Data Structures - Unit 2 Stack, Queue

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Stack and Queue

 A stack is an ordered list with the restriction that elements
are added or deleted from only one end of the list termed top
of stack.
 The other end of the list which lies ‘inactive’ is termed
bottom of stack.
 Thus if S is a stack with three elements a, b, c where c
occupies the top of stack position, and if d were to be 2

added, the resultant stack contents would be a, b, c, d.


Note that d occupies the top of stack position.

Again, initiating a delete or remove operation would
automatically throw out the element occupying the top of stack,
viz., d.
Figure 4.1 illustrates this functionality of the stack data


 It needs to be observed that during insertion of elements into
the stack it is essential that their identities are specified,
where as for removal no identity need be specified since by
virtue of its functionality, the element which occupies the top
of stack position is automatically removed.
 The stack data structure therefore obeys the principle of Last
In First Out (LIFO).
 In other words, elements inserted or added into the stack join 5

last and those that joined last are the first to be removed.
 Some common examples of a stack occur during the serving
of slices of bread arranged as a pile on a platter or during the
usage of an elevator.
 It is obvious that when one adds a slice to a pile or removes
one for serving, it is the top of the pile that is affected.
 Similarly, in the case of an elevator, the last person to board
the cabin has to be the first person to alight from it (at least to
make room for the others to alight!) 6

Stack Operations
Stack Operations

The two operations which stack data structure supports are

(i) Insertion or addition of elements known as Push
(ii) Deletion or removal of elements known as Pop
Before we discuss the operations supported by stack in detail,
it is essential to know how stacks are implemented.

Stack implementation
Stack implementation
A common and a basic method of implementing stacks is to
make use of another fundamental data structure viz., arrays.
While arrays are sequential data structures the other
alternative of employing linked data structures have been
successfully attempted and applied.
Here the implementation of stacks is done using arrays.

Stack implementation
 Figure 4.3 illustrates an array based implementation of
 This is fairly convenient considering the fact that stacks are
uni-dimensional ordered lists and so are arrays which
despite their multi-dimensional structure are inherently
associated with a one-dimensional consecutive set of memory

Stack implementation

Stack implementation
 Figure 4.3 shows a stack of four elements R, S, V, G
represented by an array STACK[1:7].
 In general, if a stack is represented as an array STACK[1 : n]
then n elements and not one more can be stored in the stack.
 It therefore becomes essential to issue a signal or warning
termed STACK_FULL when elements whose number is over
and above n are attempted to be pushed into the stack.
 Again, during a pop operation, it is essential to ensure that 12

one does not delete an empty stack!

Stack implementation
 Hence the necessity for a signal or a warning termed
STACK_EMPTY during the implementation of the pop
 While implementation of stacks using arrays necessitates
checking for STACK_FULL/STACK_EMPTY conditions
during push/pop operations respectively, the implementation
of stacks with linked data structures dispenses with these
testing conditions. 13
Stack implementation

Implementation of push and pop operations

Let stack [1:n] be an array implementation of a stack and top
be a variable recording the current top of stack position.
top is initialized to 0.
item is the element to be pushed into the stack.
n is the maximum capacity of the stack.

Stack implementation

Stack implementation

 In the case of pop operation, as said earlier, no element

identity need be specified since by default the element
occupying the top of stack position is deleted.
 However, in algorithm 4.2, item is used as an output variable
which stores a copy of the element removed.

Stack implementation

 It is evident from the algorithms that to perform a single

push/pop operation the time complexity is O(1).
Stack implementation

Example 4.1
Consider a stack DEVICE[1:3] of peripheral devices.
The insertion of the four items PEN, PLOTTER, JOY STICK
and PRINTER into DEVICE and a deletion are illustrated below.

Stack implementation

Stack implementation

 Note that in operation 5 which is a pop operation, the top

pointer is merely decremented as a mark of deletion. 20

 No physical erasure of data is carried out.

