Environmental Science

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Environmental science

At the end of the course the students will

•know the necessity of conservation of natural resources

•gain motivation, involvement, knowledge on environment and
its related problems
•develop skills for identifying and solving environmental
•understand and solve complex and interlacing issues of
‘population, resources and pollution’ (PRP)
•Gain awareness on population control

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Environment - encircle, surround
• It is a total sum of all living (biotic or biological) including
human beings and non-living (abiotic or physical) things
around organism which inhabit it.
• It is the complex of physical, chemical, and biological
factors in which a living organism or community exists
with abiotic factors
• Biotic: Plants, animals, human beings and micro organism
• Abiotic: Air, water, soil, minerals, etc.

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We all want our environment like

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We have our environment like

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Major reason: Issues of ‘population, resources and
pollution’ (PRP)

Environmental science

• Environmental science is a multidisciplinary

• Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary
approach to the study, how the earth works, how
we are affecting the earth’s life & supporting
systems and how to deal with the environmental
problems we face.

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Environmental education
• Environmental education is an expression
encompassing the wide range of scientific
disciplines like life sciences, physical sciences
(Chem & Phys), earth sciences (atm. sci.&
oceanography), statistics (maths & CSE), law and
management, mass communication, civil,
chemical and hydraulics that need to be brought
together to understand and manage earth systems.

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Environmental Engineering

• Deals with the technology

measures to use and protect the
components of environment.

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Reasons for environmental Unawareness
• Our courses in science, tech., economics have so far failed
to integrate the knowledge in environmental aspects as an
essential component of the curriculum
• Our planners, decision makers, politicians and
administrators have not been trained to deal with
environmental issues.
• The information about environmental aspects may be
concealed when some ambitious development projects are
• Economic gains and employment overshadows the basic
environmental issues.

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Importance of Environmental Studies.

• Environment studies have a direct relation to the quality

of life we live, since it deals with issues like safe and

clean drinking water, hygienic living conditions, clean

and fresh air, fertile land, etc,..

• Develop consciousness of my earth and its health and

wealth is important, personal concern.

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• Gain knowledge of what is right to environment and what is not.
• The knowledge provide better choice of environmental life and
which earn better future especially
• Create awareness of preserving the environment is our individual
ethical duty.
• It is important to inform the people about their effective role in
protecting the environment by demanding changes in laws and
enforcement systems
• Conservation of natural resources
• To get knowledge of types of environment and diff.
environmental hazards
• Develop concern and respect for the environment.
• In order to make people aware of the environments with which
they are so intimately associated.
• “Need of development without destruction of environment”-
sustainable development.
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• There is a Chinese proverb “ If you plan for
one year, plant rice, if you plan for 10
years, plant trees and if you plan for 100
years, educate the people”.
• If we want to protect and manage our
planet earth on sustainable basis, all are to
be environmentally educated

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Scope of Environmental education
• It is a tool to educate the people for preserving the
quality environment.
• Envl. experts creating awareness through
curriculum, media, workshops, conferences
• Envl. Educn. Provide motivation, involvement,
knowledge on environment and its related problems
• It develops skills for identifying and solving
environmental problems

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• To know the necessity of conservation of
natural resources
• To understand and solve complex and
interlacing issues of ‘population,
resources and pollution’ (PRP)
• To create awareness on population control

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• To know the concept of sustainable development
• To evaluate environmental programmes in terms
of social, economic, ecological and aesthetic
• To motivate the active participation in
environmental protection and improvement
• To educate them to manage unpredictable

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• R & D (green chemistry)
• Green advocacy
• Green marketing
• Green media
• Environmental consultancy

