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A paper presented for PGD Ultrasound Course for

Radiographers (Research Methods II i.e. Statistical Methods)
held at Posh Hospital, No 100 Chime Avenue, New Haven,
Enugu, Nigeria on 22nd July, 2019.

Charles Ugwoke Eze, B.Sc.,(Hons) {Rad.}, M.Sc., Ph.D., (Nig)

(Medical Imaging).

Department of Medical Radiography & Radiological Sciences,

Faculty of Health Sciences & Technology, College of
Medicine, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.
 A report is a systematic, well organised document
which defines and analyses a subject or problem, and
which may include:
 the record of a sequence of events –
 interpretation of the significance of these events or
facts –
 evaluation of the facts or results of research presented

 discussion of the outcomes of a decision or course of
action –
 conclusions –
 Recommendations.
Steps to be followed in an effective
 Determine the objective of the report, i.e., identify
the problem.
 Collect the required material (facts) for the report.
 Study and examine the facts gathered.
 Plan the facts for the report.
 Prepare an outline for the report, i.e., draft the
 Edit the drafted report.
 Distribute the draft report to the advisory team
and ask for feedback.

 Introduction: Good project writing is developed over time.

 I often tell student that their project is their first academic text and
demonstrations of their learning.
 When people read your project work, they want to see your ability
to motivate your question using logic, your ability to critically
analyze the past literature, and your ability to recognize empirical
problems as they arise.
 In particular, it is important that your project work demonstrates
that you are more knowledgeable, analytic, and sophisticated about
the knowledge of your topic than your supervisor.
 In writing project you should present evidence, cite literature,
explain the concepts, and generally approach the issue from an
analytic perspective.
 Sometimes, a student is tempted to stray into opinion-page,
journalistic writing in his or her term paper.
Principle of Project Report Writing
 Principle I: Use good grammar.
 To write a good project you must use good

grammar. You will get a lower grade if your

writing is full of grammatical error, unclear
 If you have trouble writing grammatically, try

asking for help from your friends to help you

and edit your work.
 Or you can use grammarly software to

automatically correct your common English

Principle II: Writing with clarity.
 In any academic work writing, clarity is very essentials.
 Let your work be very clear to your supervisor and all your
 In writing it is advised you use present tense especially in your
chapters one and two.
 This mostly aligns with any active tense you use.
 You should use active tense like “We” only when referring to
something everyone does often. Use I, when referring to an
active action on your part.
 Do not use contractions or abbreviations such as: e.g., i.e.,
etc.. Write out the equivalent words: for instance, that is, et
 Know when to use each type of words to avoid wrong words.
For instance, if you are writing something in economics, know
how to use the word “Longrun and Long-run” or Shortrun and
Short-run. In economics we use longrun without hyphen as
noun while with hyphen as an adjective.
Principle III: Avoid plagiarism by using the common
terms sparingly
 Use keyword not body of someone article when writing project
 Project writing is not coping people’s work, it is research.
 Pick keywords from other related materials and use them not
the whole work.
 Minimize the use of common language in project writing like in
economics, we often use words like; the results show,.. that the
estimated coefficient on…, is not statistically significant
different from zero. Use them anyway but sparingly.
 Keep sentences short.
 Short words are easily understandable by readers.
 In writing make sure you use positive words often than negative
 Keep your writing self-contained.
 Frequent references to other works, or to things that have come
before or will come later, can be distracting.
 Do send your presentation round to family and friends for
comment/feedback, where appropriate before the day of your
Principle IV: Master the Art of organization•

 In writing project, organize your project according to the set

down rule by your discipline.
 The format and style of project writing is almost the same in
every discipline but differs in presentation.
 Understand the format for project writing unique to your
 Every project mostly has chapters between 1-5 for first
degree and five to six chapters for master and PhD degrees.
 Although your writing should not essentially follow a
journalistic style, its structure can be organized like a
newspaper article.
 Organize the paper in triangular or newspaper style, not in
joke or novel style.
 Notice how newspaper starts with the most important part,
then add passive word in background later for the readers
who kept going and want more details.
Typical Project formats
The typical project formats are:
 Title page
 Approval page
 Dedication
 Acknowledgements

 Abstract
 Table of Contents
 List of Tables
 List of Figures

 List of Symbols/ Nomenclature (Where Applicable)

 Main Work (Chapter One To Five)
 References

 Appendices (Where Applicable)