Stacks have found innumerable applications in computer
science and other allied areas.
In this section we introduce two applications of stacks which
are useful in computer science, viz.,
(i) Recursive programming, and
(ii) Evaluation of expressions

Recursive programming
We demonstrate through a sample recursive program how
stacks are helpful in handling recursion.
 Consider the recursive pseudo-code for factorial computation
shown in figure below.
Observe the recursive call in Step 3.
It is essential that during the computation of n!, the procedure
does not lead to an endless series of calls to itself!

Hence the need for a base case 0! = 1 which is in Step 1.


 The spate of calls made by procedure FACTORIAL( ) to itself based
on the value of n, can be viewed as FACTORIAL( ) replicating itself
as many times as it calls itself with varying values of n.
 Also, all these procedures await normal termination before the final
output of n! is completed and displayed by the very first call made to
 A procedural call would have a normal termination only when either
the base case is executed (Step 1) or the recursive case has
successfully ended, (i.e.) Steps 2-5 have completed their execution.
 During the execution, to keep track of the calls made to itself
and to record the status of the parameters at the time of the
call, a stack data structure is used.
 Figure 4.5 illustrates the various snap shots of the stack
during the execution of FACTORTIAL (5).
 Note that the values of the three parameters of the procedure
FACTORIAL( ) viz., n, x, y are kept track of in the stack data
structure. 25


 When the procedure FACTORIAL (5) is initiated (Fig. 4.5(a))
and executed (Fig. 4.5(b)) x obtains the value 4 and_ the
control flow moves to Step 3 in the procedure FACTORIAL
 This initiates the next call to the procedure as FACTORIAL
 Observe that the first call (FACTORIAL (5) ) has not yet
finished its execution when the next call (FACTORIAL (4)) to 28

the procedure has been issued.

 Therefore there is this need to preserve the values of the
variables used viz.,n, x, y, in the preceding calls.
 Hence the need for a stack data structure.
 Every new procedure call pushes the current values of the
parameters involved into the stack, thereby preserving the
values used by the earlier calls.
 Figures 4.5(c-d) illustrate the contents of the stack during the
execution of FACTORTAL (4) and subsequent procedure 29

 During the execution of FACTORIAL (0) (Fig. 4.5(e)) Step 1 of
the procedure is satisfied and this terminates the procedure
call yielding the value FACTORIAL = 1.
 Since the call for FACTORIAL (0) was initiated in Step 3 of
the previous call (FACTORIAL (1)), y acquires the value of
FACTORIAL (0) (i.e.) 1 and the execution control moves to
Step 4 to compute FACTORIAL = n * y (ie.) FACTORIAL = 1 *
1 = 1. 30
 With this computation, FACTORIAL (1) terminates its
 As said earlier, FACTORIAL (1) returns the computed value of
1 to Step 3 of the previous call FACTORIAL (2).
 Once again it yields the result FACTORIAL = n * y = 2 * 1 = 2.
which terminates the procedure call to FACTORIAL (2) and
returns the result to Step 3 of the previous call FACTORIAL
(3) and so on. 31
 Observe that the stack data structure grows due to a series of
push operations during the procedure calls and unwinds itself
by a series of pop operations until it reaches the step
associated with the first procedure call, to complete its
execution and display the result.
 During the execution of FACTORIAL (5), the first and the
oldest call to be made, y in Step 3 computes y =
FACTORIAL(4) = 24 and proceeds to obtain FACTORIAL = n 32

* y = 5 * 24 = 120 which is the desired result.

Tail recursion
Tail recursion or Tail-end recursion is a special case of
recursion where a recursive call to the function turns out to be
the last action in the calling function.
Note that the recursive call needs to be the last executed
statement in the function and not necessarily the last statement
in the function.
Generally, in a stack implementation of a recursive call, all the
local variables of the function that are to be “remembered”, are 33

pushed into the stack when the call is made.

