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Important chracteristics of

• Presence of liquid water

• Ability to maintain heat
• Existence of its atmosphere
Presence of Water
• First photosynthetic organisms. Cyanobacteria
-sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce
biomass and oxygen, an essential component of the
• These single-celled organisms would then evolve into
the organisms present today.
Oxygen in the atmosphere
• Cyanobacteria gives 10% of oxygen in the
• Rainforest gives 30 % of oxygen in the
• Marine plants gives 60 % of oxygen in the
Water on EARTH
• Water released through volcanism
• Water from the icy meteors from the
outer regions of the Solar System which
bombarded Earth.
No water!
• With no water supply, all
vegetation would soon die
out and the world would
resemble a brownish dot,
rather than a green and
blue one. Clouds would
cease to formulate and
precipitation would stop as a
necessary consequence,
meaning that the weather
would be dictated almost
entirely by wind patterns.
Heat on EARTH
Heat coming from the Earth
• Radiogenic heat from the radioactive decay of materials in the
core and mantle via tectonic activities such as volcanism and
plate movement

Heat coming from the Sun

• As radiation from the sun enters Earth, some of the heat is
trapped by the atmosphere
• Urbanization
• Livestock ranching
• Illegal logging
• Desertification of land
• Mining
• Forest fire
• Paper making
• Overpopulation
No Heat
• Nothing is more important
to us on Earth than the
Sun. Without the Sun's
heat and light, the Earth
would be a lifeless ball of
ice-coated rock. The Sun
warms our seas, stirs our
atmosphere, generates our
weather patterns, and gives
energy to the growing green
plants that provide the food
and oxygen for life on Earth.
Earth Atmosphere
• Having an atmosphere also greatly influences surface
temperature, weather, and climate, which are essential to the
formation of life and biodiversity on Earth.
No Atmosphere
• Without atmosphere life
would not be possible as
atmosphere protects us from
harmful gases. We could not
live without air present in
atmosphere. In absence of
the atmosphere, the earth
would get so cold at night
that we would not be able to
survive. No CO2 and N2 for
plants without atmosphere.

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