Title page
 Here, the name of the institution is put,
 the title of the report,
 the name of the Author,
 then the reason for the report (this is why it is

required that students add that it is 'in partial

fulfilment of the course requirement required
for the award of the B.Sc degree.'
 Then the date is added.
Approval page
The name of the institution and department,
 then a statement signifying approval for the

work by the supervisor,

 head of department and external supervisor.
 Space is reserved for signatures of all listed

parties as well.
Dedication page
 This is where the researcher dedicate the
research to a deity, someone, dead or/and
 This is different from the acknowledgement.
 This is the synopsis of the research work.
 It is often written last with the tense in past.
 Usually less than 200 words summarizing

the problem statement, the methodology

employed, the findings, conclusion and
 This should be in a single paragraph and the

word limit not exceeded.

Table of contents
 The main headings and sub-headings and
page numbers are listed.
 This allows for easy page identification and

 The table of content should be edited at the

final stage as well, to correctly capture the

reflections in the work.
List of tables/figures/symbols
 The list is to aid the reader in locating
 It should contain the tag numbers, tag which

reflects the content and the page numbers.

 It should be well-numbered and

 In the main content, the figure/table should

be well-labelled.
(The body of the work).
Chapter One:
 This is usually the introduction.
This describes the background, scope and purpose of
the research.
 The rest of the report should be tied to the
information supplied.
 The researcher should strive to present sufficient
details regarding why the study was carried out.
 It should not be rushed, a gradual build-up of the
content from bottom to top is ideal.
 It should be closed with a linking paragraph that
would disclose the objectives, constraints and
Chapter two:
 This is usually the literature review.
 This presents basically, the work done by others.
 It is on the ground work done by others that the
current research is to be based, hence the review.
 It sums up the pros and cons of all past work but
due credit should be given to the various Authors
(see the guide on referencing on this website).
 The use of quotations should be less in use, more
of paraphrasing (reading and making out meaning
in your own words), making comments in the review
is great as well; it just depends on the context.
Chapter three:
 This is usually the research methodology.
Here the language used should be in past tense.
 It is a sum-up of the research design,
procedures, the area and population of study.
 The data sampling and data sources are
detailed as well.
 The method used, from all alternatives, should
also be justified.
 The materials and equipment used is also
Chapter four:
 This is usually for data presentation and
analysis (results).
 The results obtained in the research are

presented here.
 Visual aids like graphs, charts and the likes

should be used as well.

 Each table and figure is explained briefly

without discussing it.

Chapter five:
 This part houses the discussion, conclusions and
 The results should be discussed then compared
with results of past Authors.
 The effects and applications of the results should
be detailed as well.
 From the results of the research, conclusions are
made, then suggestions for improvement for
other researchers with similar interest.
 Based on the whole happenings,
recommendations are proffered.
 This is a list of all the relevant journals,
books and all sources of information
consulted in the research work, either online
or print.
 Plagiarism should be avoided at all costs, all

quoted and exact words of different sources

should be properly referenced, in-text and at
the references' list/bibliography.
 MLA, APA and Chicago style are the
commonest referencing styles.
 This is for all extra materials that were not added to the
body of the work.
 This encapsulates extensive proofs, official data from
case study, list of parameters, et al.
 After writing, the researcher should painstakingly
proofread the whole content for grammatical and spelling
 This could be very distracting while reading the material.
 The page numbers are easily distorted by changing font
size and type, spacing et al.
 The final submission should be very clear, error-free (to a
large degree) and as required by standard.
 The most commonly used style for writing research reports is called "APA"
and the rules are described in the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association.
 Any library or bookstore will have it readily available.
 The style guide contains hundreds of rules for grammar, layout, and syntax.
 This paper will cover the most important ones.
 Avoid the use of first person pronouns.
 Refer to yourself or the research team in third person. Instead of saying "I
will ..." or "We will ...", say something like "The researcher will ..." or "The
research team will ...".
 A suggestion: Never present a draft (rough) copy of your proposal, thesis,
dissertation, or research paper...even if asked.
 A paper that looks like a draft, will interpreted as such, and you can expect
extensive and liberal modifications.
 Take the time to put your paper in perfect APA format before showing it to
anyone else.
 The payoff will be great since it will then be perceived as a final paper, and
there will be far fewer changes.
Style, layout, and page formatting
Title page
 All text on the title page is centered vertically and

horizontally. The title page has no page number and

it is not counted in any page numbering.
Page layout
 Left margin: 1½"

Right margin: 1"

Top margin: 1"
Bottom margin: 1"
Page numbering
 Pages are numbered at the top right. There should be

1" of white space from the top of the page number to

the top of the paper. Numeric page numbering begins
with the first page of Chapter 1 (although a page
number is not placed on page 1).
Style, layout, and page formatting
Spacing and justification
 All pages are single sided.
 Text is double-spaced, except for long quotations and the

bibliography (which are single-spaced).