 Upon termination of the recursive call, the local variables are
popped out and restored to their previous values.
 Now for tail recursion, since the recursive call turns out to be the
last executed statement, there is no need that the local variables
must be pushed into a stack for them to be “remembered” and
“restored” on termination of the recursive call.
 This is because when the recursive call ends, the calling function
itself terminates at which all local variables are automatically 34

 Tail recursion is considered important in many high level
languages, especially functional programming languages.
 These languages rely on tail recursion to implement iteration.
 It is known that compared to iterations, recursions need more
stack space and tail recursions are ideal candidates for
transformation into iterations.

Evaluation of expressions
Infix, Prefix and Postfix Expressions
The evaluation of expressions is an important feature of
compiler design.
When we write or understand an arithmetic expression for
example, -(A + B) Î C * D + E, we do so by following the scheme
of <operand> <operator> <operand> (i.e.) an <operator> is
preceded and succeeded by an <operand>. Such an expression 36

is termed infix expression.

 It is already known how infix expressions used in
programming languages have been accorded rules of
hierarchy, precedence and associativity to ensure that the
computer does not misinterpret the expression but computes
its value in a unique way.
 In reality the compiler re-works on the infix expression to
produce an equivalent expression which follows the scheme
of <operand> <operand> <operator> and is known as 37

postfix expression.
 For example, the infix expression a + b would have the
equivalent postfix expression a b+.
 A third category of expression is the one which follows the
scheme of <operator> <operand> <operand> and is known
as prefix expression .
 For example, the equivalent prefix expression
corresponding to a + b is +a b.
 Examples 4.2, 4.3 illustrate the hand computation of prefix 38

and postfix expressions from a given infix expression.

Example 4.2
Consider an infix expression a + b*c - d.
The equivalent postfix expression can be hand computed by
decomposing the original expression into sub expressions
based on the usual rules of hierarchy, precedence and



 Hence abc * + d - is the equivalent postfix expression of a + b +c - d.


Example 4.3

Consider the infix expression (a * b - f + h) Î d. The equivalent

prefix expression is hand computed as given below:



 Hence the equivalent prefix expression of (a* b - f*h) Î d is Î- * ab * fhd.

Evaluation of postfix expressions
The compiler finds it convenient to evaluate an expression in
its postfix form.
The virtues of postfix form include elimination of
parantheses which signify priority of evaluation and the
elimination of the need to observe rules of hierarchy,
precedence and associativity during evaluation of the
expression. 43
 This implies that the evaluation of a postfix expression is done
by merely undertaking a left to right scan of the expression,
pushing operands into a stack and evaluating the
operator with the appropriate number of operands popped
out from the stack and finally placing the output of the
evaluated expression into the stack.
 Algorithm 4.3 illustrates the evaluation of a postfix expression.
 Here the postfix expression is terminated with $ to signal 44

end of input.

 The evaluation of a postfix expression using Algorithm
EVAL_POSTFIX is illustrated in Example.
 To evaluate the postfix expression of A + B * C Î D for A = 2,
B = -1, C = 2 and D = 3, using Algorithm EVAL_POSTFIX.
 The equivalent postfix expression can be computed to be
ABCD Î *+.
 The evaluation of the postfix expression using the algorithm is
illustrated below: The values of the operands pushed into 46

stack S are given within parentheses e.g. A(2), B(-1) etc.




 A Queue is a linear list in which all insertions are made at
one end of the list known as rear or tail of the queue and all
deletions are made at the other end known as front or head
of the queue.
 An insertion operation is also referred to as enqueuing a
queue and a deletion operation is referred to as dequeuing a
 Figure 5.1 illustrates a queue and its functionality. 50

 Here, Q is a queue of three elements a, b, c (Fig. 5.1(a)).
 When an element d is to join the queue, it is inserted at the
rear end of the queue (Fig. 5.1(b)) and when an element is to
be deleted, the one at the front end of the queue, viz, a, is
deleted automatically (Fig. 5.1(c)).
 Thus a queue data structure obeys the principle of first in
first out (FIFO) or first come first served (FCFS).
 Many examples of queues occur in everyday life.
 Figure 5.2(a) illustrates a queue of clients awaiting to be
served by a clerk in a booking counter and Fig. 5.2(6)
illustrates a trail of components moving down an assembly
line to be processed by a robot at the end of the line.
 The FIFO principle of insertion at the rear end of the queue
when a new client arrives or when a new component is
added, and deletion at the front end of the queue when the
service of the client or processing of the component is 53

complete is evident.

