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American Revolution

American revolutionary war/ American war of Independence
Patriots(Americans)+French Empire vs. English+Loyalists
Colonial History of
• 1492: Christopher Columbus • Aim for setting up and
reached West Indies developing the territories?
• The new world was colonized
by European powers in the
16th and 17th centuries
• 13 English colonies were
established from 1607 to 1732
Causes of American
Socio-Cultural Causes Political
• Lots of Political and religious dissidents Colonies had self-appointed legislature
• and executive.
had settled in colonies(escaping • Head of government-Governor
persecution in Europe) appointed
• These people were liberal directly by British crown
thinkers: • No representation of colonies in
inspired by Enlightenment Parliament in London.
• Ideas; Liberalism, Natural
• John Locke, Immanuel Kant,
Montesquieu, Benjamin Franklin
Economic Causes
• Development of trade and commerce • 1651: Use of only British ships for trade
between 13 colonies made them inter- transport
dependent-made them think of
• 1660: Sugar, Tobacco, cotton &indigo
themselves as one.
exports only to England
• The liberal ideas of society affected
trade and commerce too
• 1663: All trade to colonies only via
• Various navigation acts were passed by
Britain to serve her mercantilist interest
at the expense of colonies:
Seven Years War (1754-
63) • After the war-
• French threat to colonies were
• Between Britain and France gone
over territories in America • Britain went to heavy debt
• Spread to five continents • They planned to tax the
Colonists because the war
• India; 3 Carnatic War
would benefit them the most
(land, resources, security)
• French were defeated
• Colonists forbidden to settle in
• Treaty of Paris was signed newly acquired land.
The various • Sons of Liberty
• Formed in 1765
unpopular • Org led by Samuel Adams.
• Advocated use of violence, boycott of
• acts
King George III (1760-1820) British goods, trade with Britain

• Sugar Act 1764-Sugar to be exported • Formed committees of correspondence-

only to England for circulation of links

• Quartering Act 1764-pay for English • Declaratory Act 1776: repealed stamp
soldiers stationed in America, provide act. CAVEAT: The British parliament
them lodging if required have all the powers to make laws and
tax the colonies in future!!
• Stamp Act 1765- All legal documents,
newspapers, etc. needed to be • Townshend Act 1767: Taxed essential
stamped(to give duty) goods like tea, paper, glass, lead&paint+
power to British officials to search any
• Affected lawyers, journalists, educated building or vessel
people the most.
The infamous
Boston Masssacre 1770:
five protestors were killed
Tea Act 1773: Lord North,
new PM of Britain Boston Tea Party: groups
by british soldiers; removed all taxes except led by Samuel Adams
publicized heavily TEA. boarded the ships worth
Turned public opinion Protestors refused to let 10000 pounds in water.
against Crown Rule ships laden with tes
into harbours
• First Continental Congress (sept 1774)
• Meeting of Representatives of all 13
• First semblance of
American Government.
• Intolerable Acts 1774:
• Decided to boycott British goods and
• Public meetings in town halls banned increase use of domestically produced
• Boston port closed goods

• Compensation demanded for the • Stop trade with Britain

dumped tea • War Broke out by April 1775
• RESPONSE: militias started getting • Coomon sense pamphlet;
End of
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