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Intelligent Systems

(Chapter 8)
BITS Pilani Gokul Kannan Sadasivam
Department of CS & IS
Hyderabad Campus

• Introduction
• Types of an Environment
• IS Models
• Knowledge Representations & other IS Models

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BITS, Pilani - Hyderabad Campus
BITS Pilani
Hyderabad Campus


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What is an Intelligent System?

• AI – ability to understand, learn, and take decision

• Robots
• Auto pilot

• Communicate with other IS(es)

• Intelligent Networks
• SNMP systems

• Could be a bunch of devices

• AmI

• Other Examples
• Intelligent Software Modules (Firewall, IDS/IPS)
• Fuzzy logic in Washing machines
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What is an Agent?

• something that acts

• Latin origin (agere, to do)

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Minimal Vacuum cleaner
Agent Function

• Regions: A & B
• Dirt or Clean Agent Program
• Actions
• Move right
• Move left
• Suck
• Nothing

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Software Agents

• Also called as software robots, softbots.

• A software agent is a computer program that acts in behalf
of an user/another program.
• Example
• NEWS reader
• Virus and Worms
• Attributes
• Persistence
• Autonomy
• Social Ability
• Reactivity
• Cons
• Privacy Attrition
• Social detachment

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Examples of Intelligent
Software Agents
• Check your e-mail, sort it according to the user's order of preference,
and alert you when important emails arrive.
• Play computer games as your opponent or patrol game areas for you.
• Assemble customized news reports for you. There are several versions
of these, including CNN.
• Find information for you on the subject of your choice.
• Fill out forms on the Web automatically for you, storing your information
for future reference.
• Scan Web pages looking for and highlighting text that constitutes the
"important" part of the information there.
• "Discuss" topics with you ranging from your deepest fears to sports.
• Facilitate with online job search duties by scanning known job boards
and sending the resume to opportunities who meet the desired criteria.
• Profile synchronization across heterogeneous social networks.

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IS: Classifications

• Mobile agents versus Static intelligent agents

• Individual agents versus Multiple Agent Systems (MAS)
• Learning versus Non-learning
• Thinking versus Acting
• Physical hardware versus Software
• Human versus Rational

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Agent Programming
a) Daemons in Unix Systems
b) Java Agent Template (JAT)
c) Java Agent Development Framework (JADE)

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BITS Pilani
Hyderabad Campus

Types of an Environment

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State of the Environment

• Fully Observable
• Able to get complete state of the environment.
• E.g., Vacuum Cleaner, Chess with a clock

• Partially Observable
• Not able to get complete environmental state.
• Some sensor readings not available.
• Some sensors become defective.
• E.g., Automated car, Part picking robot

• Unobservable
• No sensors

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Environment State Prediction

• Deterministic
• Able to predict the current state by knowing the previous state.
• E.g., Vacuum cleaner, Chess with a clock

• Stochastic
• Cannot predict the next state.
• E.g., Automated car, Part picking robot

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State influence on actions

• Episodic
• Current actions will not affect the next state of the environment.
• E.g., part picking robot

• Sequential
• Current actions will influence the next state of the environment.
• E.g., Vacuum cleaner, Automated car, Chess with a clock.

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State Change

• Static
• The state doesn’t change until the action is completed.
• E.g., vacuum cleaner

• Dynamic
• The state changes quickly.
• E.g., Automated car.

• Semi dynamic
• The state changes after a duration.
• E.g., Chess with a clock

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Number of States

• Discrete
• E.g., Chess with a clock

• Continuous
• E.g., Automated car

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Knowledge about the
• Known environment
• For percepts, the actions are known.

• Unknown environment
• For many percepts, the system does not know the action(s).
• The system has to do some learning.

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Passive Versus Active

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BITS Pilani
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IS Models

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Reactive IS Models

• Environment:
– Fully observable
– Stochastic
– Episodic
– Static

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R-IS Design: handling multiple
concurrent & heterogeneous events

Handling concurrent events

• Discard events
• Event persistence
• Concurrent Event Handling

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• Partially-observable
• Deterministic
• Sequential
• Dynamic

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Goal-based Model

• Planning-based IS.
• Environment same as
the Environmental-IS.

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Utility based IS

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H-IS: Vertical vs. Horizontal
Model Designs

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Learning-based IS (L-IS)

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BITS, Pilani - Hyderabad Campus
BITS Pilani
Hyderabad Campus

Knowledge Representations & other

IS Models
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KB System: Rule-Based

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BITS, Pilani - Hyderabad Campus
Lightweight KR

Node-Labelled Graph

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Heavyweight KR

Link Labelled Graph

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BITS, Pilani - Hyderabad Campus
Classical Logic IS Models

• Propositional Logic
• Predicate Logic

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BITS, Pilani - Hyderabad Campus
Bayesian Network

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BITS, Pilani - Hyderabad Campus
Fuzzy Logic

• Fuzzy logic with approximate values

– E.g., the vehicle is travelling very slowly, or slowly, or at a moderate speed, or fast or
very fast.

• This kind of imprecision can also be used in fuzzy rules.

• Example fuzzy logic rule could be

– If the bus is travelling slowly away from the pickup point
– and a passenger is moving quickly towards the pickup point
– then slow down the vehicle to stop near the pickup point.

• Here, the terms slowly, quickly, and near, act as fuzzy

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BITS, Pilani - Hyderabad Campus

• Textbook – Chapter 8
• Artificial Intelligence – Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig

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BITS, Pilani - Hyderabad Campus

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