 There is one blank line between a section heading and the text

that follows it.

 Do not right-justify text. Use ragged-right.

Font face and size

 Any easily readable font is acceptable.
 The font should be 10 points or larger.
 Generally, the same font must be used throughout the

manuscript, except 1) tables and graphs may use a different font,

and 2) chapter titles and section headings may use a different
The Main Chapters in Project Writing

General Information:
 Basically project has five main section or

 Though the content might differs from school

to school or discipline to discipline but they

have same pattern and content base.
 This is the reason I strongly advice you never

to copy project work you download anywhere

word for word.
Chapter One: Introduction
 This is the introductory aspect of project writing, it is
all inclusive and exhaustive.
 The introduction should start with what you do in this
paper, the major contribution.
 As soon as you mention that, mention something
unexpected about it!
 The reader will be much more motivated to read the
rest of the paper if you challenge his or her intuition
right from the get-go.
 Your readers are your audience.
 They have better things to do than read your paper.
 Make them interested in your thesis and convinced of
your argument in the first two paragraphs.
 Let there be a proper linking in your write-up from the
conceptual definition to conclusion based on available
theories and empirical materials you accessed.
Chapter One: Introduction ctd.
 The sub-section of project writing differs from discipline to discipline.
 Though it almost include background of study, statement of problem,

research questions, objectives, significance, definition of terms, scope

and few others.
 Introduction -this is a general introduction to the topical area.
 It is a general, broad statement that provides an overview of the area
involving your project.
Guiding questions for this area are:
 •Why is this an important area?
 •What has been the historical development of the topic?
 •Are there different points of view about the topic?
 •Have there been significant investigations, studies, or reports

concerning the topical area?

 •What is the current status of the area of your interest?
 •What are the major outstanding concerns in the general area?
Chapter One: Introduction ctd.
Statement of the Problem-since the introduction has given a broad,
general background to the project, this should be very specific in
 The statement of the problem might begin with the words, "This project

will address the problem of..." Guiding questions for this area are:
 •Does the problem pose significance for education?
 •Will the problem present data that explains previously unexplained

 •Will the problem serve as a point of departure for the project?

Purpose of the Project-this section provides you with an opportunity to

tell the reader the overall purpose of your project. For a project, include
either questions to be answered or specific objectives to be reached.
Guiding questions are:•Is the question directly related to the review of
the literature?
Chapter One: Introduction ctd.
 Does the question help clarify the problem statement?
 •Does the question project a bias?

 •Is it possible to misinterpret the question?

 •Is the objective specific and clearly stated?
 •Is the objective directly related to the review of the

 •Is each hypothesis clearly stated?
 •Are the hypotheses testable?

Limitations-these are constraints to the project that are

beyond your control but that may influence the data.
Limitations may emerge at any time during your project.
Chapter One: Introduction ctd.
Delimitations-deliberately self
 -imposed constraints on the project.
 You define the boundaries in the problem area within which

the project will be done, and the population or situation

which the project addresses.
 Definition of Terms-be sure that important terms and

