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Dynamic Model of Adjustment Motivation Frustration / Conflict Anxiety / Tension Tension reduction Effects +/-

Dynamic Model of Adjustment Motivation Frustration / Conflict Anxiety / Tension Tension reduction Effects +/-

Motivation=goal directed behavior . . . All behavior is motivated.

Dynamic Model of Adjustment Motivation Frustration / Conflict Anxiety / Tension Tension reduction Effects +/-

Frustration=something that interferes with your motivation (goal directed behavior) Conflict=a decision must be made to attain your goal. Three types: Approach - Approach = both alternatives are +. (chocolate ice cream or cake) Avoidance - Avoidance = both alternatives are -. (Fold the laundry or empty the dish washer.) Likely to result in decision by indecision. Approach - Avoidance = each alternative is +/-,+/-.

Dynamic Model of Adjustment Motivation Frustration / Conflict Anxiety / Tension Tension reduction Effects +/-

A.K.A. stress. Frustration and Conflicts are stressors, anxiety and/or tension is the emotional/physiological experience of stress. On the one hand we have the Fight or Flight Syndrome, and the ability to cope, or behave effectively on the other. Anxiety is not fear, but rather an experience of immobility due to external threat.

Dynamic Model of Adjustment Motivation Frustration / Conflict Anxiety / Tension Tension reduction Effects +/-

Normal / Healthy Adjustments 1. Deal with the frustration/conflict (stressor) that is interfering with our motivation and creating anxiety/tension (stress).

Dynamic Model of Adjustment

Adjustment mechanism

Motivation Frustration / Conflict

Anxiety / Tension

Tension reduction

Effects +/-

Normal / Healthy Adjustments 1. Deal with the frustration/conflict (stressor) that is interfering with our motivation and creating anxiety/tension (stress). 2. Adjustment mechanisms/ego defense mechanisms. Strategies intended to temporarily remove the stress. 3. Reassess the motivation (goal). Testing self-concept against reality (adequacy vs. accuracy).

Dynamic Model of Adjustment Motivation Frustration / Conflict Anxiety / Tension Tension reduction Effects +/-

Normal / Healthy Adjustments 1. Deal with the frustration/conflict (stressor) that is interfering with our motivation and creating anxiety/tension (stress). 2. Adjustment mechanisms/ego defense mechanisms. Strategies intended to temporarily remove the stress. 3. Reassess the motivation (goal).

Dynamic Model of Adjustment Motivation Frustration / Conflict Anxiety / Tension Tension reduction Effects +/-

Neurotic Adjustment
A neurosis is an inflexible adjustment that we employ to reduce stress, but does not deal with the frustration/conflict creating the stress. In fact, a neurosis has a tendency to create is own universe separate from the original stressor, and becomes an additional impediment to our motivation. Typically, the neurosis becomes the problem of our focus, hence avoiding or losing sight of the genesis of our issues. Adjustment mechanisms may become neurotic behaviors when they are employed habitually.

Adjustment Mechanisms: 1. Repression -- selective forgetting. 2. Denial -- rationalization, placing illogical blame 3. Displacement -- taking frustrations out on neutral object. 4. Reaction Formation -- behavior predicated on previous experience. 5. Intellectualization -- escaping anxiety through intellectual language. 6. Identification -- associations with others helps to reduce anxiety. 7. Regression -- reverting to immature behavior. 8. Rationalization -- making excuses for behavior. 9. Sublimation -- antisocial psychic impulses and convert that energy into socially approve activities. Freud believed that sublimination was the foundation of civilization. 10. Projection -- project our own faults onto to others. I just cant stand hypocrites.

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