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The first conditional refers to a possible condition and its
probable result. It is based on facts and used to make
statements about the real world, and about particular situation.
The time is the present or future and the situation is real.

Subordinate Clause Main Clause

If+ Simple Present Simple Future
( s + v1 ) or ( s + modals + v1)
( s + to be +n/adj )
Example Conditional Type I
If I see Junio at the meeting, I will give him your message.

 If I have the time, I will go.

 Maybe I can help you if you tell the truth

The second conditional refers to an unlikely condition and its probable result.
The use of the past tense in subordinate clause indicates unreality or To talk
about a present situation which is impossible.

Subordinate Clause Main Clause

If+ Simple Past Past Future

( s + v2 ) ( s + past modals + v1)
( s + to be + n/adj )
Example Conditional Type II
 If my parents were alive, they would be very proud of me

 If she changed her job, she would be much happier.

 His uncle would buy him a new car if he won the game
The third conditional refers to an unreal past condition and its probable past
result or To talk about something that might have happened in the past, but did


Subordinate Clause Main Clause

If+ Past Perfect Past Future Perfect
(s+had+v3) (s + past modals +
have + v3)
Example Conditional Type III
 If she had studied harder, she would have passed her exams.

 The actor would have won the Oscar if he had not involved
in that incident.

 They could have saved their house if the firemen had

arrived on time.
• 1. I will visit your hometown…………..

• a. If I come to Indonesia.
• b. If I came to Indonesia
• c. If I will come to indonesia
• d. If I would come to Indonesia

• 2. If I had had free time …………..

• a. I will watch the movie together with my friend.

• b. I would watch the movie together with my friend.
• c. I would have watched the movie together with my friends.
• d. I would have been watching the movie together with my friends.

• 3. What is the fact of the previous sentence? (question no. 2)

• a. I didn’t have free time. Therefore, I didn’t watch the movie together with my friend.
• b. I don’t have free time. Therefore. I don’t watch the movie together with my friend.
• c. I was not having free time. Therefore, I was not watching the movie together with my friend.
• d. I am not having free time. Therefore. I am not watching the movie together with my friend.
4. If I were you, …………..

a. I will buy that limited edition camera.

b. I would buy that limited edition camera.
c. I would have bought that limited edition camera.
d. I would have been buying that limited edition camera.

5. What is the fact of the previous question? (question no.4)

a. I am not you c. I were not you.

b. I was not you d. I have not been you.

6. My father would buy me a new motorcycle …………..

a. If I passed the state university entrance test.
b. If I pass the state university entrance test.
c. If I have passed the state university entrance test.
d. If I am passing the state university entrance test.

7. What is the fact of the previous sentence? (question no.6)

a. I don’t pass the state university entrance test.

b. I didn’t pass the state university entrance test.
c. I wasn’t passing the state university entrance test.
d. I am not passing the state university entrance test.
8. If I had gone with my parents five hours ago to our villa,……….

 a. I would not be alone right now.

b. I will not be alone right now.
c. I am not alone right now
d. I was not alone right now.
9. What is the fact of question no. 8?

a. I do not go with my parents five hours ago, so 1 am alone right now.

b. I did not go with my parents five hours ago, so I am alone right now.
c. I was not going with my parents five hours ago, so I am alone right now.
d. I am not going with my parents five hours ago, so I am alone right now.
10. If Maria had obeyed her mother’s advice to accept the scholarship,…………..
a. She would have graduated from famous university.
b. She will graduate from famous university.
c. She graduates from famous university.
d. She graduated from famous university.

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