concepts used in the project are adequately analyzed and

 Assign a precise meaning to commonplace words of

Significance of the Project-this section provides answers as to
what the project will contribute.
It should specifically state the value of the
 project.
 Why is this project?
Chapter Two: Literature Review
 This section deals with review of both empirical and
theoretical literatures.
 After you have explained your contribution in chapter one,
then you write literature review in this section.
 Remember, it will be very hard for people to understand how
your paper is different from others’ given that they don’t
understand your paper yet, and most of them have not read
the other papers.
 It is not necessary to cite every single paper in the literature.
 The main point of the literature review should be to set your
paper off against the 4 or 5.
 And to give proper credit to people who deserve priority for
things that might otherwise seem new in your paper.
 Depending on your assignment, preparing a literature review
might entail an exhaustive library search or referencing a
single paper.
Chapter Two: Literature Review ctd
 You should have notes, either on index cards or in less on
your computer, on the books and articles you have read.
 Read over your summaries and comments and begin to look
for common themes that can organize your review.
 The first section should discuss previous research that is
directly relevant to your paper (not every single paper written
on the topic).
 The review need not only be topical, but can include research
that employs the same methods you are using, analyzes a
similar model, uses the same dataset, etc.
 Keep in mind that your main contribution will be to your
 This means, you should be able to relate your work mostly to
previous discipline papers!
 If you are working on an interdisciplinary topic (such as
health), it is fine to cite a couple of papers from another
Chapter Two: Literature Review ctd
 This is a vital part of the proposal that you present
to your committee.
 It is evidence that you are thoroughly knowledgeable

about the research that has been conducted in the

area of your proposed investigation or project.
 It becomes the basis for your project.
 The review is a careful examination of a body of

literature pointing toward the answer to the need for

your project.
 It is essential to discover what is already known

about your topic/area.

Chapter Two: Literature Review ctd
Guiding questions are:
 •What is known about my subject?
 •Are there any gaps of knowledge of my subject?
 •Have these gaps been identified by other researchers or professionals

in the field?
 •Is there a consensus on relevant issues or is there significant debate?
 •What are the various positions?
 •What direction should my project take based on my review of the

 Introduction-give the reader a description of the procedure you used in

conducting your review of the literature.

 What databases were used in the review?
 Tell how the chapter will be organized, e.g. topically?, chronologically?,

historically?, etc.
 What sections will be included in the chapter?
Chapter Three: Research Methods
 This section deals with the methodology you are adopting in
your research work.
 The research design, data analysis, data gathering and source
of the data you are using and the period it covers.
 Describe whether you have a panel, cross section or time
series in the case of economics.
 The validity of the instrument among others.
 The second section should present (relevant) descriptive
statistics of the data.
 You should have a couple of tables with means and standard
deviations for the variables you will be using in the analysis.
 The methodology section describes your basic research plan.
 It usually begins with a few short introductory paragraphs
that restate purpose and research questions.
 The phraseology should be identical to that used in Chapter I.
 Keep the wording of your research questions consistent
throughout the document.
Project Design
 Project Design-describe each and every step to
be taken to do your project.
 It is a type of "road map" that others must
follow if they choose to replicate your project.
 Include all the steps you took in setting up
your project.
 Describe what the final product of your project
will look like.
 The clearer that you can make this for the
committee, the better.
 Copies of all pertinent documents, instruction
sheets, etc. should be placed in the appendices.
Project Evaluation
 Project Evaluation-describe how you will determine that your
project has been effective.
 What measures will you take to modify/improve the product?
 If you are using a human population, you must make an
Application for Approval of Investigations Involving the Use of
Human Subjects to the your Institutional Review Board before
you begin your project evaluation
 . Talk to your advisor to make sure this important step is
completed. Refer to the Office of Research website:
 in the forms area.
 Timeline (present only in proposal)-give your committee a
schedule for your project including a project completion date.
 Keep in mind the dates set for each semester by the graduate
college that determine deadlines for defending your
Population and sampling

 The basic research paradigm is:

     1) Define the population
     2) Draw a representative sample from the population
     3) Do the research on the sample
     4) Infer your results from the sample back to the population

As you can see, it all begins with a precise definition of the population.
 The whole idea of inferential research (using a sample to represent the
entire population) depends upon an accurate description of the population.
 When you've finished your research and you make statements based on the
results, who will they apply to?
 Usually, just one sentence is necessary to define the population.
 Examples are: "The population for this study is defined as all adult
customers who make a purchase in our stores during the sampling time
frame", or "...all home owners in the city of Minneapolis", or "...all potential
consumers of our product".
sampling methods
 While the population can usually be defined by a single
statement, the sampling procedure needs to be
described in extensive detail.
 There are numerous sampling methods from which to
 Describe in minute detail, how you will select the
 Use specific names, places, times, etc. Don't omit any
 This is extremely important because the reader of the
paper must decide if your sample will sufficiently
represent the population.

 If you are using a survey that was designed

by someone else, state the source of the
 Describe the theoretical constructs that the

survey is attempting to measure.

