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Nature and Functions of

Social Sciences Disciplines


 Define the nine disciplines of Social Sciences.

 Identify the natures and functions of each
Etymologies of Social
Science Disciplines and
 Social Science tells us how society works. It
provides a deeper understanding about the
world beyond our immediate experience. It tells
us that everything is interconnected, that the
labor of yesterday can be the fruits of today and
that the actions of today will have an impact in
the future of humanity.
Jumbled Letters
1. GYOLOPORTHAN – Scientific study of man or human
being and their societies in the past and present.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – “anthopos” (human), “logos” (study of)
Scientific study of man or human being and their societies
in the past and present.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being
and their societies in the past and present.
2. EDOMGRHAYP– Study of human population and
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being
and their societies in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY – “demos” (people), “graphein” (description)
Study of human population and dynamics.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being and
their societies in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ENOCOSCIM - Study of what constitutes rational human behavior
in the endeavor to fulfill needs and wants.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being
and their societies in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - “oikanomia” (household management)
Study of what constitutes rational human behavior in the endeavor
to fulfill needs and wants.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being
and their societies in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - Study of what constitutes rational human
behavior in the endeavor to fulfill needs and wants.
4. EGYOGARHP - Deals with the study of the relationship
between the earth and people.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being
and their societies in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - Study of what constitutes rational human
behavior in the endeavor to fulfill needs and wants.
4. GEOGRAPHY - “geo” (Earth), “graphein”(description) Deals
with the study of the relationship between the earth and people.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being
and their societies in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - Study of what constitutes rational human
behavior in the endeavor to fulfill needs and wants.
4. GEOGRAPHY - Deals with the study of the relationship
between the earth and people.
5. SHIOTYR - The study of the past and its records about event.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being
and their societies in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - Study of what constitutes rational human
behavior in the endeavor to fulfill needs and wants.
4. GEOGRAPHY - Deals with the study of the relationship
between the earth and people.
5. HISTORY - “histoire” (recorded and documented events)
The study of the past and its records about event.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being and their
societies in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - Study of what constitutes rational human behavior in the
endeavor to fulfill needs and wants.
4. GEOGRAPHY - Deals with the study of the relationship between the
earth and people.
5. HISTORY - The study of the past and its records about event.
6. PLOIITACL CSIEENC – Deals with the system of governance.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being and their
societies in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - Study of what constitutes rational human behavior in the
endeavor to fulfill needs and wants.
4. GEOGRAPHY - Deals with the study of the relationship between the
earth and people.
5. HISTORY - The study of the past and its records about event.
6. POLITICAL SCIENCE – “politika,” “polis” (affairs of the cities) Deals
with the system of governance.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being and their societies
in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - Study of what constitutes rational human behavior in the endeavor
to fulfill needs and wants.
4. GEOGRAPHY - Deals with the study of the relationship between the earth and
5. HISTORY - The study of the past and its records about event.
6. POLITICAL SCIENCE – Deals with the system of governance.
7. LNIGUISSCTI - Study of languages and focuses on the three aspects of language.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being and their societies
in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - Study of what constitutes rational human behavior in the endeavor
to fulfill needs and wants.
4. GEOGRAPHY - Deals with the study of the relationship between the earth and
5. HISTORY - The study of the past and its records about event.
6. POLITICAL SCIENCE – Deals with the system of governance.
7. LINGUISTICS - “lingua” (tongue, language) Study of languages and focuses
on the three aspects of language.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being and their societies
in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - Study of what constitutes rational human behavior in the endeavor
to fulfill needs and wants.
4. GEOGRAPHY - Deals with the study of the relationship between the earth and
5. HISTORY - The study of the past and its records about event.
6. POLITICAL SCIENCE – Deals with the system of governance.
7. LINGUISTICS - Study of languages and focuses on the three aspects of language.
8. PYSHCOGLYO - Scientific study of the mind and behavior.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being and their societies
in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - Study of what constitutes rational human behavior in the endeavor
to fulfill needs and wants.
4. GEOGRAPHY - Deals with the study of the relationship between the earth and
5. HISTORY - The study of the past and its records about event.
6. POLITICAL SCIENCE – Deals with the system of governance.
7. LINGUISTICS - Study of languages and focuses on the three aspects of language.
8. PSYCHOLOGY - “psyche” (mind), “logos” (study of) Scientific study of
the mind and behavior.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being and their societies
in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - Study of what constitutes rational human behavior in the endeavor
to fulfill needs and wants.
4. GEOGRAPHY - Deals with the study of the relationship between the earth and
5. HISTORY - The study of the past and its records about event.
6. POLITICAL SCIENCE – Deals with the system of governance.
7. LINGUISTICS - Study of languages and focuses on the three aspects of language.
8. PSYCHOLOGY - Scientific study of the mind and behavior.
9. LOGYSOCIO - Study of groups - how they are formed, how they change,
and how the group impacts individual behavior.
1. ANTHROPOLOGY – Scientific study of man or human being and their societies
in the past and present.
2. DEMOGRAPHY– Study of human population and dynamics.
3. ECONOMICS - Study of what constitutes rational human behavior in the endeavor
to fulfill needs and wants.
4. GEOGRAPHY - Deals with the study of the relationship between the earth and
5. HISTORY - The study of the past and its records about event.
6. POLITICAL SCIENCE – Deals with the system of governance.
7. LINGUISTICS - Study of languages and focuses on the three aspects of language.
8. PSYCHOLOGY - Scientific study of the mind and behavior.
9. SOCIOLOGY - “socius” (people together, associate), “logos” (study of)
Study of groups - how they are formed, how they change, and how the
group impacts individual behavior.
Functions of Social Sciences
Essentially to understand as many aspects of human life as
can possibly be studied, to record its findings, and
contribute to both historical understanding as well as to
ascertain current states of the human condition in an
attempt to better understand and/or act upon those
(Fethe, 2017)
To understand basic physical systems that affect
everyday life (e.g. earth-sun relationships, water cycles,
wind and ocean currents). To learn the location of places
a physical and cultural characteristics of those places in
order to function more effectively in our increasingly
interdependent world. (Bonnett, 2008)
A useful for work. Its study helps create good
businesspeople, professionals, and political leaders. The
number of explicit professional jobs for historians is
considerable, but most people who study history do not
become professional historians. (Evans, 2001)
Can study society with a wide variety of focuses. From
studying the power elite, to the interaction of the
economy, society and the environment, to the
examination of various rights movements, Sociology
examines the way different aspects of society behave
and function. (San Juan, 2011)
Political Science
A social study concerning the allocation and transfer of
power in decision making, the roles and systems of
governance including governments and international
organizations, political behavior and public policies.
(Mortel et al. 2003)
The three most important functions of economics are
as follows: Just as feeding, digestion and growth are
the vital processes of living beings; similarly
production, consumption and growth are the essentials
of economies. (Leaňo, 2012)
Refer to the general social uses of language, such as
requesting objects and activities, initiating social
interactions, expressing personal feelings, describing
aspects of the world, requesting information, and
pretending. (Bernardez, 2013)
To know the population of a particular area;
To as certain as to which factors are influencing the
population of that particular area;
To explain the factors relating to changes in population;
To study the population trends on the basis of the above
three factors.
According to earlier psychologists, the function of
psychology was to study the nature, origin and destiny
of the human soul. But soul is something metaphysical.
It cannot be seen, observed and touched and we cannot
make scientific experiments in soul. (Kendra, 2020)

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