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LESSON 1: The Physical and

Sexual Self
What is Sexual Orientation?

Refers to an enduring pattern of

emotional,romantic,and/or bsexual
attractions to men,women,or both
sexes.Refers also to a person’s sense of
identity based on those attractions,related
behaviors, and membership in a community
of others who share those attractions.

Sexuality is much more than sexual

feelings or sexual intercourse.It isan
important part of who a person is and
what she/he will become.

-Your sexual self speaks of your sexual

health, sexual orientation, gender identity
and expression and values around
Prevention of Teenage Pregnancy

1. Comprehensive sexeducation
and access tobirth control
appear toreduce

The change from child to adult is an

especially dangerous time for adolescents in
our society. From their earliest
years,children watch television shows and
movies that insist “sex appeal” is a person a
quality that people need to develop to the
Teenage Pregnancy
This is also known as adolescent pregnancy, is
pregnancy in a female underthe age of 20.
Pregnancy can occur withsexual intercourse
after the start ofovulation, which can be before
the firstmenstrual period (menarche) but
usuallyoccurs after the onset of periods. In well-
nourished females, the first period usuallytakes
place around the age of 12 or 13.
2. Abstinence only Education
This is a form of sex education
that teaches not having sex
outside of marriage. It often
excludes other types of sexual and reproductive
health education, such as birth control
and safe sex. Comprehensive sex
education, by contrast, covers
the use of birth control and
sexual abstinence.

1)Sensuality- is awareness and feeling about

your own body and other people’s bodies,
especially the body of a sexual partner.

2)Sexual Intimacy- is the ability to be

emotionally close to another being and to
accept closeness in return.
3)Sexual Identity-is a person’s understanding
of who he/she is sexually, including the
sense of being male or of being female.
4. Reproduction and Sexual Health-These
are a person’s capacity to
reproduce and the behaviors and
attitudes that make sexual
relationships healthy and enjoyable.

5) Sexualization-is that aspect of

sexuality in which people behave
sexually to influence, manipulate,
or control other people

-Biological factors such as the presence of

androgens, estrogens and progesterone, prime
people for sex. People’s sexual response follow
a regular pattern consisting of four
phases:Excitement, Plateau, Orgasm and
Resolution.Sexual motivation, often referred
to as libido, is aperson’s overall sexual drive or
desire for sexualactivity. This is motivated by
Biological, psychologicaland Social factors.
-In most mammals, sex hormones control
the ability to engage in sexual behaviors.
However, sex hormones do not directly
regulate the ability to copulate in humans;
They are only one influence on the
motivation to engage in sexual behaviors.
Social factors such as WORK and FAMILY
also have an impact, as do internal
psychological factors like personality and

According to William Masters and Virginia

Johnson, the cycle consists of four phases:
• Excitement/arousal
• Plateau
• Orgasm
• Resolution
• Excitation
Vasocongestion: pelvic area
receives more blood in
general in
particular to genitals.

Males: penile erection, scrotal sacs

thickens, elevates
• Orgasm
Males: Two stages:

contraction of seminal vesicles, vas and

prostate contraction of urethra and penis:
contractions of orgasmic platform
contractions of uterus several orgasms
possible if stimulation continues oxytocin
Both: very high heart rate, blood pressure and breathing intense
• Females: vaginal lubrication glans clitoris
(similar to penile erection) nipples erect
(myotonia: muscle contraction) breasts
enlarge (vasocongestion inner lips of vulva
swell and open, change in colour (darker)
upper 2/3rds of vagina balloons cervix and
uterus stand up: tenting effect angle of
cervical opening more receptive to sperm
Both Sexes: sex flush (can happen later)
heart rate,respiration rate gradually increase
generalized myotonia
Females:orgasmic platform: outer third of vagina
thickens, swells: condition sine qua non: without it, no
orgasm tenting complete clitoris erect

Males:Cowper’s glands secrete fluid through tip of

penis. Warning: may contain live sperm!
scrotum even higher and testicles bigger

Both males and females: continue vasocongestion

to max Heart rate, respiration rate and blood
pressure continue to increase Copious
perspiration Increased myotonia
Females: vaginal lubrication glans clitoris enlarges
(similar to penile erection) nipples erect
(myotonia: muscle contraction) breasts enlarge
(vasocongestion inner lips of vulva swell and
open,change in colour (darker) upper 2/3rds of
vagina balloons cervix and uterus stand up: tenting
effect angle of cervical opening more receptive to
Both Sexes: sex flush (can happen later) heart
rate,respiration rate gradually increase
generalized myotonia
13 to 19)
-Once the youth have reached puberty
and beyond, they experience increased
interest in romantic and sexual
relationships and in genital sex

There are physiological and psychological aspects in

being turned on, being in love and attached to other
1. LUST- this is a phase which is driven by the sex
hormones testosterone and estrogen – in both
men and women .
2. ATTRACTION- this phase is said to be one of the
beautiful moments of life. This is the phase when
a person actually starts to feel the love.
3. ATTACHMENT- is a bond helping the couple to
take their relationship to advanced levels
Sexual diversity
-Gender and sexual diversity (GSD), or
simply sexual diversity, refers to all the
diversities of sex characteristics,sexual
orientations and gender identities, without
the need to specify each of the identities,
behaviors, or characteristics that form this

-People don’t decide who they’re

attracted to, and therapy, treatment,
or persuasion won’t change a person’s
sexual orientation. You also can’t
“turn” a person gay. For example,
exposing a boy to toys traditionally
made for girls, such as dolls, won’t
cause him to be gay.
• You probably started to become
aware of who you’re attracted to at
a very young age. This doesn’t mean
that you had sexual feelings, just
that you could identify people you
found attractive or liked. Many
people say that they knew they
were lesbian, gay, or bisexual even
before puberty.

