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Mathrubootham is fully
supporting all new


OCTOBER 26, 2019 16:04 IST
‘Alexa? She is there. Internet TV? It is there. Tablet computer?
Thousand times there! Light bulb which you can on-off and
change colour from mobile?
Ha ha ha! I have from jambuvan times!’
Respected Madam/Sir,
Good morning. Shall I tell you one story that will provoke the thoughts in
your mind? It is a true story and happened to myself just two–three days
As you are already knowing, Mr. Mathrubootham is fully supporting all
new technologies.
If you come to my residence you will find many new items. Alexa? She is
there. Internet TV? It is there.
Tablet computer? Thousand times there! Light bulb which you can on-
off and change colour from mobile? Ha ha ha! I have
from jambuvan times!
You are thinking, ‘Oh my god you tricky fellow, speaking like retired bank
employee but living posh like Tata-Birla and that family owning Bombay
Dyeing I have forgotten’. Madam/sir, latest technology is not Rolls Royce car
or Cross pen. Retired people can also buy some items.
What is Bombay Dyeing family? Now I will not be able to do anything except
think about this.
What I was saying? Technology! Around 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Mrs. M said,
“Please go and buy some jam-type item. I suddenly feel like having bread and jam
sandwich.” I said, “Kamalam, I just put DVD of Kane and Abel TV serial based on
superhit novel by Jeffrey Archer. You want jam now itself or it can wait
two–three hours? Mind is full of Kane and Abel, Kamalam.”

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

• She said, “OK, fine, please get before 4 o’clock tea
• time.” I said god-promise on Tirupati Balaji.
• Is it Nadia family? Kadia? Bordia? Name is on tip of
• tongue but not coming out.
• Anyway, what happened when I put DVD into
• player? One khee-khee-khee sound came like Mrs.
M putting teaspoon by mistake in mixie. Then DVD
player broke down. Kamalam immediately said, “See,
see what happens when you ignore jam requirements
of wife.”
• I decided better to get jam before wife and Tirupati Balaji doing more damages. On
return journey, I suddenly saw one new coffee shop. I thought, oho, I must try it out. I
went and had one cappuccino and sandwich. When bill came I had one electric shock.
Money is not there in purse. I went to manager and said, “Thambi, purse is empty.”

• He said, “Uncle, what you are talking like 1985. Do one PayTM. Whether you are
having on phone?” I said, “Of course, all latest innovations are there.” Madam/sir, I took
phone and karumam of karumams, battery is zero. No money, no battery. Manager now
looking at me like he is sandalwood tree and I am Veerappan. I am thinking what to do.
Then Eureka! I had one idea to put phone call to wife and she will bring money.
I picked up hotel phone and started dialling. Then nothing. Madam/sir, I am not
remembering more than first two digits of her phone number. Absolutely zero
memory. Tragedy-o-tragedy.
At that moment, Dr. Shankaramenon is walking past hotel. I shouted, “Dr.
Shankaramenon, please come urgently, my dignity is going in drainage.” He came
and paid the bill and then I went home feeling ashamed like anything. When I
reached home, house is locked and I have no keys. After 10 minutes waiting, I
went to Dr. Shankaramenon’s house. Two-three hours later Mrs. M came back
from ladies association meeting. I said, “Woman, whether you have any
responsibility, husband is waiting outside?” She said, “Old man, calm down, I sent
message to your phone, didn’t you see?”
I said, “Kamalam, take jam, I’m going to sit in bedroom alone for some time.
Bring one sandwich.”
Maybe it is Borgia? No, that is Italian arsenic family.
Yours in exasperation,
Collective noun
• Collective nouns are words that imply more than one person but
are considered singular and take a singular verb. Some
examples are "group," "team," "committee," "family," and
"class."Example: The group meets every week.
• Example: The committee agrees on the quality of the writing.
• In sentences beginning with "there is" or "there are," the subject
follows the verb. Since "there" is not the subject, the verb
agrees with what follows the
verb.Example: There is little administrative support.
• Example: There are many factors affecting teacher retention.
1.Some countable nouns in English such as earnings, goods,
odds, surroundings, proceeds, contents, and valuables only
have a plural form and take a plural verb.Example: The
earnings for this quarter exceed expectations.
2.Example: The proceeds from the sale go to support the
homeless population in the city.
3.Example: Locally produced goods have the advantage of
shorter supply chains.
Uncountable nouns
• An abstract concept: advice, happiness, health, education, research, knowledge,
information, time, intelligence
• A mass: work, equipment, homework, money, transportation, software, vocabulary 
• A disease: diabetes, measles, polio, influenza, malaria, hypothyroidism, arthritis
• A subject of study: economics, physics, astronomy, biology, history, statistics
• A language: Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, English
• An activity (in the -ing form): swimming, dancing, reading, smoking, drinking,
• A natural substance: air, ice, water, fire, wood, blood, hair, gold, silver
• Food: milk, rice, coffee, bread, sugar, meat, water
• A game: soccer, tennis, basketball, hockey, football, chess, checkers
1.When a compound subject contains both a singular and a
plural noun or pronoun joined by "or" or "nor," the verb should
agree with the part of the subject that is closest to the verb. This
is also called the rule of proximity.Example: The student or the
committee members write every day.
2.Example: The committee members or the
student writes every day.
When gerunds are used as the subject of a
they take the singular form of the verb.
However, when they are linked by "and,“
they take the plural form.
Standing in the water was a bad idea.

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