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the tornadoes

-which are

-how they are produced

-their effects
Wich are the
tornadoes are pillars of air that rotate in a fast,
violent and uncontrolled way. tornadoes extend
from the ground towards a cloud and can move
several kilometers until they disappear, leaving
serious destruction and damage to objects or
living beings.
How the tornadoes are
a tornado is formed when certain meteorological
conditions occur in a small area in which layers of
air with different temperature and humidity
records are present and combined with the strong
wind circulation causes tornadoes to occur.
The effects of tornadoes
a low intensity tornado lifts roofs of houses of weak construction
and a very intense one destroys houses and can even destroy
buildings the economic impact is considerable but it depends if
the tornado passes over a rural or urban area.
tornadoes can damage power lines, gas or water pipes and create
the necessary conditions for an electrocution, an explosion or a
fire and can leave many people injured depending on the area.
how to protect yourself from
a tornado
to protect yourself from tornadoes you should
avoid windows and cover yourself with
something sturdy like a table or go to the
basement or a room with as few windows as
possible so that you can be safe.
In conclusion
tornadoes are very dangerous
natural disasters that can
negatively affect people's lives by
hurting them or their loved ones or
destroying their belongings.

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