Operations on Queues

Operations on Queues
The queue data structure supports two operations, viz.,
(i) Insertion or addition of elements to a queue
(ii) Deletion or removal of elements from a queue
Before we proceed to discuss these operations, it is essential
to know how queues are implemented.

Queue Implementation
Queue Implementation
A common method of implementing a queue data structure
is to use another sequential data structure, viz, arrays.
However, queues have also been implemented using a linked
data structure .
Here we do the implementation of queues using arrays.
Figure 5.3 illustrates an array based implementation of a
queue. 56
Queue Implementation

Queue Implementation
 A queue Q of four elements R,S,V,G is represented using an
array Q [1:7].
 Note how the variables FRONT and REAR keep track of the
front and rear ends of the queue to facilitate execution of
insertion and deletion operations respectively.
 However, just as in the stack data structure, the array
implementation puts a limitation on the capacity of the
queue. 58
Queue Implementation

 In other words, the number of elements in the queue cannot

exceed the maximum dimension of the one dimensional
 Thus a queue that is accommodated in an array Q[1 : n],
cannot hold more than n elements.
 Hence every insertion of an element into the queue has to
necessarily test for a QUEUE-FULL condition before
executing the insertion operation. 59
Queue Implementation
 Again, each deletion has to ensure that it is not attempted on
a queue which is already empty calling for the need to test for
a QUEUE-EMPTY condition before executing the deletion
 But as said earlier with regard to stacks, the linked
representation of queues dispenses with the need for these
QUEUE-FULL and QUEUE-EMPTY testing conditions and
hence prove to be elegant and efficient. 60
Queue Implementation
Implementation of insert and delete operations on a queue
Let Q[1 : n] be an array implementation of a queue.
Let FRONT and REAR be variables recording the front and
rear positions of the queue.
The FRONT variable points to a position which is physically
one less than the actual front of the queue.
ITEM is the element to be inserted into the queue.
n is the maximum capacity of the queue. 61

Both FRONT and REAR are initialized to 0.

Queue Implementation
Algorithm 5.1 illustrates the insert operation on a queue.

Queue Implementation
 It can be observed that addition of every new element into the
queue increments the REAR variable.
 However, before insertion, the condition whether the queue is
full (QUEUE_FULL) is checked.
 This ensures that there is no overflow of elements in a queue.
 The delete operation is illustrated in Algorithm 5.2.
 Though a deletion operation automatically deletes the front
element of the queue, the variable ITEM is used as an output 63

variable to store the value of the element removed.

Queue Implementation

Queue Implementation
 In Algorithm 5.2, observe that to perform a delete operation,
the participation of both the variables FRONT and REAR is
 Before deletion, the condition (FRONT = REAR) checks for
the emptiness of the queue.
 If the queue is not empty, FRONT is incremented by 1 to point
to the element to be deleted and subsequently the element is
removed through ITEM.
 Note how this leaves the FRONT variable remembering the 65

position which is one less than the actual front of the queue.
Queue Implementation
 This helps in the usage of (FRONT = REAR) as a common
condition for testing whether a queue is empty, which occurs
either after its initialization or after a sequence of insert and
delete operations, when the queue has just emptied itself.
 Soon after the queue Q has been initialized, FRONT = REAR
= 0.
 Hence the condition (FRONT = REAR) ensures that the
queue is empty. 66
Queue Implementation
 Again after a sequence of operations when Q has become
partially or completely full and delete operations are
repeatedly invoked to empty the queue, it may be observed
how FRONT increments itself in steps of one with every
deletion and begins moving towards REAR.
 During the final deletion which renders the queue empty,
FRONT coincides with REAR satisfying the condition (FRONT
= REAR = k), k ≠ 0. 67

 Here k is the position of the last element to be deleted.

