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Writing a

Prepared by Jhen Redeem B. Dignos
Learning Objectives
• Explain what a concept paper is;
• Identify the features of an effective concept paper;
• Explain a concept from various fields through definition,
explication, and clarification;
• Analyze the features of a concept paper.
• Compare and contrast various kinds of concept papers: a. Art b.
Business c. Law d. Philosophy e. Politics f. Religion g. Science h.
Sports i. Tech Voc – Home Economics - Agri-Fishery - IA – ICT; and
• Write a well-balanced concept paper in a specific discipline.
What is a Concept

A concept paper provides an

overview of the project and helps
funding agencies eliminate proposals
that are likely to be disapproved.
A concept paper has
several uses:
• It serves as a foundation of the full proposal.
• It helps determine whether a certain project is feasible or not.
• It is used to pique the interest of potential funding agencies.
• It is used to obtain informal feedback on the ideas prior to
preparing the full proposal.
Three Ways in Explaining a Concept

This mode of explanation

contains the term to be defined
and the detailed exposition of the
• Definition is the method of term through the use of
identifying a given term and illustrations, examples, and
making its meaning clearer. description.
A definition can be
presented in three

1.a An informal definition Example:

is done through a Tocopherol (Vitamin E) is
naturally found in vegetable
parenthetical or brief
oil, fish, and nuts.
A definition can be
presented in three

1.b Aformal definition explains the

term by incorporating term to be
defined (species), the general category
Vitamin E is alight yellow fat-
of the terms (genus), and the quality
soluble vitamin that acts as an
that makes the term different from
other terms in the same category
A definition can be
presented in three
Subsequent to materials design is the preparation of
1.c An extended definition is a learning materials. Learning materials refer to both
detailed way of defining a term printed and non-printed objects or items that teachers
and learners use to facilitate language learning.
and is usually composed of at Nowadays, materials are becoming more and more
least one paragraph. sophisticated, incorporating authentic language
samples and realias that help make a connection
between classrooms and real-life activities.
Three Ways in Explaining a Concept

Explication of the "Road Not Taken"

The poem titled "Road Not Taken" by Robert

Frost is about a man reflecting on a choice he
2. Explication is a method of explanation once made. While the outcome of this choice is
in which sentences, verses, quotes, or not implied to be positive or negative, the speaker
notes that the choice in itself and the
passages are taken from a literary or
consequences of that choice have made a huge
academic work and then interpreted and difference in the way his life has unfolded. The
explained in a detailed way. poem is about the importance of choices.
Three Ways in Explaining a Concept
Justice s a broad concept that encompasses a wide
set of ideas, most of which also branch out into
smaller notions. For instance, it can refer to the
sentencing of a criminal based on due process.
When an individual gets what he deserves, even
3. Clarification is a method of outside the hands of the law, it is considered in
explanation in which the points are some contexts. This may be in the form of
vigilante justice, in which a person dissatisfied
organized from a general abstract idea
with the system doles out punishment to wrong-
to specific and concrete examples. doers.
Guidelines in Writing a Concept Paper
• Cost and methodology should be reasonable.
• The budget, methodology, and timeline should be clearly aligned.
• Use statistics and figures when discussing the rationale for the project.
• Use no more than five pages (single-spaced) excluding the cover page. Do not
overwhelm the readers with details.
• Never request funding for planning the proposal.
• Adjust your language to the intended readers. You may use technical terms if
readers are scholars and scientists. However, refrain from using jargon when your
target readers are laypersons.
• Include the overview of the budget if it is required. If not, skip the budget
section. In place of this, you may simply include the type of support you may
need such as personnel, travel and communication, and equipment.
• Be sure that basic format details, such as page numbers, are incorporated.
• Cite your references.

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