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The dimensions of diversity are also the lenses and the filters that
a person uses and others use to identify people.
The six differences are age, race, ethnicity, gender, physical
abilities and sexual/affectional orientation which are sometimes
referred to as the core of dimensions of diversity.
Age is correlated with a numbers of positive workplace
behavior, such as higher level of citizenship behaviors like

volunteering higher compliance with safety rules, lower
work injuries, lower counterproductive behaviors, and
lower rate of tardiness or absenteeism.

As people get older, they are also less probable to want

to give up their job when they are dissatisfied at work.

Age diversity within a team can in fact direct to higher

team performance.

Age diversity also means that the

workforce will consist of employees
coming from different generations.
Race is another demographic
characteristic that still exists in

RACE organizations. Regrettably,

discrimination against ethnic
minorities still takes place.

Earning gap - is a statistical indicator often use to

compare the earning of other races and ethnicities.
Glass ceiling - is a political expression used to
express of invisible, yet indestructible fend that
keeps minorities and women from rising to the
upper steps of the corporate ladder, despite of their
qualifications or achievements.
Like race, is a social
construct, but it's still
a construct with significant
implications for the world. People’s
religious beliefs are a part of their
ethnicity. Religious discrimination is
common since the employee’s schedule
must be adjusted to accommodate the
employee’s religion.
The Philippines has 10
major distinct groups
mainly the Bicolano,
Ibanag, Ilocano, Kapampangan, 3
Moro, Pangasinan, Sambal, Tagalog and
Visayan. The Philippines also has several
aboriginal stocks such as the Badjao, Igorot,
Lumad, Mangyan and Negrito. The country
also has considerable communities of
American, Arabic, Chinese, Indian and Hispanic
descent and other ethnicities from other
The earning gap and the
glass ceiling are two of 4 GENDER
the key problem’s women may experience in the
One explanation for earning gap is that
women have gaps in their resume to
take a time off to have children and to
take care of them in their most
vulnerable state therefore influencing
the earning potential of women
because it prevents them from
accumulating job tenure.
Another issue that
provides a challenge for 4 GENDER
women in the workforce is the called glass
One explanation of glass ceiling is the
gender-types stereotypes favoring men
in managerial positions. Traditionally,
women are viewed to be passive or
submissive and assumptions like these
are problematic for women because it
limits them to their full capacity to be
able to advance in their field.
There are employees who have physical
or mental disabilities in the workforce.
Particularly, employees suffering from
long term illnesses and require an

ongoing care is a disadvantage because
they are often stereotyped
or their productivity will PHYSICAL
be criticized and employed QUALITIE
in low-skilled jobs. S
What an organization can do for them is that
they can modify these employees’ schedule
or assigning them in a non-essential job
functions or having flexible work hours to

make them effective. Finally, making these
employees feel at home
or confident and having
a support system would PHYSICAL
be very much beneficial QUALITIES
for them and can promote
their productivity.

Research shows that one of the important

issues relating to sexual orientation is the
disclosure of sexual identity is the workplace.
According to one estimate, up to one - third
of lesbian, gay, and bisexual do not disclose
their sexual orientation at work. Employees
don’t disclose that information in the fear of
the possible reaction of their co-workers.

Additionally, they may also fear the acts of

homophobia in the workplace. In other words, those
employees who fear that full disclosure would lead
to negative reactions experience lower job
satisfaction, reduced organizational commitment,
and higher intentions to leave their jobs. Creating an
environment where all employees feel welcome and
respected regardless of their sexual is the key to
maintaining a positive work environment.
- - End -
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