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Conceptual understanding of Inclusive
Societies and Sustainability
 Inclusive society
 Social integration
 Social inclusion
 Social exclusion
 Social cohesion
Inclusive Society

 Over-rides differences of race, gender, class, generation,

and geography.
 Ensures inclusion, equality of opportunity.
 Considers the capability of all members of the society.
 Has an agreed set of social institutions that govern social
interaction. (Helsinki,2008)
Inclusive Society

A socially inclusive society is defined as one where all

 feel valued.
 their differences are respected.
 their basic needs are met so they can live in dignity.
Social Integration

 a dynamic and principled process in which societies

engage in order to further human development.

 represents the attempt not to make people adjust to

society, but rather to ensure that society is accepting of
all people.
Main building blocks of social integration

 inclusion,
 participation, and
 justice*/social justice
 allow meaningful and effective engagement for a common
Social Inclusion
 process of improving the terms for individuals
and groups to take part in society.
 Itaims to empower poor and marginalized
people to take advantage of rising global
 Socialinclusion is central to ending extreme
poverty and fostering shared prosperity.
Aims of Social Inclusion
 ensuresthat people have a voice in decisions
which affect their lives
 they enjoy equal access to markets, services and
political, social and physical spaces.
Social Exclusion
 Is the process in which individuals or groups are excluded
from facilities, benefits and opportunities that others enjoy.

 Dimensions of Exclusion:
 - Political – denial of citizenship rights
 - lack of personal security
 - lack of freedom of expression
 - lack of equality of opportunity
 - Social - Discrimination – gender
 - ethnicity
 - age
Dimensions of Social Exclusion (contd..)

 - Cultural – diverse values

 - norms / ways of living
 - Economic – inequality in access to goods and

 - opportunities
Social Cohesion

 The ‘bonds’ or ‘glue’ that bring people together in

society, particularly in the context of cultural diversity.

 The willingness of members of a society to cooperate with

each other to survive and prosper.

 fights exclusion and creates a sense of belonging,

promotes trust, and offers its members the opportunity of
upward mobility.
 Social engagement/social involvement or one’s degree of
participation in a community or society.
 Involvement and interaction with others.
 Examples: volunteering, making donations, sports, political
activities, recreational activities and social networks.

 Viederman, S. (1993). A sustainable Society: What Is It? How Do We Get

The George Wright Forum. Vol.10 (4). New York.

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