3 Receptor Physiology 10102022 102153am

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Receptor Physiology

Dr. Touseef Sayyar


Receptors are defined as transducers, they

convert stimuli in to electrical impulse
Reflex action
“it is an automatic and
involuntary response to a
stimulus without any
conscious effort”

Reflex arc
“it is the neuronal pathway
involved in accomplishing
a reflex activity”
Components of a Reflex arc
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Classification of Receptors
 Based on:

 Location
 Type of stimulus detected
 Structure &
 Adaptations
Receptors based on location
 Exteroceptors
 Associated with skin
 Located near or at body surface
 E.g. Pain, Touch, Temp, Pressure
 Visceroceptors
 Associated with organs
 Receive stimuli from internal viscera
 Monitor a number of stimuli
 Proprioceptors
 Associated with joints & tendons
 Monitor degree of stretch
 E.g. muscle spindle & Golgi tendon organ
Receptors based on type of
stimuli /sensory modalitites
 Osmoreceptors
 Mechanoreceptors
 Chemoreceptors
 Thermoreceptors
 Photoreceptors
 Nociceptors
Based on the structure
Types of Nerve endings
Encapsulated Nerve endings
 Meissner’s corpuscles (tactile)
 Pacinian’s corpuscles
 Ruffini’s corpuscles
 Priopriceptors
Un Encapsulated Nerve endings
 Free nerve endings
 Merkel disks
 Hair follicle receptors
Based on the Adaptation
Slow adapting Receptors
 These receptors continue to transmit to the
brain as long as the stimulus is present or at
least for many minutes to hours
 Examples :
 Baroreceptors
 Chemoreceptors (aortic bodies & carotid
 Pain receptors
 Muscle spindle
 Golgi tendon
Rapidly adapting Receptors
 These receptors cannot transmit a
continuous signal because these are
stimulated only when the stimulus strength
 Examples :
 Pacinian's corpuscles
 Transduction
 Conversion of stimulus energy in to membrane
potential of a receptor cell
 Amplification
 Strengthening of a stimulus too weak to be
carried into nervous system
 Transmission
 Conducting impulses to CNS
 Integration
 Processing of information, begins immediately
Receptor Potential
 Interaction of sensory receptors results in
Graded Potential
 Graded Potential is called as Receptor or
Generator Potential
 Primary receptors
 Axons conduct action potentials in response to
receptor potential
 Secondary receptors
 Cause release of NT that bind to receptor on a
neuron causing a receptor potential .Smell, taste,
hearing balance

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