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• Narrative fro Genesis – one of the books of
the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament,
describe how GOD created the universe.
• Day 1 - God created light and
separated the light from the
darkness, calling light "day"
and darkness "night."
• Day 2 - God created an
expanse to separate the
waters and called it "sky."
• Day 3 - God created the dry
ground and gathered the
waters, calling the dry ground
"land," and the gathered
waters "seas." On day three,
God also created vegetation
(plants and trees).
• Day 4 - God created the sun,
moon, and the stars to give
light to the earth and to
govern and separate the day
and the night. These would
also serve as signs to mark
seasons, days, and years.
• Day 5 - God created every
living creature of the seas and
every winged bird, blessing
them to multiply and fill the
waters and the sky with life.
• Day 6 - God created the
animals to fill the earth. On
day six, God also created man
and woman (Adam and Eve) in
his own image to commune
with him. He blessed them and
gave them every creature and
the whole earth to rule over,
care for, and cultivate.
• Day 7 - God had finished his
work of creation and so he
rested on the seventh day,
blessing it and making it holy.
A Simple—Not Scientific—Truth

• The simple truth of the biblical creation story is

that God is the author of creation. In Genesis 1, we
are presented with the beginning of a divine drama
that can only be examined and understood from
the standpoint of faith. How long did it take? How
did it happen, exactly? No one can answer these
questions definitively. In fact, these mysteries are
not the focus of the creation story. The purpose,
rather, is for moral and spiritual revelation.
Containing the whole universe including the sun,
moon, planets, and space and expands out of a
single concentrated point called BINDU, and will
eventually collapse again.
• From the 5th to 3rd century BCE
• Greek Philosopher ANAXAGORAS believed
that universe original state in the cosmos was
a primordial mixture of all ingredients which
existed in infinitesimally fragments of
• Greek Philosophers Leucippus and Democritus
believed in an ATOMIC UNIVERSE composed of
tiny, inseparable, and indestructible atoms.
• Stoic Philosopher of Ancient Greece believed
that the Universe is like a giant living body,
with the sun and the stars as the most
important parts to which all the other parts
are interconnected. What happens in one
place affects what happens elsewhere.
• Sir Isaac Newton published PRINCIPIA
described a static, steady-state infinite
• French Philosopher Rene Descartes outlined a
model of the Universe and stated that vacuum
of space was not empty but rather filled with
matter that swirled around in large and small
• he Big Bang theory describes how the universe
expanded from an initial state of high density
and temperature. It is the prevailing
cosmological model explaining the evolution
of the observable universe from the earliest
known periods through its subsequent large-
scale form.
• In short, the Big Bang hypothesis states
that all of the current and past matter in the
Universe came into existence at the same
time, roughly 13.8 billion years ago. At this
time, all matter was compacted into a very
small ball with infinite density and intense
heat called a Singularity.

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