Queue Implementation
 Hence, we observe that in an array implementation of
queues, with every insertion, REAR moves away from
FRONT and with every deletion FRONT moves towards
 When the queue is empty, FRONT = REAR is satisfied and
when full, REAR = n (the maximum capacity of the queue) is

Queue Implementation
 Queues whose insert/delete operations follow the procedures
implemented in Algorithms 5.1 and 5.2, are known as linear
queues to distinguish them from circular queues.
 Example 5.1 demonstrates the working of a linear queue.
 The time complexity to perform a single insert/delete
operation in a linear queue is O(1).

Queue Implementation
Example 5.1
Let BIRDS [1:3] be a linear queue data structure.
The working of Algorithms 5.1 and 5.2 demonstrated on the
insertions and deletions performed on BIRDS is illustrated
Insert/delete operations on the queue BIRDS [1:3]

Queue Implementation

Queue Implementation

Queue Implementation

Queue Implementation

Queue Implementation
Limitations of linear queues
Example 5.1 illustrated the implementation of insert and delete
operations on a linear queue.
In operation 4 when ‘SWAN’ was inserted into BIRDS [1: 3],
the insertion operation was unsuccessful since the
QUEUE_FULL condition was invoked.
Also, one observes the queue BIRDS to be physically full
justifying the condition. 75
Queue Implementation
 But after operations 5 and 6 were performed and when two
elements viz., DOVE and PEACOCK were deleted, despite
the space it had created to accommodate two more
insertions, the insertion of ‘SWAN’ attempted in operation 7
was rejected once again due to the invocation of the
QUEUE_FULL condition. This is a gross limitation of a linear
queue since QUEUE_FULL condition does not check whether
Q is ‘physically’ full. It merely relies on the condition (REAR =
n) which may turn out to be true even for a queue that is only 76
Queue Implementation
 When one contrasts this implementation with the working of a
queue that one sees around in every day life, it is easy to see
that with every deletion (after completion of service at one
end of the queue) the remaining elements move forward
towards the head of the queue leaving no gaps in-between.
 This obviously makes room for that many insertions to be
accommodated at the tail end of the queue depending on the
space available. 77
Queue Implementation
 However, to attempt implementing this strategy during every
deletion of an element is worthless since data movement is
always computationally expensive and may render the
process of queue maintenance highly inefficient.
 In short, when a QUEUE_FULL condition is invoked it does
not necessarily imply that the queue is ‘physically’ full.
 This leads to the limitation of rejecting insertions despite the
space available to accommodate them.
 The rectification of this limitation leads to what are known as 78

circular queues.
Circular Queues
Circular Queues
We discuss the implementation and operations on circular
queues which serve to rectify the limitation of linear queues.
As the name indicates a circular queue is not linear in
structure but instead it is circular.
In other words, the FRONT and REAR variables which
displayed a linear (left to right) movement over a queue, display
a circular movement (clock wise) over the queue data
structure. 79
Operations on a circular queue
Operations on a circular queue
Let CIRC_Q be a circular queue with a capacity of three
elements as shown in Fig. 5.4(a).
The queue is obviously full with FRONT pointing to the
element at the head of the queue and REAR pointing to the
element at the tail end of the queue.
Let us now perform two deletions and then attempt insertions
of ‘d’ and ‘e’ into the queue. 80
Operations on a circular queue