-Adolescence is a period when people separate from

their parents and families and begin to develop
autonomy. Adolescence can be a period of
experimentation, and many youths may question their
sexual feelings. Becoming aware of sexual feelings is a
normal development task of adolescence. Sometimes
adolescents have same-sex feelings or experiences that
cause confusion about their sexual orientation. This
confusion appears to decline over time, with different
outcomes for different individuals.
Sometimes adolescents have same-sex
feelings or experiences that cause confusion
about their sexual orientation. This confusion
appears to decline over time, with different
outcomes for different individuals.Some
adolescents desire and engage in
same sex behavior but do not identify as
lesbian, gay ,or bisexual, sometimes because
of the stigma associated with a
nonheterosexual orientation.
Sexually Transmitted
Diseases/ Infections

These are also known as “Venereal

Disease” (VD).They are passed through
sexual contact or genital – through
vaginal intercourse ,oral sex
and anal sex.
The term STI evolved from “venereal
disease” to“sexually transmitted
disease”,then “sexually transmitted
infection”which has a broader range of
meaning : that it can be passed without
disease. ( You don’t have to be ill to
infect others)
Immunodificiency Virus”. This is a
retrovirus-genetic info @ RNA that
DNA. HIV is the virus that causes
AIDS and it
is preventable and manageable but
not curable.
AIDS is“Acquired
Immunodificiency Syndrome”.Since
this a syndrome , thereare several
manifestations of the breakdown
in body’s immune system and have
developed in people who have
been infected by HIV.
How do people get AIDS?

AIDS is developed through:

1. Bodily fluids ( blood
products- transfusions,semen
and vaginal fluids)
2. Intravenous (IV) Drug Abuse (
sharing needles and used of
unsterilized blades)
3. Sexual

oral and
anal sex

This is having the desired number of

children and when you want to have
them by using safe and effective
modern or traditional methods. Proper
birth spacing is having children 3 to 5
years apart, which is best for the health
of the mother, her child, and the family.
A concept linked to family planning is
contraception , also known as birth
control and fertility control. This is a
method or device used to prevent
pregnancy . It is also defined as
deliberate prevention of conception or
Family Planning Methods
1. Natural Birth Control employs natural control
methods that people do to help prevent an
unintended pregnancy are without the use of
artificial ways of contraception. These requires
commitment when you make decision,discipline and
self-control for it to be effective.This include
abstinence , fertility awareness methods, the rythm ,
calendar or standard days method,outercourse and
continued breastfeeding, all requiring discipline and
responsibility which the Catholic Church approves.
2. Artificial Birth Control employs
artificial control methods to help
prevent unintended pregnancy use
modern/ contemporary measures such
as contraceptives or birth control patch
, birth control shot, birth control
implant, intrauterine device(IUD) ,
tubal ligation / vasectomy , tubal and
emergency contraception pill.
Biblical Citations Regarding Responsible
Gal. 5:16-19

Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual

immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery,
enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries,
dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies,
and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you
before, that those who do such things will not
inherit the kingdom of God. And those who
belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh
with its passions and desires.
1Cor. 6:17-20
The body is not meant for sexual
immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord
for the body. Or do you not know that he
who is joined to a prostitute becomes one
body with her?
Flee from sexual immorality. Every
other sin a person commits is outside
the body, but the sexually immoral
person sins against his own body.
It is actually reported that there is
sexual immorality among you, and of
a kind that is not tolerated even
among pagans…..Let him who has
done this be removed from among
1Cor. 5;11.
But now I am writing to you not to associate
with anyone who bears the name of brother if
he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is
an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not
even to eat with such a one. For what have I to
do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside
the church whom you are to judge? God judges
those outside. “Purge the evil person from
among you.
Col. 3:5
Put to death therefore what is
earthly in you: sexual immorality,
impurity, passion, evil desire, and
covetousness, which is idolatry. On
account of these the wrath of God
is coming.
Lev. 20:10-
Punishments for Sexual Immorality
1. If a man commits adultery with the wife of his
neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress
shall surely be put to death..
2.If a man lies with a male as with a woman to a
woman, have committed an abomination. If a
man takes a woman and her mother also, it is
3.If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be
put to death, and you shall kill the animal. If a
woman approaches any animal and lies with it,
they shall surely be put to death.
Thes. 4:3

For this is the will of God, your sanctification:

that you abstain from sexual immorality; that
each one of you know how to control his own
body in holiness and honor, not in the passion
of lust like the Gentiles who do not know
fornication ( sexual intercourse between unmarried man
and woman)

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