested.

 enc. [enclosed] /ɪnˈkləʊz $ -ˈkloʊz/verb/ 把 ... 圍起來;圍住;隨函附上

Definition: To put something inside an envelope as well as a letter.

Please find enclosed an agenda for the meeting.

 RSVP [please reply] /pliːz rɪˈplaɪ / 請回覆
Definition: Politely ask others to respond by speaking or writing.
RSVPas soon as possible.

 cc [carbon copy] /ˈkɑːbən $ ˈkɑːr-/ˈkɒpi $ ˈkɑːpi/noun/ 複寫本;極相像的人 , 事

Definition: Someone or something that is very similar to another person or thing.

The robbery is a carbon copy of one that took place last year.

 FYI [for your informartion] /fə;jəˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən $ -fər-/ 供您參考

Definition: Used especially in short business notes and emails, when you are telling someone something they need to

I attach a copy of my notes for your information.

Unit 17
New words in English

1411141002 李詩苹
1411141003 張芷菱
 cyberspace /ˈsaɪbəspeɪs $ -bər-/noun/ 網路空間
Definition: All the connections between computers in different places, considered as a real place where information,
messages, pictures etc exist.
All this points to a sea change in the world of computers and cyberspace.
 sound bite /saʊnd baɪt/noun/ 摘引精句 , 片段
Definition: A very short part of a speech or statement, especially one made by a politician, that is broadcast on a
radio or television news programme.
It is a good sound bite, but it is not any better for hearing it the second time.
 spam /spæm/noun/ 垃圾郵件
Definition: Email messages that a computer user has not asked for and does not want to read, for example from
someone who is advertising something.
You can filter out spam with special software.
 technophobe /ˈteknəfəʊb $ -foʊb/noun/ 科技恐懼症
Definition: Someone who does not like modern machines, such as computers, and would prefer to live without them.

In such a world, there will no longer be any technophobes or computer illiterates.

Everyone will use a computer.
在這樣的世界裡,將不再有任何技術恐懼症或計算機文盲 , 每個人都將會使用電
 webcast /ˈwebkɑːst $ -kæst/noun/ 網路直播
Definition: An event such as a musical performance which you can listen to or watch on the Internet.

There will be a live webcast of the total solar eclipse.

 attention deficit disorder[ADD]/əˌten.ʃən ˌdef.ɪ.sɪt dɪˌsɔːr.dɚ/noun/ 注意力缺乏障礙
Definition: an illness characterized by inattention and hyperactivity

We have no plans to issue further guidance specifically about children suffering from
attention deficit disorder.
 repetitive strain injury [RSI] /rɪˌpet̬ .ə.t̬ ɪv ˈstreɪn ˌɪn.dʒɚ.i/noun/ 重複性勞損
Definition: soreness, numbness, and pain (usually) in the hand wrist, or arm caused by repeated movement.

Office workers can suffer from work-related ill-health such as repetitive strain injury.
 downsizing /ˈdaʊn.saɪ.zɪŋ/noun/ 裁員 縮小規模
Definition: reducing the size of a company, usually by laying people off
The company announced a worldwide downsizing of its operations.
 outsourcing /ˈaʊtˌsɑː.sɪŋ/noun/ 外包
Definition: hiring outside workers to do work away from the company site.
The management guaranteed that outsourcing wouldn't mean job losses.
 cybercafé /ˌsaɪ.bɚ.kæfˈeɪ/noun/ 網吧 網路咖啡
Definition: a café where people can eat, drink coffee, and use the Internet

Many towns and cities have cybercafes where you can surf the Internet.
 spin doctor /ˈspɪn ˌdɑːk.tɚ/ noun/ 輿論導向專家
Definition: someone who manipulates public opinion to benefit a public figure
News coverage of the campaign can be influenced to a candidate’s advantage by spin
Unit 18

1411141003 張芷菱
1411141004 陳令潔
 fiend /fiːnd/noun/ 惡魔般的人
Definition: an evil and cruel person
He was portrayed in the media as a complete fiend.
 rein /reɪn/noun/ 皮質的繮繩
Definition: a long, thin piece of material, especially leather, that helps you to control and direct a horse