Operations on a circular queue
 Observe the circular movement of the FRONT and REAR
 After two deletions, FRONT moves towards REAR and points
to ‘c’ as the current front element of CIRC_Q (Fig. 5.4(b)).
 When ‘d’ is inserted, unlike linear queues, REAR curls back in
a clock wise fashion to accommodate ‘d’ in the vacant space
 A similar procedure follows for the insertion of ‘e’ as well (Fig. 82

Operations on a circular queue
 Figure 5.5 emphasizes this circular movement of FRONT
and REAR variables over a general circular queue during a
sequence of insertions/deletions.
 A circular queue when implemented using arrays is not
different from linear queues in their physical storage.
 In other words, a linear queue is conceptually viewed to have
a circular form to understand the clockwise movement of
FRONT and REAR variables as shown in Fig. 5.6. 83
Implementation of circular queue

Implementation of circular queue
Implementation of insertion and deletion operations in a
circular queue
Algorithms 5.3 and 5.4 illustrate the implementation of insert
and delete operations in a circular queue respectively.
The circular movement of FRONT and REAR variables is
implemented using the mod function which is cyclical in nature.
Also the array data structure CIRC_Q to implement the queue
is declared to be CIRC_Q [0: n - 1] to facilitate the circular
operation of FRONT and REAR variables. 85
Implementation of circular queue
 As in linear queues, FRONT points to a position which is one
less then the actual front of the circular queue.
 Both FRONT and REAR are initialized to 0.
 Note that (n - 1) is the actual physical capacity of the queue in
spite of the array declaration as [0 : n - 1]

Implementation of circular queue

Implementation of circular queue

Implementation of circular queue

 The time complexities of Algorithms 5.3 and 5.4 is O(1).

 The working of the algorithms is demonstrated on an

illustration given in Example 5.2.

Implementation of circular queue
 Example 5.2 Let COLOURS [0:3] be a circular queue data
 Note the actual physical capacity of the queue is only 3
elements despite the declaration of the array as [0:3].
 The operations illustrated below (Table 5.2) demonstrate the
working of Algorithms 5.3 and 5.4.
 Table 5.2 insert and delete operations on the circular queue
COLOURS [0:3] 90
Implementation of circular queue

Implementation of circular queue

Implementation of circular queue

Priority queues
Other Types of Queues
Priority queues
A priority queue is a queue in which insertion or deletion of
items from any position in the queue are done based on some
property (such as priority of task)
For example, let P be a priority queue with three elements a,
b, c whose priority factors are 2, 1, 1 respectively.
Here, larger the number, higher is the priority accorded to

that element (Fig. 5.7 (a)).

Priority queues

Priority queues
 When a new element d with higher priority viz., 4 is inserted,
d joins at the head of the queue superceding the remaining
elements (Fig. 5.7(b)).
 When elements in the queue have the same priority, then
the priority queue behaves as an ordinary queue following
the principle of FIFO amongst such elements.
 The working of a priority queue may be likened to a situation
when a file of patients wait for their turn in a queue to have an 96

appointment with a doctor.

Priority queues
 All patients are accorded equal priority and follow an FCFS
scheme by appointments.
 However, when a patient with bleeding injuries is brought in,
he/ she is accorded high priority and is immediately moved to
the head of the queue for immediate attention by the doctor.
This is priority queue at work.
 A common method of implementation of a priority queue is to
open as many queues as there are priority factors. 97
Priority queues
 A low priority queue will be operated for deletion only when all
its high priority predecessors are empty. In other words,
deletion of an element in a priority queue q 1 with priority pi is

possible only when those queues qj with priorities pj ( pj > pi)

are empty. However, with regard to insertions, an element e k,

with priority p1 joins the respective queue obeying the scheme

of FIFO with regard to the queue ql alone.

Priority queues
 Another method of implementation could be to sortout the
elements in the queue according to the descending order of
priorities every time an insertion takes place.
 The top priority element at the head of the queue is the one to
be deleted.
 The choice of implementation depends on a time-space trade
off based decision made by the user.
 While the first method of implementation of a priority queue
using a cluster of queue consumes space, the time 99

complexity of an insertion is only O(1).

