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Introduction to Political

Lecture 01
• What do you know about politics?

• Difference between politics and political science

The term `politics, is derived from the Greek word `Polis, which means the city state.
According to Greek Philosophers,
Politics was a subject which dealt with all the activities and affairs of the city state. Their
City States were known as `Polis‟.
City state was an all inclusive term, as the ancient Greeks made no distinction between
the state and the Government on one hand, and State and Society on the other.
They never differentiated between personal life and social life. Hence according to them
Politics was a total study of man, society, state, morality and so on.

Political science focuses on the theory and practice of government and politics at the
local, state, national, and international levels
• The foci of these early ‘institutionalists’, in the spirit of Aristotle, were
the institutions of government and politics in different countries: such
as executives, parliaments, constitutions, and political parties.

• And the questions these first political scientists tried to answer include
things like: is the German system of government better than the British?
Are political parties good or bad for government? What is the best
electoral system for a democracy?

• Many political philosophers have sought to understand and explain how

politics works and think about how societies should be governed
Political Science as a Study of Power :-
Modern Political thinkers defined politics in terms of power, influence,
and authority.
According to these thinkers, Power has acquired prominent position in
political thought.
“Politics is the study of shaping and sharing Political powers”
Robert A. Dahl defined that, “A Political system is any persistent pattern
of human relationship that involves, to a significant extent power, rule
or authority.
• Political Science as a study of Conflict Resolution :-
The purpose of a political activity is either to bring about a change or resist a
change. People compete with each other to satisfy their needs.

When resources are limited and the people who want to utilize them are
many conflicts arise. Politics is a means to resolve this conflict.

According to Peter B. Haris “ The Modern emphasis in the study of Politics is

laid on disagreements and reconciliation or resolution of these disagreement.
Political Science as a Study of Co - relation of many Forces
Political Institution and politics can not function in vacuum

Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences States, “Present day political science

revolves around the problem of the attainment, consolidation and
distribution of political power whether in an actually existing state or a
hypothetical state”

Social and economic forces affect the political process. Hence they also
must be taken into account.
1. The Traditional Approach suggests that Political-Science is the study
of State, Government and National Institutions. It studies the
formal, legal structures and theoretical part.

2. The Modern Approach emphasizes “What is actually happening in

the state”. It stressed on reality and actual facts of politics. Thus it
studies various forces, processes and informal structures making it
Nature of Political Science

Is it a science?
1) It is a social science
2) Experiments possible
3) Broad conclusion possible
4) Empirical studies Application of political theory and philosophy

• Politics is only the part of the study of political science

scope of Political Science
1] Political Science is the study of Political theories :-

Over the centuries, Political scientists have concerned themselves with

formulating political theories and political ideas.
e.g., Plato explained theory of Ideal State, Theory of justice, Hobbes,
Locke, Rousseau explained theory of origin of state. These theories
enable us to organize their observations and offer a foundation on
which future observations and analysis can be based.
2] Political Institutions :-
Study of Political Science includes the study of various constitutions,
various systems of government their merits, demits etc.

e.g. Whether it is parliamentary, presidential, dictatorial, democratic,

coalition form of government. Such a study helps us to reform out
political institutions in order to realize our goals
3] Political Parties and Pressure Groups :-
• It studies the various systems of political parties, their role and
• Pressure groups and interest groups are becoming more important.
Political science studies their role, methods etc. in a given political
system. This makes the study of Political - Science more realistic.
• Opposition political parties, pressure groups Non-Governmental
organizations (NGOS) do not directly form the government. They
indirectly influence governmental policies and decisions.
4] International Relations :-

It includes the study of international organization, and polices. States

do not live in isolation.
Domestic Policy and foreign Policy are interrelated. Hence the study of
international relations becomes significant more in the times of
5] Political Science is the study of the relationship between government and civil
society :-
The state is comprised of two entities : government and civil society. Both entities
influence governance in different ways.
Civil society includes citizens, Nongovernmental Organization (NGOS), pressure
groups, opposition Political parties.

Civil society influence governance indirectly, by influencing the government and

convincing it to adopt certain policies. Whereas the government possesses the
power and authority to influence governance directly.

Hence the relationship between government and civil society is an important

determinant of governance in the state. Political Science Studies this relationship in
order to better understand the nature of the state and the efficacy of governance.
• Political Processes :- Political Science is normative as well as empirical:

• Normative approach of Political Science studies norms, ideals, morals,

principles, philosophy of Political Science e.g. What should be the
nature of the state etc.

• Empirical approach of political Science observes and analyses political

activities and institutions as they are in a scientific way
• Master Science’ :- Aristotle called political science the `Master
• Politics determines the environment within which every person will
organize his life. No one can claim that he has nothing to do with
• No one can escape from the parameters set by politics. The ancient
Greeks never made any distinction between man‟s personal life and
political life. According to them Politics is the total study of man,
Society, State, Morality etc.
What is a State?

