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Chapter 10

Parameters query in Access


 Describe parameter query

 Using parameter query in Access
What is parameter query?
 There are no variables in SQL. Instead
known as variable, parameters query is
use to pass data to a query.
 You usually write a parameter query for an
end user to run. At runtime, the end user is
asked to provide specific values for all the
 These values are placed into the SQL
statement before it is sent to the DBMS.
What is parameter query?
 In a parameter query, the variables do not
belong to the SQL itself
 They belong to the environment that
people use to submit SQL queries.
 In Access, it is in the GUI layer, before the
SQL query sent to the JET database
engine for processing.
Parameter query in Access
 Access automatically prompts you for the
value of any variable it does not recognize.
 It is turned to prompt for parameter values.
 If you misspell the name of a column, it
prompts you to enter a value for that
Parameter query in Access
Write a procedure in Access that will ask for a student id.
After the user enters the id, the procedure finds the
information about that student in the student table.

from Student
where StudId = [Enter a student id];

Once this query is executed, Access will prompt for user to enter
the student id. The following pop-up window will be appearing in the
Access. The sentence “Enter a student id” will become the
parameter query for this query.
Parameter query in Access

Once a value has been entered, press OK and the result will be shown.
Parameter query in Access
The information for student S007 will be display as the result.

StudID LastName FirstName Gender DateEnrolled GPA GroupLeader CourseID

S007 Tham Tian En F 19-Sep-03 3.89 DCS
Access with two parameters
 When there are two or more parameters
within a query in Access, the same value
is placed in all the parameters with the
same name.
 If you want to put different values in two
parameters, you must give different
 The name of the parameter comes from
the text that it prompts for.
Access with two parameters
Ask the user to enter a beginning date and an ending date.
Then shows all the students that enrolled between those
two dates.

from Student
where DateEnrolled between [date] and [date];

With this code, there will be only one prompt for date. The same value
will be placed into both parameters. The query returns only the rows
for the people hired on that one date.
Access with two parameters
from Student
where DateEnrolled between [low date] and [high date];
From the above query, Access will prompt the user to enter 2 values. The
first prompt required the user to enter a date for “low date” and another
for “high date”.
Access with two parameters

StudID LastName FirstName Gender DateEnrolled GPA GroupLeader CourseID

S001 Bartell Joseph P. M 15-Feb-02 3.21 S005 DCS
S003 Lee Choy Yan F 05-Jan-02 3.82 S016 DIT
S009 Nicosia Anthony L. M 01-Feb-02 3.11 S005 DICT
S014 Williams Jason R. M 12-Dec-02 2.74 S010 DCS
S015 Chan Xi Xi F 12-Dec-02 3.12 S016 DIC
Limitations on parameters in
 Only use a parameter in a query to hold
the place for a specific value, such as
“100”,”Wilson”, or “ Sept 20, 2005”.
 You cannot use a parameter in the place
of a column name or a table name.
 A same parameter only can be use in a
query, not across multiple-query. This is
because the SQL window only allows you
to enter one query at a time.
Ways to create parameter query in
Understand how the value is being pass
to the query

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