Priority queues
 In the case of deletion of an element in a specific queue with a specific priority,
it calls for the checking of all other queues preceding it in priority, to be empty.
 On the other hand, the second method consumes less space since it handles
just a single queue.
 However, insertion of every element calls for sorting all the queue elements in
the descending order, the most efficient of which reports a time complexity of
 With regard to deletion, the element at the head of the queue is automatically
deleted with a time complexity of O(1).
 The two methods of implementation of a priority queue are illustrated in

Example 5.3.
Priority queues
Example 5.3
Let JOB be a queue of jobs to be undertaken at a factory shop
floor for service by a machine.
Let high (2), medium (1) and low (0) be the priorities accorded
to jobs.
Let Ji (k) indicate a job Ji to be undertaken with priority k.
The implementations of a priority queue to keep track of the
jobs, using the two methods of implementation discussed
above, are illustrated for a sample set of job arrivals (insertions) 101

and job service completion (deletion).

Priority queues
Opening JOB queue: J1(1) J2(1) J3(0)
Operations on the JOB queue in the chronological order :
1. J4 (2) arrives
2. J5 (2) arrives
3. Execute job
4. Execute job
5. Execute job
Priority queues

Priority queues

Priority queues

Priority queues

Priority queues

Priority queues

Priority queues
 A variant of the implementation of a priority queue using
multiple queues is to make use of a single two dimensional
array to represent the list of queues and their contents.
 The number of rows in the array is equal to the number of
priorities accorded to the data elements and the columns are
equal to the maximum number of elements that can be
accommodated in the queues corresponding to the priority
number. 109
Priority queues
 Thus, if PRIO_QUE[1:m, 1:n] is an array representing a
priority queue, then the data items joining the queue may
have priority numbers ranging from 1 to m and corresponding
to each queue representing a priority, a maximum of n
elements can be accommodated.
 Illustrative problem 5.4 demonstrates the implementation of
a priority queue as a two dimensional array.
A deque (double ended queue) is a linear list in which all
insertions and deletions are made at the end of the list.
A dequeue is pronounced as ‘deck’ or ‘de queue’.
A deque is therefore more general than a stack or queue and is a
sort of FLIFLO (First in Last In or First out Last Out).
Thus while one speaks of the top or bottom of a stack, or front or
rear of a queue, one refers to the right end or left end of a deque.
The fact that deque is a generalization of a stack or queue is 111

illustrated in Fig. 5.8.


 A deque has two variants, viz., input restricted deque and
output restricted deque.
 An input restricted deque is one where insertions are allowed
at one end only while deletions are allowed at both ends.
 On the other hand, an output restricted deque allows
insertions at both ends of the deque but permits deletions
only at one end.
 A deque is commonly implemented as a circular array with
two variables LEFT and RIGHT taking care of the active ends 113

of the deque.
 Example 5.4 illustrates the working of a deque with insertions
and deletions permitted at both ends.
 Example 5.4 Let DEQ[1:6] be a deque implemented as a
circular array.
 The contents of DEQ and that of LEFT and RIGHT are as
given below:



 It is easy to observe that for insertions at the left end, LEFT is
decremented by 1 ( mod n) and for insertions at the right end
RIGHT is incremented by 1 (mod n).
 For deletions at the left end, LEFT is incremented by 1 (mod
n) and for deletions at the right end, RIGHT is decremented
by 1 (mod n) where n is the capacity of the deque.
 Again, before performing a deletion if LEFT=RIGHT, then it
implies that there is only one element and in such a case after
deletion set LEFT =RIGHT=NIL to indicate that the deque is 117

Application of a linear queue
In this section we discuss the application of a linear queue
and a priority queue in the scheduling of jobs by a processor in
a time sharing system.
Application of a linear queue
Figure 5.9 shows a basic diagram of a time-sharing system.
 A CPU (processor) endowed with memory resources, is to be
shared by n number of computer users. 118
Application of a linear queue
 The sharing of the processor and memory resources is
done by allotting a definite time slice of the processor's
attention on the users and in a round-robin fashion.
 In a system such as this, the users are unaware of the
presence of other users and are led to believe that their job
receives the undivided attention of the CPU.

