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British Culture

Let's get down to the knitty gritty

01 02
Where does What can you
knitting come create with
from? knitting?
03 04
Step by step Knitting and
knitting tutorial chatting
01 Where does
knitting come
What do you think is the
 knitted item in history?
What do you think is the oldest
 knitted item in history?
Made in Egypt, Child’s sock
with cotton

Made with 7
200-399AD different colours
(from 3 dyes)
So knitting isn't British?!
Probably not!

Likely started in the Introduced to Europe Moving to the UK

Middle East (like Egypt) via Spain

knit from right to left spread by Muslim workers knitted from 12th Century
socks found in Egypt displayed in churches Queen Victoria liked knitting
use silk or cotton spread through Europe used to help sailors and soldiers
Ancient Knitting

Socks from 200-400 AD Socks from 1000 - 1400 AD.

Ancient Egyptian carving found, thought to be the Made using white and indigo
showing someone holding oldest knitted item but cotton. The oldest ‘fancy’
giant knitting needles and actually created using socks known to man!
string! nalbinding (a technique using
only one needle).
Knitting in Spain

A 14th century pillow found in

Knitted gloves worn by a 15th century painting of the the tomb of a prince. The
Spanish bishop in the 16th Madonna (the virgin Mary) Arabic phrase written around
century. knitting a t-shirt. the edges means ‘blessed be
the holder’.
Knitting in the UK
Knitting in the UK

Knitting was so important in the UK that there was

a law created about knitted hats! The Cappers Act
of 1571 said that every person above the age of six
years (except for women, lords and knights) must
wear a knitted hat on Sundays and holidays. The
hat had to be made in England by professional
Cappers. For each day they didn’t wear their hat
they would be fined roughly £ 40 (5 days of
Knitting in the UK
This picture shows a carpet knitted by a men’s knitting
guild. These knitting clubs were popular from the
1200s - 1700s.
Women could not be members of these clubs! The men
that wanted to join had to train for 6 years and take a 13
week exam!
The exam included making a felted cap, a pair of
stockings or gloves, a shirt or waistcoat, and the most
time-consuming item: a knitted carpet, similar to in the
Knitting in the UK

Queen Victoria had a profound effect on knitting in the

UK. During her Reign it became popular for women of
all social status’ to learn knitting.

She even knitted seven scarves herself to award to

soldiers who had worked very hard for the British army
during the Crimean war.
Why was knitting
during the wars Supporting women

Women joined knitting clubs to keep active and find a good
support system of friends in the same situation as them.

During both world wars the British

government published a handout – Make,
Do, and Mend. Supporting soldiers

In this booklet, the government offered lots Patterns for balaclavas, gloves, and hats were issued so both men
of helpful information on saving money, and women could make these for the army and navy and to

show their support.
being thrifty, making use of the heavily
rationed items and supplies, while
contributing to the war effort. Supporting the Homefront
Wool was in very short supply in the second It gave people back at home a sense of purpose and a chance to
world war, so the booklet encouraged people contribute to the war effort of the second world war.
to unpick old woollen items to re-use.
02 What can you create
with knitting?
Commonly knitted by friends, aunties and grandmas for expecting parents.
You can make blankets, cushions, and even pet toys.

Here is a look at some knitted clothes through the ages in the UK!

03 Step by step
knitting tutorial
01 02
Cast on Knit stitch

03 04
Purl stitch Bind off
Cast on
Knit stitch
Purl stitch
Bind off
04 Knitting
What are your hobbies?
Why do you like your hobbies so much?
What hobbies did you used to have, but now do not?
Is it important to have hobbies? Why/why not?
First Dates
How many first dates have you had?
How do you feel about first dates?
What is the best/worst first date experience you’ve ever had?
What makes a good first date in your opinion?
What motivates you to do things?
What is the best motivator to succeed?
What do you do when you feel demotivated?
What is a good way to motivate others?
What/who do you think is beautiful?
What does “inner beauty” mean to you?
How do you feel about the importance of beauty these days?
What would you tell your children about beauty?
What are your current goals in life?
How do you plan to reach your goals?
What goals have you set and achieved in the past?
How do you feel when you reach your goals?
How is your life going up to this point?
What do you think happens after life?
What important life lessons have you learned?
If tomorrow was your last day to live, what would you do?
Thank You
Good luck with your knitting projects!

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