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Asking and Giving

What is “Opinion is the ideas that a person or a group of people have about
something or someone, which are based mainly on their feelings
opinion? and beliefs, or a single idea”
How to Ask Opinion?

1. I need your opinion (aku butuh pendapatmu) 

2. 2.What do you think about …? (apa yang kamu pikirkan tentang …?) 
3. Do you have opinion? (apakah kamu punya opini?) 
Asking 4. 4.Could you tell me your opinion? (bisakah kamu memberitahuku pendapatmu?) 
Opinion 5. What is your opinion? (apa pendapatmu?) 
6. 6.What do you think of …? (bagaimana pikiranmu tentang …?)
7. 7.What is your view on …? (Bagaimana pandanganmu tentang …?)
8. 8.Please tell me your opinion on … (Tolong beritahu saya pendapatmu tentang …)
9. In your honest opinion, …? (Pendapat jujurmu, …?)
10. 10.Please give me your thoughts on … (Tolong beritahu aku pemikiranmu tentang …)
11. 11. What are your feelings about …? (Apa perasaanmu tentang?)
12.  I’d like to know your views on … (Aku ingin mengetahui pandanganmu tentang …)
 How to Give Opinion?
In my opinion (menurut pendapatku) 
2.I think (saya pikir) 
Giving 3.I believe (saya percaya) 

Opinion 4.In my point of view (menurut pandanganku) 

5.My opinion about …. (pendapatku tentang ….) 
6.As far as I know (sejauh yang saya tahu) 
7.In my mind (menurut pemikiranku)
8.To be honest … (Sejujurnya …)
9.In my point of view (Menurut pandanganku)
10.In my view (Menurut pandanganku)
11.11.In my personal opinion (Menurut pendapat pribadiku)
12.I reckon that … (Saya rasa itu …)
 Contoh Expression of Accepting Opinion (agreement):

How to 1.I agree with your opinion (saya setuju dengan pendapatmu) 

Respond to 2.That’s a good opinion (itu adalah pendapat yang bagus)

3.I have same opinion with you (saya punya pendapat yang
Opinion? sama denganmu)
4.Your opinion is totally correct (pendapatmu sangat benar) 
 Example; Expression of Refusing Opinion (disagreement):
1.I don’t think so (aku pikir tidak begitu) 
2.That’s a good opinion but, …. (itu adalah pendapat yang bagus tapi, ….)
3.I am not really sure about your opinion (aku sedikit ragu dengan pendapatmu)
4.I have different point of view with you (aku punya pendapat yang berbeda denganmu)
 Moon: I just got this bag for my sweet seventeen. What do you
think about it? 
 Dialog 1  Star: I think that’s so cool; you look so sporty. 
 Moon: Yes, I agree with you. It will be my favorite bag.
 Jake: Rose, what is your opinion about the global warming
Dialog 2  Rose: In my opinion that is an important issue that must be
concerned by people around the world
 Jake: That’s a good opinion
 Vic: Hi Kev, have you heard about the new bakery store? (Halo Kev, apakah
kamu sudah mendengar tentang toko roti yang baru?)
 Kev: Yes, I have (Ya, sudah)
 Vic: What do you think about it? (Bagaimana menurutmu mengenai hal itu?)
 Kev: Personally, I think the flavor is little bit too sweet (Secara pribadi,
menurutku rasanya agak terlalu manis)
 Vic: Hmm, I disagree with you. (Hmm, aku tidak setuju denganmu.)
 Kev: Then, what is your point of view? (Lalu, bagaimana menurut
Dialogue 3 pandangmu?)
 Vic: In my opinion the cake and bread is delicious. (Dari sudut pandangku,
kue dan rotinya enak)
 Kev: Fair enough, As far as I am concerned they’re still new so they can still
develop. (Cukup adil, Setahu saya mereka masih baru jadi masih bisa
 Vic: Yes, I totally agree with you. (Ya, aku sangat setuju denganmu)
 Kev : Let’s see ( kita lihat saja)
 In your group discussion make a dialogue using “Asking and
Giving Opinion Expressions” . Topic is free
Activity  After design the dialogue, practice and act it out in front of the

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