A.R.D - Lecture 2 42574 2158

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Advance research Design

Dr. Kalimullah Khan Bangash

Chapter 1 & lecture 2

Types of research : Based on purpose
See page numbers 117-125 of Uma Sekeran Book, 4th edition

– Exploratory study
• Is undertaken when no information is available on how similar problems or
research issues have been solved in the past

– Descriptive study

• Is to able to describe the characteristics of the variables of interest in a situation.

– Hypotheses testing/Explanatory (Quantitative)

• Is undertaken to explain the variance in the dependent variable or to predict
organizational outcomes or to see the relationship of variables.
Degree of Problem Definition
Exploratory Research Descriptive Research Hypothesis testing
(Unaware of Problem)(Aware of Problem) (Problem Clearly Defined)

“Our sales are declining and “What kind of people are buying 1-If advertising is increased ,
possible situation

we don’t know why.”our product? Who buys our then sales will also go up.
t competitor’s product?”
2-More men than women are

“Would people be interested whistleblowers.

in our new product idea?” “What features do buyers prefer
in our product?”

Types of Research Based on level
Conceptual vs. Empirical

• Conceptual research is that related to some abstract idea(s) or theory

• It is generally used by philosophers and thinkers to develop new concepts
or to reinterpret existing ones.
• On the other hand, empirical research relies on experience or observation
alone, often without due regard for system and theory.
• It is data-based research, coming up with conclusions which are capable of
being verified by observation or experiment

kalim khan
Types of Research: Based on level
Conceptual(Abstract level) vs. Empirical level

• Abstract level
• concepts
• propositions
• Empirical level
• variables
• hypotheses
Concepts are Abstractions of Reality



Types of research: Based on time horizon
See page numbers 135 of Uma Sekeran Book, 4th edition
A study can be done in which data are gathered just once, perhaps over a period of days or weeks or
months, in order to answer a research question is called one shot or cross sectional studies .

Study Of Information at more than one Period of Time E.G. Change in behavior of employees before
and after management change. It may have different forms as following:
1-Based on intervention : Corona cases before lockdown and after lock down
2-Based on time series : Weekly data collection of corona patients in Afghanistan: same patients
3-Based on panel data : Weekly data collection of corona patients, Malaria patients in
Afghanistan, Pakistan, India etc etc.
The research ‘onion’ Saunders et al, (2009)
See. Page number 106, Mark Saunders Book
Understanding Research and Research

‘Research philosophy is an over-arching term relating to the

development of knowledge and the nature of that knowledge’.

Research philosophy refers to the discussion of ontology and

Epistemology .

Adapted from Saunders et al, (2009)

Research paradigms are characterized by
their distinctive
• Ontology—the branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of reality and
• What is the nature of the knowable? Or what is the nature of reality?”
• Epistemology—the branch of philosophy dealing with knowledge and its
• “What is the relationship between the knower (the inquirer) and the known (or
• Methodology—the identification, study, and justification of research
• “How should the inquirer go about finding out knowledge?”
• Axiology—the branch of philosophy dealing with values and ethics.
• What is the role of values in the inquiry process?
• Rhetoric —the art or science of language and oral and written

• What kind of language and communication should be used in research?

Understanding your research philosophy

Aspects of philosophy

• Positivism - The stance of the natural scientist

• Interpretivism – Researchers as ‘social actors’

• Pragmatism : Viewing knowledge, concepts,

believes in practical use .
kalim khan
Summary of Lecture 1
• Home assignment
Thank You

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