• A State is an independent, sovereign government exercising control over a certain

spatially defined and bounded area, whose borders are usually clearly defined
and internationally recognized by other states.

• States are tied to territory

• Sovereign or state as absolute ruler over territory
• Have clear borders
• Defends and controls its territory within those borders
• Is recognized by other countries (diplomatic recognition, passports, treaties, etc.)
• States have bureaucracies staffed by state’s own personnel
• Has a national bureaucracy staffed by government personnel (legal system, educational
system, hierarchical governmental units, etc.)
• States monopolize certain functions within its territory (sovereign)
• Controls legitimate use of force within its territory
• Controls money at national scale (prints currency; collects taxes)
• Makes rules within its territory (law, regulations, taxes, citizenship, etc.)
• Controls much information within its territory
• States try to form nations within their borders (through symbols, education,
‘national interest,’ etc.).
So, what is a Nation?
A nation is a group of people who see themselves as a cohesive and coherent unit
based on shared cultural or historical criteria.

• Nations are socially constructed units, not given by nature.

• Their existence, definition, and members can change dramatically based on


• Nations in some ways can be thought of as “imagined communities” that are

bound together by notions of unity that can pivot around religion, ethnic identity,
language, cultural practice and so forth.
• The concept and practice of a nation work to establish who belongs
and who does not (insider vs. outsider).
• Such conceptions often ignore political boundaries such that a single
nation may “spill over” into multiple states..
And what about a Nation-State?
• A Nation-State is the idea of a homogenous nation governed by its
own sovereign state—where each state contains one nation. This idea
is almost never achieved.

• The state is the most universal and most powerful of all social institutions. The state
is a natural institution

• The modern term 'state' is derived from the word 'status'. It was Niccolo Machiavelli
( 1469 - 1527) who first used the term 'state' in his writings.

• The state is the highest form of human association. It is necessary because it comes
into existence out of the basic needs of life. It continues to remain for the sake of
good life.
Following are the elements of the state :-

Physical bases of the State

2. Territory 

Political bases of the State

Population :
It is the people who make the state. Population is essential for the state. Greek thinkers were of
the view that the population should neither be too big nor too small.

According to Aristotle, the number should be neither too large nor too small. It should be large
enough to be self - sufficing and small enough to be well governed


There can be no state without a fixed territory. People need territory to live and organize
themselves socially and politically. It may be remembered that the territory of the state includes
land, water and air - space.
Government :
• There can be no state without government.

• Government is the working agency of the state. It is the political organization of the state.

• The agency through which the will of the State is formulated, expressed and realized.

• In order to make and enforce laws the state must have supreme authority. This is called
the government.
Sovereignty :
The word 'sovereignty' means supreme and final legal authority above and beyond which no
legal power exists.

Sovereignty has two aspects :

1)    Internal sovereignty
2)    External sovereignty

 Internal sovereignty means that the State is supreme over all its citizens, and associations.

External sovereignty means that the state is independent and free from foreign or outside
State VS Government

Government is often used with the 'state' as synonym.

But both the government and the state are two different entities.                                       
1.       State consists of population, territory, government and sovereignty.
2.       State possesses original powers.
3.       State is permanent and continues forever. 
4.       State is abstract and invisible. 
1. Government is part of the state.
2. Powers of the government are derived from the state.
3. Government is temporary. It may come and go.
4. Government is concrete and is visible.

 State functions through the executive, the namely the government
It is the duty of the executive or enforce the laws passed by the legislature.
Powers and functions of executive are :
1.     Enforcing law 2.     Maintaining peace and order.
3.     Repelling aggression. 4.      Building friendly relations with other states
5.     When necessary to wage war to protect the country. 6.      Making appointments to higher posts.
7.     Raising money and spending them 8.      Convening the sessions of the legislature and conducting business.

9.     Issues ordinances whenever the legislature is to in session.

10.    Implement schemes and projects to improve he social and economic conditions of the people.

11.       Power to grant pardon, reprieve or remission of punishment.


 The legislature is the law making branch.

 The legislature has an important role in the amendment of the constitution.

 The legislature is a deliberative body where matters of social, economic and political concerns are discussed,
debated and decided.
The British parliament is said to be 'the mother of parliaments'. It is the oldest legislature in the world.
The functions of legislature are
a)                 Enact laws
b)                Oversee administration
c)                 Pass the budget
d)                Hear public grievances.
• Judiciary is one of the pillars of democracy. Its interpretation ensures justice, equality
and liberty to all its citizens.

• An independent and impartial judiciary is an essential feature of a democratic setup.

Functions of Judiciary:
1. Administration of justice. 

2. To determine what is law and what is the cope and meaning of it. 

3.To give advisory opinion on matters referred to it.


• Analyse the role of politics in Pakistan


• Which elements makes a country a powerful sate?

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