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CSCE 101
Electricity: Voltage
• Gate: A signal enters the gate at a certain
voltage. The gate performs operations on it, and
sends it out was a new signal.

• The signals voltage will either be between 0-2

(binary 0), or 2-5 (binary 1)
• So Binary data is travelling around our computer
as a voltage signal
• There are different types of gates, to accomplish
different types of logic.
• NOT Gate, which negates the signal
• AND Gate, which takes two signals and
combines them…
Integrated Circuits
• An integrated circuit is a piece of silicon on
which multiple gates have been embedded. (CSI)
• The integrated circuit consists of pins which are
the input and output to gates.

• The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is an

advanced integrated circuit with a large number
of pins
Computer Functions

Input Process Output

Computer Functions
• Input: Gathers data often from user entry
• Process: Takes data performs instructions on it, to
change it into the desired information
• Storage: Saves data for use later
• Output: Displays data in a human readable form
Measurement Units
Since we can have large pieces of data we need ways to
represent large binary numbers

Unit Size
Bit (0 or 1)
Byte 8 bits
Kilobyte (KB) 210 bytes = 1024 bytes
Megabyte (MB) 220 bytes = about 1 million bytes
Gigabyte (GB) 230 bytes = about 1 billion bytes
Terabytes (TB) 240 bytes = about 1 trillion bytes
Petabyte (PB) 250 bytes = about quadrillion bytes
Computer Hardware
• Hardware refers to the physical parts of the computer
that can be touched.
• Examples:
– mouse
– keyboard
– graphics card
– hard disk drive
Input Devices
Devices which let you enter data into the computer
• keyboard
• mouse / touchpad
• microphone
• scanner
• game controller
• stylus
Output Devices
• Sends data out from the computer to be seen in a
human readable way: text, pictures, sound,…
• Examples:
– Monitor
– Printer
– Speakers
Key Components Inside the Computer
• Motherboard: Holds the CPU, Memory,
system Bus,…
• Bus: Shared communication channel for
the components
• CPU: Computers Brain
• RAM: Holds data and instructions for
currently running processes
• Input/Output Processors: Perform
input/output related processing
• Main circuit board that
contains the central electronic
components of the computer
• Holds the CPU, memory,
connectors for the hard drive,
optical drive, video cards,…
• Connects directly or indirectly
to every part of the computer
System Bus
Communication link that connects all the different parts of
the computer together.
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
• Also called a processor
• The brains of the computer
• Controls functions performed by
other components
• Can perform up to 10s of
billions of tasks per second
• Processor speed is measured in
megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz
• Well known manufactures are
Intel and AMD
CPU on Motherboard

How Does the CPU Process?
• The CPU performs the following commands in succession
for every instruction
– Fetch: Get next instruction
– Decode: Determine what type of instruction
– Get Data: If external data is needed, it retrieves it
– Execute: Perform the operation
– Store: Save result
System Clock
• Acts as a metronome. Each tick (Clock Cycle) it
executes the next instruction
• The clock speed is measured in Hertz (Hz)
CPU Instruction Cycle
Clock Ticks
Instruction 1
Store Instruction 2
Single vs. Dual-Core Processor
• Processors become more efficient when they
have multiple core’s.
• Multiple core’s allow the processor to execute multiple
instructions at the same time.
32bit word vs. 64 bit
• The word size is describing the size of the
instructions which can be executed
32 Bit 64 Bit
Fetch Cookies Fetch Cookies & Milk
Fetch Milk Eat Cookies & Milk
Eat Cookies
Eat Milk
• The computer associates locations (addresses)
with contents. Just like your own brain, it has a
certain spot where it stores certain information.
Address Contents
00000000 11011001
00000001 10010101
00000010 11111101
00000011 10000001
00000100 01011001
00000101 00111001
RAM (Random Access Memory)
• This memory holds the data the computer is currently
• It is called Random Access because you can retrieve any
piece of data at any time, you do not need to
sequentially retrieve it
• Much faster to read and write from than the hard drive
• Temporary or volatile storage, this data is erased when
the computer is shut down. Must save to hard drive
• Measured in megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB)
RAM on Motherboard
ROM (Read Only Memory)
• Memory which holds the startup instructions for the
• The instructions are permanently stored in this memory
Data Storage
• RAM is useful for temporary storage (volatile) while the
computer is running. Once the computer stops all data
in RAM is gone
• We need permanent storage locations such as hard
drive, cloud, DVD, or a flash drive
Hard Drive
• Nonvolatile storage (permanent)
• Holds programs and data
• Today’s hard drives have capacities up to 8TB
• External hard drives can be connected to the computer
via a port for additional/backup storage
How Hard Drives Work
• Data is saved on the disk
in a pattern of magnetized
– spot = 1
– space = 0 Binary

• Read write head can fail and

lead to disk failures on your
Hard Disk Organization
• When you save information to the hard drive it places
the info around the tracks in sectors.
Solid State Drive (SSD)
• A replacement for hard disk drives
• They do not have moving parts, so they are less prone to
• Run more efficiently, are less noisy, and emit less heat
• Exist in your computer, in a drive bay.
• This data is more accessible than the RAM
• This is the information you’re program is currently using
and must be readably accessible.
• Only a small amount of data can be stored here
• Think of when baking, the few ingredients you bring
onto your small table that you want to use now
• The RAM holds the data and instructions your computer
is currently using. Like the Cache this is volatile, and you
need to store it away or it will be deleted when you close
your computer
• Think of this as a temporary shelf, that isn’t as accessible
as the table, but is still easy to get to
Hard Disk
• Here is your permanent storage. All data that you want
to save needs to go here.
• Think of this as your pantry, where you put all your items
away at the end of cooking.
Flash Drives
• External solid state drives
• Can fit into your pocket
• Here’s a video of by How Stuff Works to review and
visualize this pieces inside your computer

Inside your Computer
Embedded Systems
• Computers that are designed to perform a
narrow range of functions as part of a larger
system (CSI)
• Basically all our appliances that have digital
Desktop or Laptop
Desktop Laptop
• Less Portable • More portable
• Less Expensive • More expensive
• Harder to steal • Easier to steal
• Easier to expand and • Harder to upgrade
Taking Apart your Computer
• Watch a YouTube video on your computer model to see
how it is done
• Make sure you have the right screw drivers
• Make sure to unplug your computer
• Don’t lose the screws 

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