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Need of environmental studies or public awareness
• Public should be really aware of the ill-effects of so many anti-
environmental activities and developments in order to preserve the
• Environmental problem like pollution cannot be solved by laws alone
without public co-operation
• Public participation is useful in law making processes and refraining
the pollution activities
• Man must be aware that he is responsible for major environmental
degradation and hence it is the commitment of each individual to fight
against serious environmental problems.
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• Due to the fast industrial development and economical development,
pollution in all levels become the big problem to the envt.
• Due to the unsustainable development and population growth
disturbing the ecosystems functions and reducing its quality
• These factors reduce the self cleaning power

• Since human beings is an integral part of the envt. It is the duty of the
human beings to be aware and to protect the envt.
• So envl. Educn. is essential to bring out awareness, motivation,
involvement and active participation
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Methods to propagate environmental
• Among students through education: Environmental education
must be imparted to the students right from the childhood stage.

• Among the Masses through mass-media: Through articles

environmental rallies, plantation campaigns, street plays, TV serials.

• Among the planners, decision-makers and leaders: Orientation,

training through specially organized workshops and training

• Publication of environment-related resource material: in the form

of booklets or pamphlets by ministry of environment and forest.

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Types of public participation
• Pressure group: The public may form a group to pressurize or influence
the govt on one hand and the industries on the other hand on
environmental issues
• Watch Dog : Can act as keen observer of environmental hazardous
activities in order to protect the interest of public.
• Advisory council: Can advise the Govt in all its environmental activities
in order to keep the environment suitable for living
• Enforcing environmental laws: member can enforce the environmental
laws. If necessary the member of public should conduct public interest
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Environmental impact assessment

• The International Association for Impact

Assessment (IAIA) defines an environmental impact
assessment as
"the process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and
mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant
effects of development proposals prior to major
decisions being taken and commitments made.

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Environmental impact statement
• Environmental impact statement is a document
required by the National Environmental Policy Act to
National Green Tribunal for the federal government
agency actions which is significantly affecting the
quality of the human environment.
• A tool for decision making, an EIS describes the
positive and negative environmental effects of
proposed agency action and cites alternative actions.
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• An EIS typically has four sections:
• 1. An Introduction including a statement of the Purpose
and Need of the Proposed Action.
• 2. A description of the Affected Environment.
• 3. A Range of Alternatives to the proposed action.
Alternatives are considered the "heart" of the EIS.
• 4. An analysis of the environmental impacts of each of the
possible alternatives.

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Sustainable development
• Sustainable development was popularised by
Brundtland Commission
• Sustainable development Means meeting the needs
of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs
• Balance between human demands and the ability of
earth to provide the necessity resources

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Unsustainable development

• Due to the exponential growth of population –

increasing demand of resources- exploitation of
• Rapid industrialization and improved standard of
living lead to inventions of numerous toxic and non-
bio-degradable materials

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Objectives of Sustainable development

• Social progress
• Effective environmental protection
• Prudent use of natural resources

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Major Current Environmental Problems
• 1. Pollution
• 2. Global Warming
• 3. Overpopulation
• 4. Natural Resource Depletion
• 5. Solid waste disposal
• 6. Climate Change
• 7. Loss of Biodiversity
• 8. Deforestation
• 9. Ocean Acidification
• 10. Ozone Layer Depletion
• 11. Acid Rain
• 12. Urban Sprawl
• 13: Public Health Issues
• 14. Genetic modification of food using biotechnology
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29 Presentation
v 1.2 by Abhishek Srivastava 29
• Environment is a total sum of all living (biotic or biological)
including human beings and non-living (abiotic).
• Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary approach to the
study, how the earth works, how we are affecting the earth’s life &
supporting systems.
• Our courses in science, tech., economics have so far failed to
integrate the knowledge in environmental, politicians and
administrators have not been trained to deal with environmental
issues, the information on environmental aspects are concealed.
• Envl. Education provide motivation, involvement, knowledge on
environment and its related problems.
• Sustainable development Means meeting the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs

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• What is environmental science?

• What is the need for environmental education?
• What is the scope of environmental education?
• Define sustainable development?

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