 Include a copy of the actual survey in the

appendix and state that a copy of the survey

is in the appendix.
Procedure and time frame

 State exactly when the research will begin

and when it will end.
 Describe any special procedures that will be

 (e.g., instructions that will be read to

 presentation of an informed consent form,

Analysis plan
 The analysis plan should be described in detail.
 Each research question will usually require its own
 Thus, the research questions should be addressed
one at a time followed by a description of the type
of statistical tests that will be performed to
answer that research question.
 Be specific. State what variables will be included
in the analyses and identify the dependent and
independent variables if such a relationship exists.
 Decision making criteria (e.g., the critical alpha
level) should also be stated, as well as the
computer software that will be used.
Validity and reliability
 If the survey you're using was designed by
someone else, then describe the previous
validity and reliability assessments.
 When using an existing instrument, you'll

want to perform the same reliability

measurement as the author of the
 If you've developed your own survey, then

you must describe the steps you took to

assess its validity
 and a description of how you will measure its

 Validity refers to the accuracy or truthfulness of
a measurement.
 Are we measuring what we think we are?
 There are no statistical tests to measure validity.
 All assessments of validity are subjective
opinions based on the judgment of the
 Nevertheless, there are at least three types of
validity that should be addressed and you should
state what steps you took to assess validity.
Face validity
 Face validity refers to the likelihood that a
question will be misunderstood or
 Pretesting a survey is a good way to increase

the likelihood of face validity.

 One method of establishing face validity is

described here.
How to make sure your survey is valid.
Content validity
 Content validity refers to whether an
instrument provides adequate coverage of a
 Expert opinions, literature searches, and

pretest open-ended questions help to

establish content validity.
Construct validity
 Construct validity refers to the theoretical foundations
underlying a particular scale or measurement.
 It looks at the underlying theories or constructs that
explain a phenomena.
 In other words, if you are using several survey items
to measure a more global construct (e.g., a subscale
of a survey), then you should describe why you believe
the items comprise a construct.
 If a construct has been identified by previous
researchers, then describe the criteria they used to
validate the construct.
 A technique known as confirmatory factor analysis is
often used to explore how individual survey items
contribute to an overall construct measurement.
 Reliability is synonymous with repeatability or stability.
 A measurement that yields consistent results over time is said to be
 When a measurement is prone to random error, it lacks reliability.
 There are three basic methods to test reliability : test-retest,
equivalent form, and internal consistency.
 Most research uses some form of internal consistency.
 When there is a scale of items all attempting to measure the same
construct, then we would expect a large degree of coherence in the
way people answer those items.
 Various statistical tests can measure the degree of coherence.
 Another way to test reliability is to ask the same question with
slightly different wording in different parts of the survey.
 The correlation between the items is a measure of their reliability.
 See: How to test the reliability of a survey.
 All research studies make assumptions.
 The most obvious is that the sample
represents the population.
 Another common assumptions are that an

instrument has validity and is measuring the

desired constructs.
 Still another is that respondents will answer a

survey truthfully.
 The important point is for the researcher to

state specifically what assumptions are being

Scope and limitations
 All research studies also have limitations and
a finite scope.
 Limitations are often imposed by time and

budget constraints.
 Precisely list the limitations of the study.
 Describe the extent to which you believe the

limitations degrade the quality of the

Chapter Four: Presentation and Analysis of Data
 This part deals with data presentation and interpretation
of results, including testing the hypothesis stated in
chapter one.
 Different disciplines adopt different methodology. Present
all your result in tabular form and follow suite to interpret
the result immediately.
 One of the more common mistakes made by authors of
project writing is to forget that their results need to be
written up as carefully and clearly as any other part of the
 There are essentially two decisions to make:
 First, how many empirical results should be presented?
 Second, how should these results be described in the text?
 Also ensure you approximate all your decimal points to at
least two to three places. Don’t bug the whole research
work with your many decimal figures.
Results ctd
 The analyses section is cut and dry.
 It precisely follows the analysis plan laid out in Chapter III. Each

research question addressed individually.

