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Ultimate Frisbee

Alex VanDeusen

Jared Freese

Brandon Giller

Anthony Scibelli

Dylan Scribani
Grade-Level Outcomes in Ultimate Frisbee

 S2.M1.8. Applies movement concepts, locomotor, and/or

manipulative skills in a variety of physical activities.

 S4.M6.8 Applies rules and etiquette by acting as an official

for modified physical activities and games and creating
dance routines within a given set of parameters.

1)When holding a frisbee, how many steps can you legally take before throwing it? 
• 1
• 2
• 3
• 4

2) How long is a stall count in frisbee? 

• 5 seconds
• 8 seconds
• 10 seconds
• 12 seconds

3) The key component for playing defense in frisbee is? 

a.) running into another player to keep them from catching the frisbee and hurting them
b.) closing space between you and the offensive player
c.) standing far away from the offensive player giving them as much space as needed
d.) standing behind the offensive player giving them an open field to play

4) (True / False)                Picks and screens are allowed. 

5) (True / False) Players are allowed to pivot before throwing a frisbee. 

6) (True / False) You are not allowed to pass the frisbee backwards.

7) (True / False)  You are allowed to make physical contact during the game play.

8) What is one movement concept you can use to create space during ultimate frisbee gameplay? (varying pathways, changing
speed, direction, or pace, or distance between you and an opposing player)

9) List 3 locomotor movements you used in ultimate frisbee gameplay (running, jumping, throwing, catching, walking)

10) A turnover occurs when a pass is __________ .(Write one)  (Dropped, thrown out of bounds, intercepted, or knocked down)

 The cognitive pre and post assessment for ultimate frisbee is trustworthy based off the data collected
from both assessments and it being reliable, valid, and objective.

 Reliability: Both assessments are consistent for every student. Further, After the pre-assessment all
students went through a complete lesson of ultimate frisbee receiving practice of the game and skill, fair
level of difficulty, and ample time before taking the post-assessment. 

 Validity: Both assessments are accurate, all of the questions align with the curriculum taught during the
ultimate frisbee lesson and the assessments are being used as intended and demonstrate student
growth between the pre and post assessment.

 Objectivity: Both assessments demonstrate fairness and don't have bias because it's a cognitive
assessment and all students receive the same assessment. Further, the same result will be found if I
and another teacher both taught the same ultimate frisbee content then gave the assessments.

 Authenticity: Both assessments have questions based on some game like situations and settings,
however the test is cognitive so there is no true physical component during the assessments.

 Practicality: Both assessments are easily accessible, cost is not an issue, there is no time limit on
the assessment, scoring is easily accessible as there is am answer key to the questions, and the
assessment is feasible.


of the Data
z Grading
How Will Unit Grades Be Determined?  Grading

- Student's will be graded on: 15%

- 40% psychomotor 40%

- 30% cognitive
- 15% attendance
- 15% participation

Post-assessment quizzes will be part of the 30%

Psychomotor Cognitive Participation Attendance

cognitive grade, while performing correct
form will be part of the psychomotor grade. 

There will be a post-assessment quiz for

every unit in class
z Outliers
Majority of the class had around the same scores.

We had 1 outlier of the group

The outlier for pre-test of the group was a 3 out of 10 on the quiz

This could be because they may not have known too much about the
sport of ultimate frisbee and was confused on the rules and

An example: The true or false question of "You are not allowed to

pass the frisbee backwards." This answer is true but they answered

Reasons for Incorrect Answers: 

- The computer marked answers wrong due to spelling errors
- Placing answers in the wrong order
- Not having capitaliziation in the words

As stated, before the outlier on the pre-test was a 3 out of 10.


The post-test for the outlier ended up being a 6 out of 10 showing a

higher score and signs of using the cognitive domain. 
Reflection/ Suggestions


- Create a block plan soley on the rules and

- Add more questions on offensive tactics
during gameplay
- Add more questions on defensive tactics
during gameplay

 Thank you for listening

 We now have time for any questions

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