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Types of Social Groups


How does our society operate?

We live everyday by experiencing the existence of

others, by being associated with different groups
of people sharing common goals and emotions.
According to Openstax College (2013), social
groups are group of people who regularly and
consciously interact with one another.
Types of Group according to
OpenStax College (2013):
IN-GROUP is the group that an individual feels
he/she belongs to, and he/she believes it to be an
integral part of who he/she is.
OUT-GROUP, conversely, is a group someone
doesn’t belong to; oftenly, there may be a feeling
of disdain or competition in relation to an out-
Groups connect us to others through commonalities of
interests and activities. They give an essential way how we
understand and evaluate ourselves. We compare ourselves
to a certain group which provides standard of
measurement, the reference group. Example of reference
groups can be your congregation in your home church,
grade level and section, or even you parents (Openstax
College, 2013). You may not be aware of reference group
but its impact and influences are unavoidable everyday.
Write your own haiku (Japanese poem of
seventeen syllables, in 3 lines of 5-7-5) on
how can you contribute positively to the
different social groups you belong. Write
your haiku on a separate sheet of paper.
Functions of Social Groups
Social Groups
 collection of people who
interact with each other and
share similar characteristics and
a sense of unity.
Social Category

 is a collection of people who

do not interact but who share
similar characteristics.
 is a collection of people who are in
the same place, but who do not
interact or share characteristics.
is people who share the same
characteristics but are not related
with one another in any way.
Association and Purpose
We all have our social groups in which we feel we
belong to. According to Openstax College (2013), these
groups refer to any collection of at least two people
who interact with some frequency and who share a
sense that their identities are somehow aligned with
the group.
Size and Function of Groups
A dyad is the smallest possible size of a group
consists of two members. This can be usually
seen in the nuclear family, marriage, and
friendship. These situations allow the members
of the group know each other and share
immediate reactions.
Small Group
a collection of three or more individuals who
interact about some common problem or
interdependent goal and can exert mutual
influence over one another.”  According to
Wilson and Hanna (1990)
Large Group
 two or more people who interact with one
another, share similar characteristics, and
collectively have a sense of unity.
Write your own slogan about the power of
unity during this pandemic.
“Everyone needs to wear mask for this is a
‘must’ task

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