 For each research question:
   1) Restate the research question using the exact wording as in

Chapter I
  2) If the research question is testable, state the null hypothesis

  3) State the type of statistical test(s) performed

  4) Report the statistics and conclusions, followed by any

appropriate table(s)
 Numbers and tables are not self-evident.
 If you use tables or graphs, refer to them in the text and explain

what they say. An example is: "Table 4 shows a strong negative

relationship between delivery time and customer satisfaction
(r=-.72, p=.03)". All tables and figures have a number and a
descriptive heading.
Results ctd
 All tables and figures have a number and a descriptive
 For example:Table 4
The relationship between delivery time and customer
 Avoid the use of trivial tables or graphs.
 If a graph or table does not add new information (i.e.,
information not explained in the text), then don't
include it.
 Simply present the results.
 Do not attempt to explain the results details in this
Chapter Five: Discussion, Summary, Conclusion and

 This is your Discussion, summary, conclusion

and recommendation.
 In some discipline it includes limitation to

previous studies on your topic and the gap in

 Begin the final chapter with a few paragraphs

summarizing what you did and found (i.e.,

the conclusions from Chapter IV).

 Discuss the findings.

 Do your findings support existing theories?
 Explain why you think you found what you

 Present plausible reasons why the results

might have turned out the way they did.

 Present recommendations based on your findings.
 Avoid the temptation to present recommendations
based on your own beliefs or biases that are not
specifically supported by your data.
 Recommendations fall into two categories.
 The first is recommendations to the study sponsor.
 What actions do you recommend they take based
upon the data.
 The second is recommendations to other researchers.
 There are almost always ways that a study could be
improved or refined.
 What would you change if you were to do your study
over again?
 These are the recommendations to other researchers.
Summary and Conclusion
 Conclusions section is necessary.
 If you did a good job of explaining your contribution in
understandable prose in the introduction, and then
documenting those claims in the body of the paper, then
brief summary and conclusion is necessary.
 Do not restate all of your findings.
 One statement in the abstract, one in the introduction and
once more in the body of the text should be enough!
 You can include a short paragraph or two acknowledging
limitations, suggesting implications beyond those in the
 Keep it short though.
 And don’t speculate; the reader wants to know your facts
not your opinions.
 The last thing you should do is PROOFREAD your paper to
avoid grammatical error.
Your Reference
 APA format should be used to cite references within the paper. If you
name the author in your sentence, then follow the authors name with
the year in parentheses. For example:

Jones (2004) found that...

If you do not include the authors name as part of the text, then both
the author's name and year are enclosed in parentheses. For example:

One researcher (Jones, 2004) found that...

A complete bibliography is attached at the end of the paper. It is

double spaced except single-spacing is used for a multiple-line
reference. The first line of each reference is indented.
Examples of Ref documentation
 Eze CU, Akpan, VP, Nwadike, IU (2016). Sonographic Assessment of
Normal Renal Parenchymal and Medullary Pyramid Thicknesses among
Children in Enugu, Southeast, Nigeria. Radiography, 22(1): 25 - 31.
 Eze CU, Ezugwu EE, Ohagwu CC (2017). Prevalence of Cholelithiasis
among Igbo Adult Subjects in Nnewi, Southeast Nigeria: a Community-
based Sonographic Study. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography,
33 (2): 83-90.
 Eze, CU, Eze, CU, Adeyomoye A (2018). Sonographic evaluation of
kidney echogenicity and morphology among HIV sero‑positive adults
at Lagos university teaching hospital. Journal of Ultrasound, 21(1): 25-
 Nwadike UI, Agwu KK, Eze CU, Kani G, Agu G, Enwereuzo E, Obika M,
Umoh E, Ufomba E (2018). Determination of the sonic properties of
a Nigerian quartz for ultrasonic transducer. Journal of X-ray Science
and Technology, 26(3): 499-508.
Proofreading and Revision

 Check for typos, spelling errors, missing pages,

incorrect table or missing references, and the like.
 These are the cockroaches of writing. Exterminate
 Use the spell-check feature of your word processing
software like grammaly, but do not use it as your sole
proofreading measure!
 Carefully read your draft to correct awkward and/or
repetitive phrases, and to reorganize your sentences
and paragraphs.
 However, if you want help on
your project writing click this link

 Questionnaire
 Raw data
 Ethical clearance
 Informed consent
 The active ingredients of power include
wealth, weapon, authority, nature and
knowledge but knowledge is supreme---
Charles Ugwoke Eze.
 Continuous quality professional education is

the key to survival for any professional and

his/her profession in today’s rapidly
changing world-----Charles Ugwoke Eze.
 Many thanks for your kind attention.

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