Application of a linear queue

Application of a linear queue

 However, to keep track of the jobs initiated by the users, the

processor relies on a queue data structure recording the
active user ids.
 Example 5.5 demonstrates the application of a queue data
structure for this job-scheduling problem.

Application of a linear queue
 Example 5.5 The following is a table of three users A,B,C
with their job requests Ji (k) where i is the job number and k is
the time required to execute the job.

Application of a linear queue
 Thus J1 (4), a job request initiated by A needs 4 µ secs for its
execution before the user initiates the next request of J2(3).
 Throughout the simulation, we assume a uniform user delay
period of 5 µ secs between any two sequential job requests
initiated by a user.
 Thus B initiates J4 (1), 5 µ secs after the completion of J3 (2)
and so on.
 Also to simplify simulation, we assume that the CPU gives
whole attention to the completion of a job request before 123

moving to the next job request.

Application of a linear queue
 In other words, all the job requests complete their execution
well within the time slice allotted to them.
 To initiate the simulation, we assume that A logged in at time
0, B at time 1 and C at time 2.
 Figure 5.10 shows a graphical illustration of the simulation.
 Note that at time 2 while A’s J1 (4) is being executed, B is in
the wait mode with J3 (2) and C has just logged in.
 The objective is to ensure the CPU's attention to all the jobs

logged in according to the principle of FIFO.

Application of a linear queue

Application of a linear queue
 To tackle such a complex scenario, a queue data structure comes in
 As soon as a job request is made by a user, the user id is inserted
into a queue.
 A job that is to be processed next would be the one at the head of
the queue.
 A job until its execution is complete remains at the head of the
 Once the request has been processed and execution is complete, 126

the user id is deleted from the queue.

Application of a linear queue
 A snap shot of the queue data structure at times 5, 10 and 14
is shown in Fig. 5.11.
 Observe that during the time period 16-21 the CPU is left idle.

Application of priority queues
Application of priority queues
Assume a time-sharing system in which job requests by
users are of different categories.
For example, some requests may be real time, the others
online and the last may be batch processing requests.
It is known that real time job requests carry the highest
priority, followed by online processing and batch processing in
that order. 128
Application of priority queues
 In such a situation the job scheduler needs to maintain a
priority queue to execute the job requests based on their
 If the priority queue were to be implemented using a cluster of
queues of varying priorities, the scheduler has to maintain
one queue for real time jobs (R), one for online processing
jobs (O) and the third for batch processing jobs (B).
 The CPU proceeds to execute a job request in O only when R 129

is empty.
Application of priority queues
 In other words all real time jobs awaiting execution in R have
to be completed and cleared before execution of a job request
from O.
 In the case of queue B, before executing a job in queue B, the
queues R and O should be empty.
 Example 5.6 illustrates the application of a priority queue in
a time-sharing system with priority-based job requests.
Application of priority queues
 Example 5.6 The following is a table of three users A,B,C with
their job requests.
 Ri (k) indicates a real time job Ri whose execution time is k µ
 Similarly Bi(k) and Oi(k) indicate batch processing and online
processing jobs respectively.

Application of priority queues
 As before we assume a user delay of 5 µ secs between any two
sequential job requests by the user and assume that the CPU gives
undivided attention to a job request until its completion.
 Also, A, B and C login at times 0,1 and 2 respectively.
 Figure 5.12. illustrates the simulation of the job scheduler for the
priority based job requests.
 Figure 5.13 shows the snap shot of the priority queue at times 4, 8
and 12.
 Observe that the processor while scheduling jobs and executing them
falls into idle modes during time periods 7-9 and 15-17. 132
Application of priority queues

Application of priority queues



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