You pull on both reins to stop or slow a horse, but only the left rein to turn left.
 wander /ˈwɑːn.dɚ/ verb / 徘徊 漫步;閒逛;遊蕩
Definition: to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction
We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.
 reinforce /ˌriː.ɪnˈfɔːrs/ verb/ 加固;使更結實
Definition: to make something stronger
The pockets on my jeans are reinforced with double stitching.
 Psychiatry /saɪˈkaɪə.tri/noun/ 精神病學
Definition: the part of medicine that studies mental illness.
Psychiatry has come a long way since the 1920s.
自 1920 年代以來,精神病學已經走過了漫長的道路。
 pneumonia /njuːˈməʊ.ni.ə/noun/ 肺炎
Definition: a serious illness in which one or both lungs become red and swollen and filled with liquid.

People who are bedridden can easily get pneumonia.

 subtle /ˈsʌt.əl/ adjective/ 隱約的;暗淡的;不易察覺的;微妙的
Definition: not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way.
The room was painted a subtle shade of pink.
 knot /nɒt/noun/ 一群人
Definition: a small group of people standing close together
Knots of anxious people stood waiting in the hall.
 compound /ˈkɒm.paʊnd/noun/ 化合物
Definition: a chemical that combines two or more elements
Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.

 convict /kənˈvɪkt/noun/ 已決犯,既決犯;(服刑中的)囚犯

Definition: someone who is in prison because they are guilty of a crime.

Only one was convicted and he is appealing.


 apostrophe /əˈpɒs.trə.fi/noun/ 撇號
Definition: the symbol ’ used in writing to show when a letter or a number has been left out, as in I'm (= I am) or '85
(= 1985), or that is used before or after s to show possession.
"It's" with an apostrophe means "it is" or "it has".
帶有省字符號(‘)的「 it's 」表示「 it is 」或「 it has 」。
Unit 19
Onomatopoeic words

1411141004 陳令潔
1411141005 陳郁婷
 clang /klæŋ/verb/ (使)叮噹作響;(使)發出噹啷聲
Definition: to make a loud deep ringing sound like that of metal being hit, or to cause something to make this sound.

He woke up to hear the sound of bells clanging in the distance.


 clash /klæʃ/verb/ 打鬥,打架;發生衝突;爭論,爭辯

Definition: to fight or argue.

Students clashed with police after demonstrations at five universities.


 groan /ɡrəʊn/noun/ 呻吟聲;哼哼聲,嘆息聲

Definition: a deep, long sound showing great pain or unhappiness.
We could hear the groans of the wounded soldiers.
 grumpy /ˈɡrʌm.pi/adjective/ 脾氣壞的,易生氣的;愛抱怨的
Definition: bad tempered or moody

I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling kind of grumpy.


 sputter / ˈspʌt̬ .ɚ/verb/ 噴濺;氣急敗壞地說;結結巴巴地說

Definition: to say something using short breaths, often when confused or upset

He sputtered incoherently in his anger.


 spray / spreɪ/verb/ 噴灑
Definition: to send liquid through the air in a mist either by wind or some instrument
She sprayed herself with some perfume.
 whirr / wɝː/verb/ 發出呼呼聲
Definition: a sound like a bird's wings moving rapidly

The bird flew past, its wings whirring.


 wheeze / wiːz/verb/ (因呼吸困難而)發出粗重的呼吸聲,喘息

Definition: to breathe noisily, especially with a whistling sound in the chest

I could hear the old man behind me wheezing.


 smash / smæʃ/verb/ 打碎,摔碎

Definition: to break something violently into small pieces
I lost my key and had to smash the windows open.
 bash / bæʃ /verb/ 猛撞;猛擊
Definition: to strike something hard enough to break or injure it

He bashed his arm against a shelf.


 crackle / ˈkræk.əl/verb/ 發出尖銳急促聲;劈啪作響

Definition: to make a series of short, sharp sounds

The radio started to crackle.


 sizzle / ˈsɪz.əl /verb/ 發出(油炸食物般的)噝噝聲;滋滋作響

Definition: to make a hissing sound like something cooking in fat
The sausages are sizzling in the pan.
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