Unit 4

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Unit 4 | Early birds and

night owls
Darling Mesa
Identify “reduced” and “full” time clauses to
discuss everyday activities.

Someone who feels awake and full of
energy in the mornings:

Morning person
A person who usually gets out of bed
early/late in the morning

Late riser
A power napper is someone who
feels better after taking a very short

Power napper
Someone who feels best at night and
goes to bed very late.

Night owl
an exercise routine

people one works with

A person who is often irritable and in a
bad mood

do something without other people

A short but powerful rush of

Class discussion

Full vs reduced time clauses

What are they used

They´re used to specified when did the

action of the verb take place
Reduced time clauses
Reduced time clauses, tend to be more used in everyday speaking.

1. After | At a later time

2. Right after | immediately after
3. While | at a moment during the time that something is happening
4. Before | earlier than the time or event mentioned
Reduced time examples:
Full-time clauses, tend not to be used in everyday speaking.
1. Ever since | Ever since is used when you want to emphasize that something has been true from "from that time to this"
2. Every time | every occasion
3. As soon as | something will happen immediately after something else has happened.
4. Until | Till | up to the time of, or before.
5. Whenever | Every time
6. From the moment | used for emphasizing the exact point in time when something started to happen
7. The last time | the most recent time
8. As | used for saying that something happens at the same time as something else
Full time clauses, examples:
Time to practice!

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State of emotional, physical, and mental
exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged

Burn out
To relax or become less intense.

Calm down
intended to induce or enhance a relaxed mood,
in particular an area in a nightclub where quiet
or ambient music is played.

Chill- out
To fall asleep especially for a short period
of time

Doze off

A few students dozed off during the movie.

To become more lively or cheerful

Perk up
to leave in a hurry.

Races off
Spend the night at a place other than
one's own home.

Sleep over
Go to bed.

Turn in
Younger brother

Kid brother
Busy doing things

on the go
Time to relax

Become less and less

Melt away
When cars are very close to each other and are
usually moving very slowly.

Bumper to bumper
People who go to a particular place
over and over again

Role play
At the end of the class students will be able to:

State reasons and condition when having regular

conversations by using “clauses of reasons”.

Completely asleep | Sleeping
still and silently

be fast asleep |
Sound asleep
Fully awake

Wide awake
To fall asleep

Drift off
Half asleep

Feel drowsy
A sleepless night is one during which
you do not sleep

Have a sleepless
fall asleep, especially briefly or

Nod off
Sleep very well

Sleep like a log

a short sleep taken during the
working day with the intention of
improving the quality of work later in
the day.

Take a power nap

to move about and turn over in bed
because one is unable to sleep

Toss and turn

Time to practice!
Clauses stating reason and
"Now that"
Now that I’m a is used to
manager, I attend explain a
more meetings. new
Introduces a condition that
might or might not occur and
which will not influence the Whether or not
main clause

● She goes jogging every morning whether or not

it’s bad weather.

● She goes jogging every morning whether it’s bad

weather or not.
Introduces a condition that
must be met for the main
clause to be true.

Provided / Providing (that)

● Provided that I get all my schoolwork done, my
weekend will be free.

● Providing that I get a promotion, I’ll stay with

my company a few more years.
Even if
Considering that
As long as
Just in case
Only if
Time to practice
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I realize

It hits me
Feeling powerless and unable
to cope

A dream that terrifies the dreamer

Unable to help oneself

Happening over and over
Class discussion

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